Grand Magus 21 Simulation

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In front of him floated a black rope. Though it couldn't be described as a rope as the thickness of the rope could be compared to a small trees log.

As Fraser still meditated the black rope just floated in front of him.

With a hand gesture Fraser moved the black rope and thus a strange scene can be seen in Frasers chamber. Fraser wide a wide grin moving his hand and a black rope following the hand.

As Fraser stopped playing around with the black rope he a.n.a.lyzed it. The length was around 5 meters. Also, he tried to let the dark rope do circling motions with no success. Instead, all he got was a floating dark rope which more looked like a floating dark log.

Since Fraser didn't want to destroy anything from his chamber, he couldn't test the destructibility from the dark rope which looked like a dark log.

So Fraser deactivated his spirit input towards the spell mode of the dark rope. Immediately the dark log vanished into nothing.

'What does the dark rope consist off? Spirit? Some weird energy? Ether? Mana or those element particles? AI, show me my attributes and also highlight the amount of spirit I used to cast the dark rope.'

[6.58 strength, 6.74 agility, 6.55 vitality, 0.67/2.91 spirit, the amount of spirit used to initiate the spell model dark rope was 0.5. The spirit needed to maintain the spell model dark rope is only a single percentage of the initiation cost. The percentage will be drained within each second]

'Since I only focused on building the spell model I neglected my Knight Training. Besides, how does the spell model even work. It is fascinating that I only need to use a little bit of my spirit to create solid dark matter which I can control. Well, I will be able to control it as the dark rope is just a dark log at the moment.'

Fraser sat on his bed for awhile, thinking about how the runes resulted in the spell model.

'I just created the runes and put them together, are they something like a processing machine for spirit? Maybe the runes are parts for something and spirit is the energy. Then that means I could actually build my own spell models if I know every rune out there. The only problem is there are probably more than 5400 runes out there. After all, each rune was unique. At least from the dark rope spell model.'

Just as Fraser stopped his thoughts and wanted to continue with meditation a crazy idea appeared in his mind.

'What about a simulation? There was an AI which after millions or billions of simulations was able to create a perfect model which fulfilled his task almost perfectly. AI, simulate the spell model dark rope with a different linking order or a different linking pattern.'

[Simulation created, one, two, three, four, …. ten, twenty,…]

Fraser watched as the AI tried to use different linking patterns with the runes.

'I can't create a spell model out of nothing, besides I only know the runes of dark rope so the best thing I can do is to try whether there is a spell model with the same runes but a different linking pattern. I may even discover a dark rope with better attributes.'

Just as Fraser celebrated his genius idea inwardly he felt dizzy.

'AI, why am I so dizzy?'

[Spirit exhaustion, 0.03/2.91 spirit]

'Do the simulations consume spirit as well? AI, continue to the simulation but stop as soon as my spirit falls under 0.1 spirit.'

With this last command Fraser closed his eyes and within a few moments, he fell asleep.

As Fraser woke up he opened his eyes wearily.

'How come I feel so tired? AI, what are the results?'

[Simulated more than 15 thousand different linking patterns, no results found]

'How come there are so many simulations? Did the spirit usage decrease? Or is there another reason why the simulations don't take that much spirit?'

[Affirmative, spirit usage to simulate the behavior of two runes from now decreased by 78% compared to the first simulation. Another reason is the fact that each simulation ends quickly as linking two runes may result in the destruction of both]

'Continue the simulation, but increase the threshold from 0.1 spirit to 0.5 spirit.'

After Fraser raised the threshold from 0.1 to 0.5 he felt a lot better, especially the tiredness he had fell away.

After discovering the simulation Fraser stopped his hermit lifestyle and instead decided to exchange his wealth to knowledge.

As if trying to turn the desert into an ocean with a single drop of water the wealth Fraser acquired from his basic explosion potions evaporated.

He spent all of his rest magi crystals on lessons. Naturally no ordinary lesson, lessons held by a Magus.

Of course, it was really expensive as each partic.i.p.ant had to pay a considerable amount of fee which consisted of 10 magic crystals per lesson. However, the amount of knowledge acquired was equal if not more worth than the fee.

As Fraser had a lot of questions regarding the spirit as well as the spell models he primarily visited the advanced lessons for those topics. Thus solving a lot of unanswered questions he had.

But he didn't only visited topic which interested him, he even went to a couple of Alchemy Lessons which his mentor Magus Sept held. As Magus Sept was his mentor, he even received an advantage. He only needed to pay 5 magic crystals instead of the usual 10.

Most of these Alchemy lessons were about extracting, fusion and handling of the materials.

It was just learning a solid foundation for Alchemy.

Though the questions answered from the spell model lessons and the spirit lesson were way more interesting.

Apparently, each spell model had a certain amount of runes where you could change the shape, linking pattern and rune size in order to alter the basic spell. The surprising thing was that even if you changed everything if you used the same runes you would always end up casting the spell.

Though the shape, linking pattern and rune size had to be stable in order to determine it as a modified spell model.

However not every modification was an increase in power. Some actually decreased the power for the speed, others decreased the spirit cost but also the power, others increased the spirit cost as well as the size, power, and speed.

The Magus demonstrated one of his modified spells, a fireball and it was huge. The power was overwhelming, the heat was high and the explosion power was awesome.

These modified spells which had an overall upgrade in power, speed and cost were trued modified spells as they could be infused with many things.

There were still a lot of unanswered questions in the spirit side as the Magus just demonstrated on how to control a spirit properly and even showed on how to extract the soul of a living being. The Magus used an animal as the test object.

As Fraser attended his expensive lessons and mediated every day something happened to his spirit as well as his AI. A change occurred.

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Grand Magus 21 Simulation summary

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