Dragon Breaks The Void 15 Getting Stronger

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Chapter 14: Getting Stronger

The grandfather-grandson duo laughed and joked as they flew home. Everything was fine until Van's grandfather started to cough harshly.

Van became extremely alarmed and told his grandfather to rest while he flew them the rest of the way. After a few bouts of protest, his grandfather finally gave up and laid in Van's arms.

Despite Van flying at high speeds, the wind was like a calm and gentle breeze that caressed Van's long flowing hair. He watched his grandfather's fitful rest with an expression full of worry. He sped up and finally made it to the city gates.

"I need to get him to my aunt! She'll know what to do! Let her overprotectiveness come to use for once!"

When two guards at the entrance saw him, they barred his way with their tall imposing steel halberds.

"By the order of the Captain of the Guard, you will come with us."

At that moment, Van was like a volcano about to burst.

"Can you not see that my grandfather is sick?! I need to get him to a Spirit Physician now!"

Van was in no mood to deal with these blockheaded guards and was ready to barge in if he had to.

The guards' expressions softened but stayed firm to their orders.

"You may take your grandfather to the stationed physician here, but you must follow us to the Guard Captain's office."

Van nodded his head and submitted to the guards' demands. He needed to prioritize his grandfather's recovery first. After having just met his grandfather, he would prefer not to lose him.

The guards kept their word and sent for another guard that carried his grandfather gingerly away.

Van sighed deeply and followed the guards through the long halls until they arrived at an imposing red door with strange jade designs etched upon it.

The guard knocked on the door, that opened a few moments later. The guard gestured for Van to go in. Van took a deep breath and then proceeded to go towards the dark office. After a few dozen steps, Van entered a dimly lighted room. Two twin-tailed foxes wandered the office casually mewling every few steps.

Despite the casual atmosphere, Van could feel another rather negative aura overpowering the casualness of his surroundings. Van's pupils constricted as he regarded the rugged n.o.ble figure that sat in the large chair in front of him. The Guard Captain was a man with a scarred face, brown hair, and a well-toned body.

"I heard from my guards that you have been recently stirring up trouble with them. You also knocked out the guards I sent to get you. I intended to have a civilized conversation and I continue to intend to do so now."

The Guard Captain had his hands cupped on the desk as he sternly stared at Van. In defiance, Van calmly stared back. After a few moments, the Guard Captain let out a chuckle and stood up, towering over Van.

"I like you, brat. You won't back down from a fight no matter what. You remind me of when I was a kid."

The Guard Captain was at the 1st Stage of Dantian Formation making him a powerful figure in the city, but in front of Van, he did not amount to much. But for his grandfather's sake and his own, he had to suppress his cultivation base unless placed in a life-threatening situation.

"I have a task for you. As a favor for your aunt, I will not kill you, but you must accomplish this one task for me."

"What is it?"

Van looked at the man suspiciously. He could imagine going out into fields full of "dangerous beasts" and beating them all black and blue.

"You will join the Flowing Water Sect as an outer set disciple and move up the ranks."

"Doesn't sound too hard."

They were currently in the lower reaches of the Fire Rock Continent and the lower reaches are dominated by many small kingdoms vying for power. One of the larger ones is the Great Golden Kingdom, which currently controls 3 other smaller kingdoms.

The middle continent is dominated by the 5 Great Empires and was the place that all cultivators in the lower reaches strived to get to.

Van started to drool a bit as he imagined the benefits. There were two ways for cultivators to get to the middle continent. One was to reach the First Stage of Dantian Formation before the age of 18. With the low density of Qi in the area, one would be extremely lucky to reach the 6th Stage of Body Fortification not to mention Dantian Formation before 18. If Van established himself in the 5 Great Empires, he could easily come back with a sizeable force and retake the Great Golden Kingdom.

Van's eyes sparkled with expectation and cupped his hands, giving a bow full of grat.i.tude towards the Guard Captain.

"Junior thanks, Senior!"

The Guard Captain released a chuckle and picked up one of the twin-tailed foxes.

"Don't thank me, yet! Once you get to the sects, you will find that the compet.i.tion there will be a lot tougher than you imagined!"

"Since my aunt trusts you so much, may I call you uncle?"

"That makes me sound old! Am I really that old?"

The Guard Captain nodded and dismissed Van.

"Wait, Uncle. Since you're my uncle now, I need to let you in on a secret."

The Guard Captain waited there expectantly. Van released suppression on his cultivation base, causing his new uncle's eyes to become as wide as saucers.

"9th Stage of Dantian Formation?! What kind of Martial Talent do you have?!!"

"Please, Uncle. I don't want anyone else to know for now."

His uncle nodded, still in a daze.

Van cupped his hands, bowed, and left to get ready for the big opportunity ahead.

"No wonder he wasn't worried. He has a higher cultivation then myself. I was worried for no reason."

The Guard Captain whispered to himself.

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Dragon Breaks The Void 15 Getting Stronger summary

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