The 70th Awakened 22 The Allen As Gaurdian Proposal

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Mea quietly whispered at Aika, "Allen is not in a condition to fight. He needs at least another day to be able to defend himself. Not to mention that his arm hasn't completely healed and there is of course his leg, that's pretty badly busted."

Allen just casually chimed in after looking at the situation, "A literal or figurative hard on?"

Campbell laughed maniacally, "Literally, of course. I like my men rough. Then I break them, then cut them up into small bite-sized pieces. So, I can cook them later."

Allen was unamused, "Either you are one sick mother*cker, which I can gather from your attire, or you have really bad taste in jokes, and here I thought I was bad. Besides, I don't swing that way."

Aika spoke up, "Who are you and why are you here? Do you have permission to be here?"

The crazy man lifted his hands, "A the name, meaningless jabber but whatever. I am Campbell Beastmaster extraordinaire, lover of men and torturer of souls, and I already stated my reason for being here." He pointed towards Allen, "As for permission ask the big boss of this operation."

Aika frowned, as Allen nonchalantly continued, "So you are the one that send the beasts and Andrew is pulling the strings all this time. Mea he might be your father but I am going to clean his clock, maybe even for good."

Mea was speechless, her own father nearly killed so many people, "Father, how could he?"

Aika nudged Mea out of her trance, "I had my suspicion. I just wasn't too sure, but unfortunately this is all circ.u.mstantial."

Campbell smiled, "Of course it is. I never said it was your father or Andrew. I just said it was the man in charge. There could be a lot of people out there."
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Mea whispered to Aika, "We should take him alive."

Aika brought her left hand up, "Cover Allen and don't look in this general direction."

Mea doesn't hesitate and covered Allen.

A ball of light formed in Aika's hand and slowly floated into the air.

Campbell smiled amusedly, "Ooo, terrifying, a ball of light."

A bright flash lit up the room as Aika charged forwards with a fist of lightning, but got slapped away like a ragdoll, "As I said I don't do woman, but I am flattered."

Mea wasn't far behind with a fist of fire and speed that made Campbell raise an eyebrow, but she too was just slapped aside, "Slapping s.h.i.+t is so gross."

He grabbed both of Mea and Aika by the throat, but Mea wasn't having any of it. She kneed him on the side of his head. She quickly followed up with a series of punches and kicks which made him stagger.

Campbell wiped the blood from his lip, and was furious, "That hurt you stupid c*nt!"

"Then this is going to hurt even more." A cold s.h.i.+ver ran up Campbell's spine.

Allen grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and slammed him into the floor. The entire mobile barracks s.h.i.+vered from the impact.

Campbell's upper half of his body was buried into the floor with his legs in the air. His dress, yeah, he was wearing a dress, flopped downwards to reveal to reveal a G-string.

Allen nearly had to stop himself from vomiting as he made his way back to the bed and said, "Could you guys stop making work for me. Get good."

The colonel immediately entered after that. Mea was unimpressed, "Shouldn't you have intervened earlier?"

"We aren't equipped to handle S level threats and besides he had permission."

Aika was livid, "You are an absolute moron. So, you just blindly follow orders because some a.s.shole said so?"

The colonel couldn't say anything to that, "What do you want me to do. I have a family to take care of. I have no intention of losing my position just because of politics."

The colonel raised her hand to stop Aika from speaking any further. She also beckoned to some local androids to chain the Campbell up.

Allen noticed the surprisingly primitive chains, "His probably going to break out of that you know."

The colonel was confused, "The suppressive chains? He would have to be one strong son of a b.i.t.c.h to do that."

The android and the colonel took Campbell's unconscious body away as Allen looked inquiringly at Mea.

She waited for them to leave before she spoke up, "Suppressive chains are made of Aura Tenebrisite. An odd iridescent black crystal that forms in areas rich in iron and dark matter. It basically siphons off dark matter on living being, making it almost impossible for a person to manipulate. Even the 69 is immune to it. Also, an extremely durable and light weight substance that can be formed with regular old heat. It's even tougher than carbon nano tubes. Well 3000 degrees Celsius (about 5400 in Fahrenheit) is nothing to scoff at though. It is the go-to material for s.p.a.cecraft."

Allen was impressed, it was certainly universally pliable, "Wait doesn't that mean a person can't manipulate in a s.p.a.ce craft?"

"No, it only works when in in conjunction with its source in other words it needs to physically touch a person."

Aika found the explanation redundant, "Are you an idiot or something?"

A vein popped upon both of Allen and Mea's forehead, as Mea spoke up, "No, he isn't, he is just naïve. He has a lot to learn."

"But that is common knowledge."

"Let's just say he was born in a cave and leave it at that."

"Is he some kind of mutant or something. Because I know he is supposed to be a secret."

Mea was getting agitated, "Let's leave it at that."

Now Aika was getting testy, "Look, if I am supposed to lay my proposal on him, I need to know that he isn't trouble."

Mea laughed at that, "Him? He is about as harmless as they get. That is saying something coming from someone who despises the males of the system."

"Yet his fighting capability is truly terrifying."

"Yeah that it is but he isn't ready yet, he still has a way to go."

"What does that mean?"

"It doesn't matter. Just know that he is a good human being nevermind a male."

"That is some praise you got for him"

Allen was getting agitated, "You guys can see me. Don't speak as if I ain't here. It's rather disconcerting."

Aika takes a deep breath and continued, "If she vouches for you, then I guess its fine. Here is my proposal. I will never exploit you for political gain. I will give you any resources that you wish for if I am capable. A place of your own from the public eye, all that jazz. All I want is for you to become the official guardian of our little town."

Sher goes down on her hands and knees, "And thank you for everything you have done for us."

Allen's jaw dropped, "What the h.e.l.l are you doing!? Get up for sanity's sake. I am a human being after all. Never bow to anyone regardless of who they are. That is just…f.u.c.ked up."

Aika stood up and only nodded, "What do you say to my proposal."

Allen shrugged, "Why not. No offense Mea, but I really have it in for your father. As long as I stay there, I can't promise your father's wellbeing."

Mea frowned a bit, "I don't think it's a good idea. I still think it's a bit early for that, and what about your training?"

Allen sighed, "Look Mea. I know you are only looking out for me but I can't just always stay cooped up in a flat all the time, that being said I will still continue my training…Though, why don't you move in with me? It will definitely be a nice change of pace."

Mea pondered for a bit, "I guess I could do that. I just need permission to set up AR49"

Allen made a befuddled face, "The h.e.l.l you asking me for? There is the lady you should ask." He pointed towards Aika.

Aika spoke up, "I take it that it's your home VI?"

Mea nodded, "Yeah, and it has all my research so I need a place with top tier secrecy."

"As long as you don't mind it if I have access to the information."

"I don't mind but information about Allen needs to be protected. So, I can't allow you to see that."

Aika was hoping she wouldn't notice her intentions about Allen, but it was more out of curiosity more then anything else. She smiled gently at them, "Then I welcome you to Timataville."

Meanwhile just outside the mobile base.

Campbell has awoken with a throbbing headache, for a guy that was severely weakened he still packed a wallop.

The colonel had already released him, "Mayor Andrew sends his regards. Me, on the other hand, don't want to see you here again."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. I got my estimate."

With that he walked away with a dangerous smile on his face, as he started laughing histerically.

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The 70th Awakened 22 The Allen As Gaurdian Proposal summary

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