Spider-Man: Duty And Loss Chapter 94: Convergence Part 2

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Steve could only shake his head at his arrogance. "Iron Man?" Felicia small voice could just be heard with the suits sensors, causing said narcissist to turn in her direction and flash a smile. "The one and only." Though no one could see his face, they could hear how satisfied he was from her surprise.

Felecia's face instantly cooled . "The play boy playing with toys?" Tony was indignant. "I'll have you know!..." Steve stopped him before he could continue. "No time Tony, get out there and see what's happening. Help Laura with whoever that was!"

Tony look from Steve to the slightly smug look on Felicia's face and suddenly felt the urge to throttle something. Luckily the said person to throttle was likely on the ground floor. "Stupid boy scout and bimbo brunet, think this high tech armour is just a toy. Why I...."

Tony grumbled to himself as he flared his repulsor and flew out the opening. Clint let out a snicker as he watched him leave, while Steve turned to the two super spies. "Quickly, grab your gear from the Quinjet, who knows whoever that was, they weren't afraid to jump out of a building and we don't have any heavy hitters. Link Comms when you can."

Natasha and Clint both entered agent mode as they gave quick nods before rus.h.i.+ng out the door. Steve moved to follow them before stopping at the door. He turned back to Felicia who, even though she was keeping up a frosty facade, was shocked on the inside.

"Miss, we really didn't mean to break in. We're looking for a friend of yours Peter Parker, that's it..." he hesitated for a second as he looked at the gaping hole through the balcony. The person hadn't speared Laura off the balcony, they had speared her through it!

He gave it a little thought before looking back at her. "We know about your activities as the Black Cat and personally I think what you do for the little guy is to be commended..." Felicia put her guard up at those words. Though she had started to realize that these people might just be the Avengers! The fricking Avengers! She was still worried about her double life being uncovered.

"I know you don't have to help us and I haven't seen all your footage or what you can actually do. But if you can help we might need it. Even if you just help the civilians if this escalates." Both of them shared a look, Steve's eyes showing the sincerity in his words. He was a bit torn on the decision to ask for help, especially with her age being 17, but a gut feeling was telling him they may need it.

Without Banner or Thor, and taking into account the unknown a.s.sailant, help would be appreciated. The two continued to share the look for a few more seconds. Felicia gave a small hesitant nod in understanding as Steve gave a nod back, turning around to make his way out. As soon as he pa.s.sed the door he sprinted down the hall at top speed to get to the jet, he would need his s.h.i.+eld!

Felicia watched him leave and stood rooted there for a few seconds. The words or request for help slowly worked through her mind as her feet took her to the destroyed balcony in question. She let out a small sigh of lamentation as she looked at the gaping hole and property damage.

The wind whipped her hair to the side as she looked over the edge down at the two figures in a small crater outside. Some people were running away from the scene as Iron Man floated to the ground, other, strangely dressed people already there and fighting? A fight had broken out! She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as she watched them for a few seconds.

Felicia looked for a few more seconds before a small gust of wind whipped by and picked up her hair. It fluttered up from the force as she turned her back going back inside, specifically towards her room. As her hair settled down it had already turned into a platinum silver color.

(Location unknown)

Magneto starred coldly at those in front of him as he walked in. All of them had excited expressions on their faces, especially Pyro, a small flame was dancing between his hands as they got ready to leave. A few of the others were leaning on the walls talking to each other as he made his way into the room.

Toad was perched on a crate off to the side as he stared intently at a bug that was filtering about the room, while one of the most menacing of the brother hood, Saber Tooth, sat alone in the corner watching his every move. Avalanche, Blob and Spyke stood up as he entered though, probably out of fear of what would happen if they were caught slacking off. No one said anything and waited for his orders.

But Magneto kept didn't give any right away as he stood still, only turning his head slightly to Mystique trailing behind him. "Make sure Blink is ready to create the portal when the X-men find the mutant. We'll make this quick." Mystique gave a nod moving over to the pink haired woman, quietly perched before a computer at the side, tracking something intently.

The Brotherhood quietly waited for the action they craved.

(With Laura)

*Bang!* "Urgh!" Laura let out groan as her head rung in pain. The new gear she wore was in tatters from the rough fall. "Argh!!!!" "What the h.e.l.l!!!" "Get away from them!!!" "Is it a super villain?!" Numerous voices sounded out making her head ring even more as people scattered to the wind, away from the small crater she just created.

Though some stopped for a second to contemplate whipping out their phones to record what was about to go down, the action as it were. *Cough Splutter* Laura coughed up blood as she rolled over. Though her body was healing fast, the fall still hurt messed up her internal organs and blood flow.

Laura was hunched over coughing up more blood when a hand yanked her by the hair and pulled her face upwards. *Cough* That wasn't the right thing to do as Laura coughed blood right into the face of the said person.

But they didn't seem to care as they gave an insane smile towards the bruised woman. Though Laura's eyes were hazy they instantly came into focus as they starred at the person before her. Laura spat out their name, pure black hatred gus.h.i.+ng from her eyes as she starred at her.


Kimura's smile grew even larger as she c.o.c.ked back her fist. It looked like she took no damage from the fall what so ever, only her clothes were slightly ruffled. "Miss me you little b.i.t.c.h?" Without another word she slammed her fist into Laura's skull!

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Spider-Man: Duty And Loss Chapter 94: Convergence Part 2 summary

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