Evil Margery And The Seven Dwarfs 1 Evil Margery

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After Snow White wakes up , the Prince declares his love and takes Snow White to his Kingdom of Arrendle . The kingdom rejoices on the news of the marriage of the Prince . While Margery , the sister of Snow White' s stepmother , comes to know about the death of her sister , the Queen Grimhilde .

The thought of revenge comes to her mind and she decides to shatter the beautiful life of Snow White . She goes to her sister' s palace to fetch the spell book . She also asks the magic mirror " Where is the lady whose lips are red as rose , whose hair is black as Ebony and skin white as snow ? ". " She is in the Kingdom of Arrendle , Your Majesty " says the magic mirror . " Arrendle ??? Why is she in Arrendle ???" asks Margery . "Let me see " says the magic mirror and closes its eyes . The mirror opens its eyes and says " She is getting married to the Prince of Arrendle , Florian ".

Margery searches for spells in the spell book . She finds a spell in which the person who eats it immediately dies . She plans to give the spelled dish to Prince Florian so that she could easily avenge Snow White .

Margery plans to go to Arrendle . She reaches Arrendle . The Cooks in the Palace are on the look out for brilliant cooks as the wedding of Prince Florian and Snow White is going to be grand as it is a royal wedding . Margery disguises herself as a cook as it is an excellent opportunity for her to make the Prince eat her magical recipe .

The Gate keepers allow Margery in after knowing that she is a cook who came to cook for the Royal wedding . The very next moment , the seven dwarfs , who are invited for the Royal wedding come to the Palace . One of the seven , Doc sees Margery in the kitchen introducing herself for the rest of the cooks and he recognises her . He tells the other group of members about what he had seen . Grumpy asks " Do you mean the sister of the wicked witch ??? ". " Yes !!! " says Doc . " "She might have come to take revenge on Snow White !!! ", says Bashful. " Does Snow White know of Margery ??? " asks Grumpy . Doc answers by saying "Definitely not , because Margery was introducing herself as one of the cooks who has come to cook for the Royal wedding ".

" Lets make Snow White aware of the situation ", says sleepy and yawns . When the seven dwarfs talk , Margery overheards the conversation . She decides to lock them up in a room . She locks them up . There is no way they can communicate with Snow White .

The next day is the Royal wedding . Margery stays at the Palace and in the midnight , she comes to the kitchen to cook the magic recipe . She adds the magic spice to the recipe which has a powerful ability to take away the breath from the one who eats

it . She also adds the magic spice of amplification , which makes the spell ten times powerful than the regular magic recipe .

Due to the spice of amplification , so much smoke and scent are emitted . The smoke and scent spreads all over the Palace . Snow White wakes up and then she suspects something wrong and decides to go to the kitchen , as the smoke is coming from the kitchen . When she was almost there , soldiers come to see what was wrong . Margery escapes without being seen in the smoke . Snow White then sees Margery coming from the kitchen . After the smoke has gone out of the Palace , Snow White goes to the kitchen , where she sees the spell book of Margery . She comes to know that Margery had come there to take revenge on her . She then discovers some sounds coming from a room . She unlocks the room and finds the Seven Dwarfs .

" Grumpy , Bashful , Doc and everyone why are you here ??? Who locked you up ??? " asks Snow White . Bashful answers by saying " Margery , the wicked sister of the wicked queen , locked all of us in here . We all think that she is plotting a plan against you ". " I know . I saw her coming from the kitchen . She was cooking a magic recipe . I came to know about this after I read the recipe in this book . There is a lot of smoke and scent when she was cooking . I think she added a powerful ingredient . This recipe kills the person who eats it . I think she plots to kill me "says Snow White .

" Maybe it's not you , it's the Prince , Florian , so that you will be depressed . She wanted to ruin your future " says Doc . " We need to stop her . We need to make sure that the Prince doesn't eat the recipe " says Grumpy .

On the Day of Wedding , Snow White gets dressed up for the ceremony . The Prince and Snow White get married and all the people in the kingdom rejoice their wedding . When its time for the Royal lunch , the Seven Dwarfs plan to theive away the spelled dish . But in vain because , there are so many varieties of dishes that they could not identify the actual one . They finally found it as it was being taken to the Prince .
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The Prince was served. At that moment , Margery hid behind the curtains eager to see the commotion that would take place if the prince fell unconscious . When he was about to eat Dopey , the smallest of the dwarfs , runs to the Prince and knocks over it . Everyone around gets astound and starts rebuking Dopey . At the very next moment , the Royal dog eats the food that lay on the ground and immediately dies . The dwarfs then point out to Margery as the convict . The soldiers then charge towards Margery to imprison her . Everyone then appreciate Dopey for his risky move. Snow White , The Prince and The Seven Dwarfs live happily ever after .

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