Grand Magus 33 Method Of Control

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[a.n.a.lyzing possible data in order to use two spell models of dark effectively]

Fraser waited for a while before the AI replied.

[Possibility control of two dark ropes at the same time confirmed. Available methods discovered in the database: 129, methods to control the dark rope now with zero risks: 2]

'Ai, explain me the two methods with zero risk, continue to a.n.a.lyze methods from the database and notify me immediately when there is a third, fourth or even fifth method for controlling the two spell models of dark ropes.'

[The first method is to control the dark rope with your physical traits, in other words, use a shape you formed with the dark ropes and then use them as physical weapons which seems to be weightless for you. The second method is to train using the two dark rope as artificially arms which will allow you to control both of them like arms, however, this method needs a lot of time in order to get a grasp of the artificially arms]

'So the first method is to use the dark rope like a weightless weapon which is an advantage, yet it doesn't compare to the might to the spell model of the dark spear. The best way to use anything is probably to train in both methods. After all both methods have little to no risks which are really important to me.'

Thus Fraser tried to shape the two dark ropes into different forms, however, the easiest and most practical form was without any change in shape at all. So, in the end, Fraser could use two weightless staffs as his weapon.

The second method was way harder to train, Fraser could see that two dark ropes protruded out of his body however it felt almost impossible to move them.

In order to get a familiar feeling of the artificial arms, the AI placed the two protruding places below his physical arms.

[Able to make the artificially arms thinner in order to get a better grasp on the two artificial arms, do you want to initiate it]

'Yes, initiate the thinning of the two dark ropes and continue to use every data from the database and suggest possible corrections or improvements.'

Fraser commanded the AI to record the entire process as well as notify him of every new solution the Ai database could think of.

Now that the AI somehow thinned down the two dark ropes protruding from below his arms, Fraser could see that two pitch black tentacles created a second pair of arms for him.

The feeling was not describable. It felt like something new got added but it couldn't be controlled. Like a third leg which affected your other two legs and thus didn't allowed you to walk at all as trying to control the third leg automatically affected your control over your already existing two legs. The same effect also existed when only trying to control the old legs.

With an uncomfortable feeling, Fraser tried to control his arms. But it failed miserably, when he tried to lift one specific arm he somehow lifted all of them and even controlling his physical arms felt almost impossible.

Yet Fraser continued his training and used his artificially arms the whole day.

It was rather annoying as using two dark ropes almost destroyed everything in his room, whether it was furniture or the stone walls.

So Fraser meditated in an empty room in order to no cause that much damage to his belonging and limit the destruction to the walls.

A day pa.s.sed as Fraser meditated the entire day only to feel weird when he retracted his two artificially arms.

'Even though I am not able to control the arms projected by the dark ropes as well as my real arms, the progression is visible. If this goes on I will probably be able to control the arms fluently in about one month.'

Even though Fraser didn't step out of his private chambers that much he didn't regret his choices. He advanced in a steady matter and he would have trained the same way even if he was in the Academy and not at the outpost.

Besides Fraser still heed the warning of his seniors as well as the concealed warning from Magus Sept. After all the outpost seemed to be rather dangerous and as Fraser still didn't have that many defensive options (At least in his eyes), he didn't want to put himself into danger when it isn't even necessary.

'However I need to prepare more learning materials soon, or else I won't be as effective as the next materials may only be retrieved in a few weeks or a couple of days. So it would be better if I trade my potions for a few things I find interesting and the three materials for the potions I know how to brew. Bloodstones, black fire eggs and what was the third material AI?'

[Enor Stones]

With a quick glance, Fraser looked at his stock of potions which would trade for interesting stuff. After all the chance that his fellow apprentices acquired interesting stuff would be pretty high as Magus Sept already stayed in the outpost for three months.

Taking a dozen random potions Fraser gave his next project a short glance: the four spirit techniques, before walking outside of his private chamber towards the biggest s.p.a.ce he knew: the common meeting hall or also known as the task hall.

'I don't know if there is a market, but there is a chance that I am able to give out requests and add a potion as the reward. As the spirit mark is a binding contact I only have to stash the potion and don't have to fear getting robbed by any stronger apprentice who might get the wrong idea.'

As Fraser stepped into the task hall he could see many faces turning around in order to look at him.

It was without surprise that many faces turned around as somehow there was a meeting going on and Fraser could see the muscular woman in the middle, surrounded by a few other senior apprentices of Magus Sept inner circle.

As many apprentices looked at him a familiar face stepped out of the ma.s.s and mocked Fraser: "Oh, look who we have here. A guy who hides in his private chamber for three months without even daring to walk into the task hall and do anything for Mentor Sept."

Fraser could see many faces trying to suppress laughter but most of them just grinned.

"So you are Fraser? What do you want? Do a task or a request something? Right now we are meeting in order to discuss a problem which happened a few days ago, you can partic.i.p.ate or not." said the muscular woman while looking towards Fraser.

"I am here in order to trade for bloodstones, black fire eggs or enor stones. I have a few potions I would like to trade. The trade can also be completed by interesting things." answered Fraser while ignoring Elizabeth who mocked him.

As soon as Fraser finished the sentence he could see how almost every face turned to that of greed. However, most of them quickly returned to their neutral face.

Most inner circle members didn't show greed, instead, they spoke as if Fraser was on the same level as them.

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Grand Magus 33 Method Of Control summary

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