The Aria Chronicles 17 Songstress

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The pa.s.senger s.h.i.+p I am going to board is 4x pa.s.senger Airs.h.i.+p, It is about 200 meters long. It is a majestic airs.h.i.+p equipped with all the things that needed for long intercontinental travel.

This Airs.h.i.+p from a famous intercontinental Airs.h.i.+p Travel company called Lyre travels, though it is a pa.s.senger s.h.i.+p it still has about forty big cannons attached to it.

"Welcome to Songstress." said the stewardess as she called the concierge to take my bangs to my suit.

This airs.h.i.+p is really beautiful, the exquisite furnis.h.i.+ng, the beautiful chandelier made of Luminous stones and wonderful painting and other arts. This Airs.h.i.+p feels like the epitome of cla.s.s, it had everything that requires by the pa.s.sengers.

It is just like a cruise s.h.i.+p just more elegant and not as crowded as them.

Soon I reached my cabin suite and concierge placed in my cabin suit, after getting his tip he left.

Despite being a VIP suit, it is still a little small but it is still big enough that I could practice and do yoga without being constrained by s.p.a.ce.

It is a very beautiful suit and has everything one needs, the best thing about it is the giant window of a one-meter square from which I will be able to enjoy the beautiful view.


Time pa.s.sed by and the announcement of the departure is made, sometime later the airs.h.i.+p started to lif in the air and as it reached above sufficient height, its booster produced thrust and it started to fly through the air swiftly.

This thing is gigantic but its speed is more than the corvette I flew in.

Though the airs.h.i.+p is fast, I can still see the beautiful view of the city below me but the only regret is that I was only able to enjoy the scenery for a minute before the airs.h.i.+p flies past the city.

It will take the airs.h.i.+p thirty-five to forty days to reach the Mirage continent.

I started watching the beautiful blue sea through the windows and sometimes if I am lucky, I would even catch the sight of the beasts flying by Airs.h.i.+p.

Most of the beast above Level 3 are intelligent enough that they don't dare to attack the Airs.h.i.+ps. Only those beasts who were too confident of their power or those who are muddleheaded would attack the airs.h.i.+p, especially the intercontinental Airs.h.i.+ps which are equipped with dangerous cannons that are even threat of demiG.o.d if hit directly.

I watched the scenery from the window for more than an hour before I went to bed and sat cross-legged on it. One didn't have sat cross-legged to practice, one can practice in any position they feel comfortable in and I feel most comfortable in sitting cross-legged.

I have about forty days time to myself if I practice sixteen hours a day, I am confident that I will be able to finish 2nd refinement in weeks time and start 3rd refinement.

I started to practice and practiced till the night and only stopped when I started to feel hungry. I called the room service and ordered dinner for myself.

After finis.h.i.+ng dinner, I left toward the deck. Mother had advised me to stay at my suit saying though my get-up is near perfect for those within Level 3 there are many people with mystical abilities or have special artifacts that could see through the veil.

It would be very bad for me if someone with a nefarious mind able to see my appearance but being cooped up in my suit is not good either, something needs to be done to keep the mind and fresh and calm.

I have heard that the deck of such Giant Airs.h.i.+p is the most attractive spot as it has the best view.

I have to say the deck of the airs.h.i.+p did not disappoint me, there are large windows of gla.s.s through it one can scenery of outside very clearly.

Like me, there are many people gazing at the beautiful sky through the deck but despite many people, it did not feel crowded.

With so many people around me, I started to get various responses about their battle and l.u.s.t they are feeling, this sensory overload quite overwhelmed me but I soon calmed myself and let that feeling wash over me.

This is a pa.s.sive ability that I have no way to stop at will with my current ability. So the best thing to do would be to process is to learn to endure and process them, so they don't overwhelm me.

This is a tip given to me by father and it's effective, it was a good thing that my sensory ability had an only range five meter's but my father said that rage will keep increasing with my every level up, so I should learn to endure and control these senses quickly as possible.

There is no better time than this, I thought and I walked into the most crowded place, the quicker I learn to control and endure is better and there is no better than today to that.

First, it was quite painful, like standing next to tens of extra loud speaker's but as the time pa.s.sed I got used to and even able to process the information that this ability is giving me.

I am amazed! I am amazed by how many people have thoughts about s.e.x, I've known men think about s.e.x very much but never would I have imagined they think about this much.

Women are not behind them much, they also think about very much especially in the serene environment like this.

Every one in three having l.u.s.tful thoughts for someone and one or two were even directed at me which is not really surprising.

Though I may be wearing clothes that cloak my beauty and charm, it can not cloak the natural grace I exclude with every movement I make which I make.

The deck is really beautiful, it is fully covered in gla.s.s that one can enjoy an unimpeded view of the outside.

I could see the beautiful night sky above and also clouds that we are pa.s.sing by, it is a really wonderful place to spend one's night.


Suddenly a loud cry sounded and soon after we saw about a thirty-something meter bird that completely cloaked in blue fire flying near the airs.h.i.+p. That bird looked very majestic and blue fire covering it made it seem extremely regal and dangerous.

If I had not guessed wrong then this Majestic bird just flew by is pure-blooded s.p.a.ce beast Fire-Bird. That bird had an earthshaking aura and would at Mid or High stage of level 5 and this firebird is quite young as Mature Firebird reaches at least DemiG.o.d I Level (Prince Level).

I did not expect to see s.p.a.ce beast soon, a pure-blooded at that, well I should be not much surprised as the sea is the dominion of beast, they had absolute freedom over it.

I stayed on the deck for some time before returning to my cabin suit and practiced till late midnight.

When I woke up the next morning, I started doing yoga in the limited s.p.a.ce of my cabin suit.

Time pa.s.sed by, every day I would practice my energy refinement for fifteen to sixteen hours, with this crazy amount of practice I got better results than I expected and in just six days I finished refining 40% of the energy that was left thus completing the 2nd Sequence of Refinement.

Not only my blood energy refinement made an improvement but my telekinesis also made quite an improvement as now I can move the objects with much accuracy.

Only my Soul energy refinement didn't make progress, except for small dots of white on the tower floor, the whole tower is completely translucent.

After finis.h.i.+ng 2nd refinement, I found it is evening and decided to walk toward the Deck as I do regularly to enjoy the beautiful view.

The Deck at evening time lively as usual but it did not feel crowded, many people could be seen mingling in the groups while some were alone.

Many people tried to make conversation with me the first few days when I came here but seeing I do not have the interest, the approach had become minimum but there are still others who tried to approach me but getting my silent treatment they left, some even called me arrogant, mute and some other unpleasant names.

Since the first day, I saw many beasts from the window of my suite and deck, some beasts were as small as five meters and big as a hundred meters that exclude frightening DemiG.o.d's aura but I have never seen as beautiful and Elegant Beast as the Fire-Bird.

It feels really peaceful to watch the sun go down as three silvery moons started to rise with their silvery brilliance.
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Broom Broom….

I was admiring the three moon's in their full glory when suddenly airs.h.i.+p started I heard the sound of the thruster's and speed of the airs.h.i.+p more than doubled, I had nearly fallen off my place with the sudden increse of the speed, I nearly lost my balance.

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The Aria Chronicles 17 Songstress summary

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