Grand Magus 1 Transmigration

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What happened? ____ couldn't believe what happened. Is this some form of joke? ____ was just trying to start one novel and now ____ got somehow in one wooden box? ____ looked around, there was n.o.body around ____. Only the sound of gnas.h.i.+ng could be heard as the wooden box moved in an unknown direction.

Suddenly some memorys started to appear in ____ head. There was one conversation of a medieval father talking to one of his sons. Appearently he, along with his big brother got the necessary talent to be become a Magus.

A fearsome existence in the world. Wors.h.i.+pped and feared by even the biggest Empires. Emperors would even choose to kneel in front of one without hesitation.

Now what is the reason ____ is in a wooden box? Well, ____ doesn't know the reason as well. The truth is ____ only started a webnovel which he wanted to read and then somehow ____ woke up in this wooden box. Or how the n.o.bles son memory would describe a lower quality carriage.

____ looked through the memorys of the n.o.bles son. His name is Fraser Rosethorn, son of a duke in an Empire. Normally n.o.bles had connections to a few Magus Organizations. Yet somehow Fraser had been chosen to go to a different Organization.

'So from this day on I will be called Fraser Rosethorn?' thought ____.

____ naturally had longing to his previous life, but now he could have the adventure of his life. There was only one problem: ____ was afraid of this world.

As this time there would be no safety measures, n.o.body protecting him. Even his so called family casually chose another organization for him instead of the organization his big brother joined.

How ____ can make such a statement? It's obvious, as the memorys of Fraser depicted his big brother as somebody who achieved the state of grand knight. Thus he was favored as the successor until the testing resulting in him being talented as a magus.

Naturally that meant that Frasers big brother got recruited by one of the Magus organizations.

So while the brother of Fraser got tested the entire generation of test naturally also got tested. And surprisingly Fraser also got the necessary talent.

Now without any explanation the father put Fraser in one carriage and said: "Fraser you will go to a school. Study hard and then we will take you back as soon as you finish the school."

That was the fishy part ____ thought of. I mean Fraser wasn't that smart with an age of 12, but he was taught a few lessons of reading, writing and fighting. But as there were little to no result in fighting the family kinda gave him up.

"Fraser, are you awake? New people are joining us soon."

One boy the age of Fraser opened the wooden carriage door and looked at Fraser.

Fraser stepped outside of his carriage and realized that his carriage in fact was no simple carriage. It was part of a long wooden train where each wagon would be one carriage.

"How do you dare to command me to share my carriage with these filthy peasants?"

Fraser looked towards the source of the voice only to find one blond haired boy shouting at what seemed to be other boys.

"Georg, you father is only a lowly knight, so you have to share you carriage with the newcomers." Replied one of the boys cooly while looking at Georg with disdain.

Fraser frowned, if this goes on then people will be angry at the people who hog entire carriages for themselves. Yet if he gives his carriage away then it will be seen as an act of weakness and then he will get bullied or worse: stepped upon.

That's what normally would happen in one of those Magus Novels.

Yet where is my power up … ?

[AI Chip activated. Congratulations, your transfer has taken a little bit of essence of your previous world with you. My Abilitys is Store and a.n.a.lyze]

'Then scan the surrounding people and give me their Status Numbers.' commanded Fraser happily.

[AI has hereby taken your previous world into account, from your memorys it has been chosen that 1 point in strength equals to 500kg in weight power. 1 point in speed represents 100 meters within 10 seconds.]

[Fraser Rosethorns]

[Strength: 0.2 Speed: 0.3]

A Model of himself appeared in the brain of Fraser as he frowned. How come there was no Models of other people?

[AI is not able to a.n.a.lyze people who are not the host]

'AI change my current Numbers into 1 and then search Frasers memory for methods on how to make me stronger. Priority number one is that I am able to do that right now and second it has to be efficient in time.'

'Now there certainly has to be many methods in Frasers memory, after all his father is a duke from an Empire.' thought Fraser as he stepped back into his carriage.

Fraser wanted to step out and look at the surrounding since the train of wooden carriages stopped for the newcomers. But the new discovered AI Chip changed it.

[AI Chip has discovered two ways in Frasers memory on how to get stronger]

'Only two Methods? List them up.'

Fraser frowned, only two methods? Isn't that a little bit underwhelming?

[First Method: Slowly train up your body to get muscles or train in a weapon of your Choice]

'Is that a joke? AI give me the second method.'

[Second Method is the Basic Knight Breathing Technique of the Rosethorn Family, it is one of high quality with little to no side effects]

'A knight is a warrior with enhanced Body if I can remember the novels, but just to be sure: AI, reawaken the memory of Fraser in which Knights are explained'

____ watched every single memory of Fraser, however it appeared like a movie in which the speed varied. Some parts were so fast that they were gone in the blink of an eye, some parts felt so slow like they would never stop at all and others felt normal.

Fraser appeared in his younger body as he watched one of his uncle looking at him and the other children in his family.

"The Knights are the most important a.s.set of a n.o.ble. They are the pride as well as the foundation for every empire as well n.o.ble. For example our Rosethorn family easily has more than 10 thousand Knight apprentices, yet only a few thousands become knights. Of course only a few dozens of those knights become grand knights so it is no wonder that knights are the bread and b.u.t.ter of every single army. Whether it is the private army of the n.o.bles or the official imperial army it is the same…." the uncle continued to explain how important the knights are for a n.o.ble and how many of those knights serve the Rosethorn family.

As ____ finished the memory ____ almost felt like crying. Fraser fell asleep! How could ____ get the necessary information when there was no memory of it?

'AI is the basic Knight Breathing Knight technique complete?'

[Affirmative, does Host wish to view the memory?]


Fraser disappeared into his memorys yet again.

"Breath in this rhythm while you hold this position. Never show it to anyone else. You will feel a burning and want to get more air, but continue this for as long as you can. However never do more than a few repet.i.tion everyday as doing more repet.i.tion will only damage your body. So try to hold on as long as you can." another uncle explained how to do the positions as well explained the breathing rhythm to another young Fraser with his siblings and cousins.

Funny thing was the fact that Fraser didn't even tried to do the technique correctly, instead he only did the positions in order to please the uncle.

As ____ woke up from the memorys there were no sunrays s.h.i.+ning through the wooden carriage gaps anymore. Darkness surrounded ____ as ____ decided to sleep while listening to the sound of wooden wheels grinding against the ground.

[____ elimininated]

[Fraser elimininated]

[Fusion of both Ent.i.tiy]

[Temporary Access deleted]

[Full Access granted]

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Grand Magus 1 Transmigration summary

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