Grand Magus 23 Overall Improvemen

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This caused Fraser to think of more uses for the AI.

In the beginning when Fraser received the AI he began to speculate on how powerful he would get, but reality limited the usability of the AI and thus only the showing of body attributes which allowed Fraser to look at his improvement and the data sorting which allowed him to have something along the lines of a photographic memory allowed the AI to be somewhat useful.

However, now the AI could simulate the linking of differently sized runes, rune patterns and spell shapes without consuming a small part of the max amount of spirit. This turned the AI into one of the most useful perks to Fraser.

Also since Fraser now somehow was able to push his spirit outside of his body, Fraser related the spirit room to his body, the AI could scan and a.n.a.lyze things from distance.

It naturally needed more practice as Fraser wasn't sure if his spirit is invisible to other people, especially to the other Apprentices or rank Magus. Also, Fraser felt a rather big chunk of his spirit vanis.h.i.+ng after the spirit returned from a.n.a.lyzing the basic explosion potion.

However, Fraser attributed that to lacking spirit control as he wasn't used to controlling such a huge part of his spirit adding to the fact that he controlled his spirit outside of his body for the first time.

'Did I reach Apprentice Level 2 or is this new sensation something exclusive for me? It would be good if I reached Apprentice Level 2, but if this is exclusive to me then why did it happen to me?'

Fraser knew that being special not always resulted in the best possible treatment from others. After all, just look at his experience for having under average talent in the Rosethorn family.

He got shunned by his half-siblings who barely achieved any knight training and got ridiculed for his weak body.

Why under average talent equals to being special? Because the one being special wasn't him, instead it was his mother who treated a really talented boy better than her own son.

Naturally, he wasn't the only one having under average talent and his mother wasn't the only one sucking up to the talented boy and his mother.

But the special of his mother was that she devoted almost her entire time to the talented boy and only put up a good face with Fraser if she was in front of the duke.

With the duke being busy and having a lot of wives and concubines, it was no wonder that Fraser got neglected and had the weakest boy of all the children. After all, there was n.o.body to push him and as the Dukes' son he could fool around however he liked it as long as nothing serious happened in the dukedom.

Only when Fraser had the talent of becoming a Magus, Fraser realized that it only meant talent for being an Apprentice, did his mother give him a short period span of attention.

While Fraser decided to ask Elise, Adrian or Nicholas about his special state.

Obviously not directly in order to not give his potential secret away. Instead with a question thrown at the right moment without giving them any suspicion if it was a special state or something.

Thus after a short session of meditation Fraser walked towards the inner chamber of Magus Sept.

His shriveled skin was still shriveled, though Fraser could see with a small spirit check that it was dead skin and new, rosy skin was already under it.

As soon as Fraser arrived he could see Nicholas, Elise, and Adrian talking.

Though there was something different than usual. As the three didn't talk to each other, instead they talked to a blond girl who had dark blue eyes and looked immature.

When Fraser arrived at the inner chamber the blond girl turned her head towards Fraser before asking: "Who is that?"

"Oh, that is Fraser, also one of Mentor Sept inner students. He arrived at the Howling Abyss Academy one term earlier than you, meaning three months." answered Elise.

"Oh, and why does his skin looks so shriveled? Is he perhaps an old herbalist which Mentor Sept recruited in order for his Alchemy experiments?" continued to ask the blond girl while noticing Frasers shriveled skin.

"He probably reached Apprentice Level 2 which allowed his spirit to reach out of his body and this is the reaction from his body. After all Mentor Sept recruited him for his talent in Alchemy and not in his talent grade." replied Adrian smoothly as soon as the blond girl asked the question.

This reply from Adrian quickly answered the question from Fraser whether the spirit outside of his body was a special thing. Instead, it just signaled that one was at Apprentice Level 2.

Though the reaction of his body still wondered Fraser, did everyone had a similar reaction?

"Then who is more talented in Alchemy, that Fraser or you Nicholas? Besides he has to be really low in his talent grade if he only reaches Apprentice Level 2 after three months. Besides does that reaction happen to everyone? How come I didn't experienced it?" said the blond girl before smirking at Fraser.

As soon as the question fell every eye in the inner chamber was on Nicholas.

Even Fraser looked at Nicholas, awaiting his predicted answer. He already knew what happened as Elise, Adrian and Nicholas stood around the blond girl the same way his half-siblings would surround the talented family members.

"Naturally I am more talented in Alchemy, I only needed a single day in order to brew a potion, Fraser took way longer. More than a month." said Nicholas with a smile towards the blond girl.

"The reaction from reaching Apprentice Level 2 only affects grade 3 talents or lower. Grade 4 talents or higher won't have that reaction." said Elise towards the blond girl.

As if trying to support Elise Adrian quickly threw a comparison to Fraser:

"Yeah, I am a grade 4 talent so naturally, I had no reaction when I reached Apprentice Level 2."

"Of course I am also a grade 4 talent. What would happen if I were a grade 3 talent or lower, this reaction would make me so embarra.s.sed. Hahaha." laughed Nicholas.

The blond girl roared with a burst of loud laughter while Adrian and Nicholas quickly joined the laugh.

Fraser just stood there with his shriveled face and his shriveled skin under his robe. His eyes looked at the situation with no emotions. As if he already got used to such a theatrical play.

He could see how Elise just laughed a little bit in order to join the group while sneak peeking at his reaction. On the other hand, you had Adrian, Nicholas and the blond girl who laughed as if they had made an extremely funny joke.

As if the feeling of being in a group gave Adrian the guts of talking Fraser down, when the three stopped laughing Adrian said loudly to Fraser:

"It is just a matter of fact, you are a lousy grade 3 talent while we are superior grade 4 talents. Elizabeth is even a grade 5 talent."

At that moment another person walked in, somebody completely covered in his robes. Even his face was covered with a white mask.

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Grand Magus 23 Overall Improvemen summary

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