Grand Magus 28 Uneasy Feeling

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"Let us do something together when you are back from your outpost duty Sept." said the female named Veronica and probably also was a Magus.

Behind her, a group of people followed her, just like a group of people followed Magus Sept.

'Probably these people are students of the Howling Abyss Academy as well as disciples of Magus Veronica.'

While the Veronica and her disciples walked by Fraser a.n.a.lyzed the disciples of another Magus one by one.

Naturally, he wasn't the only one sizing up the other students from Magus Sept disciples.

The huge circle of young students especially got interested as they had seen interesting things one after another.

First, the huge abyss which seemed to be the end of the world and a small hill on the borderline with a stone gate which closes also was decorated with inscriptions and stone sculptures of unknown creatures.

Now they even saw another batch of students and even another Magus and professor of the Howling Abyss Academy.

Some of the young students even tried to begin a conversation.

"Hey how was the three year at the outpost?" was the most common asked questions.

Some of the bold young students even leered at the swinging hips of Veronica as she pa.s.sed by.

However, none of Magus Veronica's disciple answered and instead quickly walked behind Veronica.

While Veronica's group pa.s.sed by Fraser also intensely stared at something, yet the thing he stared at wasn't something simple like the people.

Instead, Fraser glared beyond the group of disciples, deep into thought.

'There is something familiar with the students of Magus Veronica, I just don't know what the familiar thing is. Yet it feels so familiar as if I just knew the answer.'

As soon as they arrived at the stone gate Fraser could see that the stone gate had a size of half a dozen of Frasers stacked on top of another.

A stone sculpture with bat wings stepped in front of the stone gate and spoke in a deep voice.

"Ah, Sept you took your outpost duty in the last year. Rather risky isn't it?"

"Couldn't do anything about it, Veronica didn't want to be the last one." answered Magus Sept while clearly shrugging with his shoulders.

"Ahahahaha, yeah you can do nothing against Veronica." laughed the winged stone sculpture while his deep laugh caused the air to vibrate in his laughter.

Apparently, the joke the winged stone sculpture made caused itself to laugh so hard that it crashed against of his non-living siblings causing it to burst into stone fragments.

The moment when the stone fragments crashed upon the ground caused many of the young disciples of Magus Sept to feel uneasy, even Fraser felt uneasy at the fact that the winged stone creatures casually smashed a giant stone sculpture.

However, as soon as the stone fragments fell onto the ground shriek yells could be heard from the group of young disciples.

As soon as Fraser turned his head he could see a few disciples covered in blood from head to toe. Even their robe was drenched in blood and you could see how the blood-drenched the robe was, as blood gathered on certain places like the sleeve and dripped down.

However, Magus Sept and the winged stone creature completely ignored the blood-drenched students. Even the senior apprentices ignored the obviously injured students.

Instead, Magus Sept only turned around and then explained the following steps with a short speech:

"We are now at the outpost, the five new inner circle students will have their own private chamber and the rest of the students will be guided by the members of the inner circle. You are all dismissed, if there are any major problems then talk with the inner circle or come to my chamber if it is something unsolvable."

After that short speech, Magus Sept stepped into the stone gate which the winged stone creature opened and disappeared.

With a quick motion, the muscular woman shouted: "Every student follow the rest of the inner circle, Elise, Fraser, Adrian, Nicholas, and Elizabeth come with me I will a.s.sign you to your private chambers and show you the way to the library and the common facilities."

Without waiting for a reaction the muscular woman stepped into the stone gate, followed be Fraser who without hesitation dragged his cart filled with dozen of crates with him.

As the six people walked along the corridors which were embedded with light crystals in order to provide light, Fraser quickly became the last member of the six people chain.

However, Fraser was able to keep up easily as the muscular woman didn't walk fast.

While the four new inner circle member had horrible face expression, Fraser had a neutral facial expression.

Without even seeing what happened Fraser could imagine what happened that could cause these four to look like they just lost something really precious.

'They should have become the leaders of the huge circle of young students, yet now they are shown a private chamber and are betraying the so-called society they created.'

After all, if there is something that people love it is a leader that promises them good things. And as long a few promises are kept and the people feel that they acquired something good then they will continue to follow.

However, as soon as the leader gets something that the leader doesn't deserve in the eyes of the follower then he will be unhappy. Especially if a newly established leader receives something good while not caring about their members who are hurt.

In general it is not that important to care about your followers, instead, the important thing is the image and since the four wannabe leader just left their injured members behind it destroyed their whole image.

'After all, it doesn't matter if you are a kind leader to the innermost core, instead, it is about the reputation and image you have which will make you a kind leader in the eyes of your followers. Even I know how to depict a person with the kindest intention as a cruel and bad person.'

While the four walked along the corridors the muscular woman suddenly stopped in front of a door and began to speak:

"This is the library, next to it is the task hall and the general information headquarters of the outpost as well as the duty hall which depicts all duties for disciples. For your private chambers, they are in the inner circle corridor which I will show you right now. Also, the canteen is a behind that curve."

After showing the inner circle corridor and every single new inner circle member registered their spirit print for the door lock the muscular woman left.

Naturally, Fraser didn't socialize with the other four and stepped into his private chamber which almost looked like his chamber from the Howling Abyss Academy, only a little bit bigger and with a few more rooms which were empty besides a desk in the middle and a few empty shelves surrounding the table.

Sitting down on top of his bed Fraser thought for a while before coming to a realization:

'There was a familiar feeling I felt at Veronica's disciple, they all had an aura. Though it wasn't nearly as strong as the senior disciples.'

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Grand Magus 28 Uneasy Feeling summary

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