Dragon Breaks The Void 21 Confrontation

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Chapter 20: Confrontation

After about a month, Van had broken through to the peak of the 10th Stage of Dantian Formation. He had taken advantage of the complimentary cultivation resources and had been constantly absorbing Qi. He would've broken through a week ago if he had wanted to, but decided to acc.u.mulate the Qi and solidify his foundation.

Van hadn't left the Presidential Suite in the past month, worried about the trio outside. He could already imagine their flaming eyes as they tried to rip him apart. Van shuddered at the thought and ordered a meal from room service.

A maid quickly delivered the meal to Van. He had ordered a meal of steamed rice with a side of roast pork seasoned with soy sauce. After enjoying the meal, Van laid down on the bed to read. He pulled out the first volume of "Dragon Breaks the Void" and contemplated it while sipping some Green Jade Tea. Besides the breakthrough to the 10th Stage and the more recent one to the peak of the 10th stage, Van had also reached Medium Success in his Void Fist a week into the journey.

Sadly, Van had been trying to grasp the basics of High Success for the past 3 weeks without any success.

"What if my approach on this is wrong? Maybe I need to use it in combat more so I could better apply it to my combat style."

Van started to find ways to find monsters to fight. Fighting against wooden puppets just didn't feel quite the same.

"Wait, I can just fight the trio outside! They only have cultivation bases at the 3rd Stage of Dantian Formation. If I get into any trouble, I could just raise my cultivation base by a small realm!"

An evil grin surfaced on Van's face. He was a respectable expert at the 10th Stage of Dantian Formation. If anyone of the Senior generation knew what he was thinking, they would have started condemning him for ages to come.

After was.h.i.+ng up, he decided to walk out and confront the inevitable. Sanji squeaked his regards and started to enjoy the comfort of the Suite while Van was gone.

Van calmly marched outside to the nearby refreshments and grabbed a gla.s.s of juice from a 10-year-old Green Spirit Pear. The subordinates of the trio were watching him with every step and sent a transmission through their jade slips to their respective masters.

A muscled youth stood up in his suite and started working out, in preparation for battle.

A young fairy maiden got dressed into a stylish combat dress that was rather tight-fitting.

Finally, an arrogant, but rather das.h.i.+ng, young master burst out of his suite das.h.i.+ng towards the refreshments in search of Van.

"I finally found you! The b.a.s.t.a.r.d that dared to steal my suite."

Ye Shui of the Ye Clan was ready to give this newcomer a lesson to never forget. He sneered as he watched the youth calmly enjoy his gla.s.s of fruit juice. Despite his arrogance and rather rude nature, he wasn't dull enough to ruin his already negative reputation by attacking this youth out of nowhere.

Ye Shui had gotten his subordinates to access the databases for any sign of this youth's background. He found out that this youth was just some promising so-called genius from Mulberry City. Ye Shui smiled viciously as he thought of all the ways he would teach this youth a lesson.

Van looked at the young master's changing expression. Was this youth dropped on his head when he was little? He seemed to be in his own world at the moment and Van started to become worried. Van waved a hand across Ye Shui's eyes just in case. Seeing no reaction, he was about to call a Light Attributed Martial Artist over when Yu Chao ran in throwing Ye Shui to the side.

Ye Shui's head bounced on the wall with a big crunch and his body crumpled on the floor. Van now knew the reason for his slow wit and wryly smiled watching the rather unnatural scene before him. Some nearby girls squealed with delight as they saw the freshly oiled muscles on Yu Chao's body.

"Yu Chao! You should stop abusing Ye Shui, you've already hit him in the head too many times when we were little."

Ye Shui was quietly crying in the corner. He had endured the torment from Yu Chao for too long. His family had to spend much money on Spiritual Medicines to restore his mental health back. Of course, Yu Chao continued his abuse and Ye Shui's mental condition hadn't restored back to normal yet.

Van looked at the pitiful young master that was about to teach him a lesson and felt sorry for him.

"So, how are we going to settle this."

Van stood there like a lone hero, drawing a few gazes from the girls nearby.

"There's a fighting chamber nearby for duels. Let's go there."

Yu Chao grinned maliciously, he was going to give this newcomer a piece of his mind.

Fairy Cloud Feather was more thoughtful and attentive than the other two. She noticed a faint domineering aura coming from Van and was on guard.

Yu Chao, Fairy Cloud Feather, and Van headed towards the fighting chambers. A few moments later, Ye Shui picked himself up and solemnly followed them.

There were already a few dueling pairs in the chamber, but a few quickly vacated their arenas when they saw Fairy Cloud Feather and Yu Chao. Yu Chao grinned and got onto one side of the fighting arena, stretching his muscles, pretending not to notice the surrounding stares from the female audience.

Van sighed and got ready to fight, circulating the Qi in his Outer Dantian.

Fairy Cloud Feather circulated the Qi into her eyes and used the "Sharp Eagle Eyes" Martial Technique. She was going to a.n.a.lyze every part of this match.

The formation started the countdown and the battle began. Van dashed at Yu Chao and unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks. The fight was very fast paced and would be practically unviewable to normal people.

Yu Chao ignored the strikes and returned them with one of his own.

"Flaming Meteor Descends: Fifth Form!"

Yu Chao leaned back, compressed his tendons and kicked out with a terrifying force. Fairy Cloud Feather gasped, Yu Chao was going to take these extremely seriously. After all, his opponent is a small realm above him. Currently, Van's cultivation was shown to the others as being at the peak of the 3rd Stage of Dantian Formation. Van quickly dodged to the side, unleas.h.i.+ng a casual Void Fist.

Yu Chao's eyes widened as he felt the s.p.a.ce around him compress, causing him to not be able to move. Yu Chao quickly let out his strongest fist.

"Flowing Magma: Sixth Form!"

A phantom of a large Volcano erupting appeared behind him. Van retreated and calmly inspected the strike. Fairy Cloud Feather tensed up and let out a small gasp. She could tell that Van wasn't taking this fight seriously. Despite his slightly higher cultivation base, there was no other reason for Van to not take this fight seriously. Besides, he had to conserve Qi for the next two fights. There was something suspicious and possibly about Van's actions.

Did we offend someone of a higher cultivation base by more than one stage? Fairy Cloud Feather started to sweat nervously. A few fans quietly inspected her moist skin. When the sweat reached her clothing, the fans started to emit a strange energetic aura but were disappointed by waterproof clothing. Other fans were more positive and admired the sparkling effect from the refracted light rays on the beads of sweat.

Back to the topic at hand, Van let out another Void Fist to counter Yu Chao's all-out strike. Yu Chao could feel the s.p.a.ce around him warp once again, this time it seemed a lot more intense. Yu Chao's expression became graver and he let out a cry of defiance.

The Void Fist consumed Yu Chao's magma strike and started to head towards Yu Chao to end the battle. Van became slightly annoyed, knowing that Yu Chao wouldn't be able to withstand this strike, and drew out some of the Qi from the Void Fist. The Fist hit Yu Chao knocking him back a foot. Before he could recover, Van started to try out new techniques and would throw out a Void Fist here and there.

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Dragon Breaks The Void 21 Confrontation summary

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