Our Journey 4 Receive Invitation

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A week after closing time of registration, the selection begins. The first stage is a physcal test. All partic.i.p.ants were told to run a marathon around a hill. Not far from the capital. The Hill is not too high, but has a steep road.

This test looks simple, but half of the partic.i.p.ants failed. But I can finish marathon well. I reach third position. It's make me feel confident. I am sure that I can complete the entire selection process and enter the military academy. As I wish.

The second stage was held one week later. In this stage, partic.i.p.ants must fill the wooden barrels with water from river. The location of the wooden barrels to be filled is on the top of the hill. And the river is in down hill. Partic.i.p.ants must take water from river with leaking wooden bucket. This stage also test physcal endurance of partic.i.p.ants.

In this stage, many partic.i.p.ants failed too. I feel difficult to finish this stage. I only could reach the tenth position. It makes me fell a little disappointed.

One week after second stage, third stage is held. Today, all partic.i.p.ant follow the archery test. I'm not worried. I believe that I can finish this stage well. My teacher not only taught her sword skills. She also taught me to use bows and arrows.

"Liu Wei, your turn!" the selection officer called my name. I am out of line and walk forward. Some of target boards are visible in front of me. I take the bow and an arrow. Each partic.i.p.ants get one chance to shoot. Because it, I must shoot verry carefully.

I look the target boards carefully. Location of target boards is very far away. So it's hard for me to see small circle in center of target board. The wind is also blowing hard. Minimize my chance to get success.

However, all these difficulties do not make me lower my target standard. I still choose the mid pint on target board as my target. After I'm sure with my target and consider the wind speed. I pulled an arrow and took it off. Arrow shot verry fastly.

"Right on target," the officer said. I look my arrow shooted in my target. I smile. My heart is happy. I walk back to my line.

"I admire you, Liu Wei. You can shoot first target, even the wind blowing," one partic.i.p.ant said. He patting my back from behind. I smiled at him. The man behind me was named Zhang s.h.i.+yu. He comes from small city on northern border. We know each other at the first stage of selection. In that time, he reached tenth position.

"Thanks you for your praise. I can't deserve it. I just get luck" I said simply. He laughed.

"You always humble, Liu Wei," he said after finish his laugh.

"Tonight you must come with me. We must celebrate your success with wine and woman. I know good place," he asked me.

"I'm sorry. I can't," I refuse his invitation. His face turn green.

"Why are you always refuse my invitation? Do you affraid to woman?" he asked me.

"Or maybe you don't like woman?" asked Ma Hongqi who stand beside me. He is Zhang s.h.i.+yu best friend. His question worries me. They will suspect me if I refuse their invitation again.

"Actually, I like sleep faster because I feel tired. But, tonight I will accompany you both," I said with a heavy heart. They both smile.

"It's great! As a man, we must console ourselves with wine and woman," said Zhang s.h.i.+yu. I nodded. But, in my heart I cursed his words.

I remember my brother. He is very respectful to woman. Because it, he did't want to go to brothel. He is a good guy. If he still alive, he maybe married now. Have son who his pairs is handsome like him. Directly, I feel sad. I really miss him.


After the third stage finish at afternoon, I go back to inn. Immediately clean myself and put on my best clothes. I also wear grey loose cloak. Since the incident in inn, I didn't want to wear brown outfit again. I feel I would get disfortune if use that color. Or maybe, I feel a litlle trauma because that fight.

Finished dressing, I go to eastern capital. Zhang s.h.i.+yu said to me if he will wait me there. Eastern capital is light district. There are many brothels was built. All decorated with colorful lanterns. After arrived, I looking for Zhang s.h.i.+yu.

I meet him in center of eastern capital. He stand front of bigest brothel there.

"Hey! Zhou Liu Wei! Come here!" he raised his hand and waving it. He also shouted to call me. With heavy hearth, I company him enter the brothel.

Inside brothel are many beautyfull women wearing beautyfull clothes. I admire their face. Also feel little envy. My face not beautyfull like them. I have little eyes. Before, I feel my face is pretty decent. But now, compared with their face, I looks ugly.

"Maybe, no one found me as woman because my face is not beautyfull like all woman in this brothel. No only this brothel, all woman in this capital looks prettier than me," I thougt bitterly.

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Our Journey 4 Receive Invitation summary

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