Grand Magus 6 Magic

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The wooden carriage block train resumed its journey as Fraser slept in a random corner in the carriage.

Fraser only stopped sleeping when the caretakers would give out rations which amount shrank from day to day.

Even if the amount of food shrank every day, the members of the Eagle Brigade didn't lose any of their fat reserve as Richard always made sure that the food the hunting party hunted would get preserved and then stored in the carriage.

Though it wasn't enough for Fraser to continue his knight training it was enough to keep the Eagle Brigade from starving.

It reached a moment where the caretakers just put gra.s.s from the wildlands into a pot and cooked it with a few berries and mushrooms they found.

Naturally it wasn't enough for the children in the carriage. So their only option was it to search for food. A group of children almost got beaten to death the caretakers as the children wanted to take away the rations of the caretakers. Which still consisted of a nouris.h.i.+ng meat stew and an entire loaf of bread for every caretaker.

Somehow most of the children were able to survive as the caretakers increased the amount of gra.s.s in the daily ration. Naturally it didn't made the children fat or chubby but it allowed them to survive.

An entire month pa.s.sed as the group moved in a steady pace, only stopping for the daily meal and once a week for a longer time period.

As the block of wooden carriages delved deeper into the wildlands wolf could be heard howling, weird and creepy sounds echoed in the small green islands either filled with trees or gra.s.s the size of two humans.

Even if the wooden carriage block train never moved into one of those islands and skillfully avoided them most of the children still cried and tried to seek comfort in their own arms or hands.

After the journey into the wildlands reached a month and a few days the first beast stampede attacked the wooden carriage block train.

"Fraser, wake up! Wolfs are attacking and they are the size of bulls! Grab you weapons and then we will try to move into the safety ring!" shouted Richard as he woke Fraser in a not so nice way.

Fraser glanced at Richard before looking around him. He usually slept in order to decrease his daily energy consumption except when they would go hunting or the caretakers would give out free meals.

Everybody from the Eagle Brigade wasn't in the carriage so Fraser a.s.sumed that everyone already moved or fled from the dangerous Wolfs.

With a quick motion Fraser grabbed all of his weapons and loaded the crossbow with one bolt while following Richard out of the carriage.

He could see how children stepped outside the carriage only to hide in the center of the makes.h.i.+ft formation created by the wooden carriages.

Between the gap of the carriages Fraser could see the caretakers armored with s.h.i.+elds and swords repelling wolfs the size of a bull.

With a quick glance Fraser realized that the children in the formation were safe as long as no wolf would get through however as soon as one wolf breaches the first defense line then it would literally be a b.l.o.o.d.y ma.s.sacre with the wolf being the powerful reaper and the children being the small and weakly sacrifice.

There were probably around 200 knight-caretakers holding the first defense line.

However it wasn't safe yet as the amount of wolves clearly surpa.s.sed the 200 mark. Especially eye catching was one wolf which was bigger than any other wolf. His size could be compared to a wooden carriage and could easily eat one standing children with one bite.

The Wolfs attacked mostly in small fights which the knight-caretakers easily repelled. Until the big wolf howled the full attack the entire stampeded crashed into the defense line.

And the defense line fell really quickly, Fraser could see three wolves jumping through the carriage gap onto the first few children and started to rip them apart.

Blood and body limps scattered through the formation center only causing tears, p.i.s.s and howls of fear in the group of kids.

Luckily Fraser didn't stood with a group as the wolves pounced on the groups with more people and immediately started to ravish their b.l.o.o.d.y meal.

Though a few members of the Eagle Brigade weren't that lucky, the twins neck got shredded into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess before the wolf ripped their entire body into meat pulp.

It appeared that the wolves started to kill just to let their anger out and only then started to lick and bite the b.l.o.o.d.y meat of children on the ground.

With madness the wolves pounced on the children, ignoring Fraser on the sidelines who aimed at the wolves who licked the blood on the ground.

This time Fraser didn't waited or hesitated, he aimed, fired and one bolt hit the arrow, penetrating the brain of the wolf and thus killing it immediately.

After killing the nearest wolves and missing a few shot at wolves further away Fraser glanced at the corps of the former Eagle Brigade twin. He saw a bloodied black leather bag and picked it up.

Without glancing at this loot Fraser slowly searched for the second Twins corpse which shouldn't be that much further away.

Looking around for a while Fraser could see the second corpse with the same black leather bag and stuffed it into his own bag.

Immediately Fraser leaned against a carriage in order to load his crossbow before he was drawn to the mysterious concealed being on top of their carriage muttering some unknown words.

One moment later Ice spears rained and most wolves got penetrated with one shot. Fraser could even see a second mysterious being standing up for a short moment before disappearing into the carriage with the first one again.

After that demonstration of might the wolves quickly fled and most of the wolves who were able to eat and devour children got slayed by the knight-caretakers.

The Afermath wasn't that beautiful as almost all children who witnessed this even crawled as soon as possible into the innermost carriages of the wooden block train.

This resulted that the innermost wooden carriages were overcrowded and the outermost carriages being totally empty.

Fraser didn't crawled back into the carriage, instead he tried to pick out his crossbow bolts from the battlefield.

As Fraser stepped near a caretaker-knight in order to get his last bolt the caretaker pulled the bolt out of the ground before stepping towards Fraser with a grin.

'What does he want from me? I will try to hide in one of those carriages if he wants to hit me. If he wants the crossbow I will gift it to him, but for now just stay cool.'

"Good shooting skills kid, probably saved a few lives with your kills. Want to help us carry the wolf meat? We need a few hands as a few died." grinned the caretaker before handing over the bolt to Fraser.

Accepting the offer with a small bow Fraser helped the caretakers carry the wolf corpses into a big carriage which probably was the ration carriage.

While Fraser helped the caretaker knights he could see the devastating results of the battlefield, more than two dozens caretakers died and probably a couple hundred children got shredded into meat paste.

Since Fraser was one of the helping hands and the only child who helped he could see the mysterious concealed beings walking around the battlefield for a short moment before one of the caretakers dismissed him.

Dismissed Fraser walked back into the wooden carriage of the Eagle Brigade which was located at the outermost layer of the wooden carriage block train.

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Grand Magus 6 Magic summary

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