Dragon Breaks The Void 27 The Missions Division

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Chapter 26: The Missions Division

Van felt rather satisfied with his performance. With this show of power, he would rise to power and display his incredible talent, shaming all of the so-called geniuses of the Flowing River Sect. They were all just frogs in the well. The road of cultivation was infinite and there was always someone stronger than you.

Van was extremely smart for his age. Many arrogant cultivators at the Saint level still hadn't contemplated this thought despite their thousands of years of cultivation.

"Besides talent and cultivation, I need more combat experience to fight against that Inner Sect Elder I just offended. I should probably find somewhere to cultivate, preferably with a lot of beasts. But where to go."

Van decided to go outside and check the Missions Division for any beast related missions.

Van strolled along the nicely paved roads of the Flowing River Sect. Being a sect for Immortal Cultivators, the streets were always strangely clean despite the fact that Van hadn't seen any cleaners so far.

The Flowing River Sect was divided into four sub-sects. This was decreed by the founding patriarch to encourage healthy compet.i.tion among the disciples of the sect. He thought it would weed out the best from within the ranks of the

Alas, corruption and abuse of one's ident.i.ty led to some with monstrous talents to be never discovered. If the founding patriarch could see the Flowing River Sect as it was today, his tears would have formed the fifth river of the flowing river sect.

On the four rivers, are four main river cities. They float directly above their respective rivers. The names of the four rivers are as so: Torrential Flow River, Jade Tranquility River, Heavenly Might River, and the Yellow River.

Van was currently part of the sub-sect the ran the Jade Tranquility River. The Torrential Flow River contained those who pursued the aggressive arts of war. Those who would be great fighters and strategists, but not the best of leaders. The Jade Tranquility River contained those that mostly pursued the long and winding path of cultivation, detached from and high above the world. Through meditation and tranquility, they would cultivate to the heavens. The Heavenly Might River contained those that wanted to be great leaders. They were trained in the arts of leaders.h.i.+p. The Yellow River contained those that followed the more "evil" arts. They would refine souls and create Soul Beasts. Soul Beasts were important companions that followed the cultivators until their dispersion or second death. They were formed through mysterious ways, but the main ingredient was the soul of their enemies.

All of these sub-sects focused on cultivation even the Torrential Flow River. They all had their pros and cons and their exceptions. The Torrential Flow Rivers had those that aimed to be great leaders so they would take advantage of the muscle heads and lead them. The Jade Tranquility River had those that indulged in the pleasantries of the mortal world. The Heavenly Might River had those that were followers. The Yellow River had those few virtuous cultivators that wanted to temper themselves among an "evil" environment.

Van considered which sub-sect he would devote himself to. Each had their own benefits and their own downsides to joining. Van immediately crossed out the Torrential Flow River floating city. He was not one to take orders; he wanted to be the one in charge. The Jade Tranquility River didn't exactly match his temperament. He wanted to come back to the Lower Reaches and show them his power and might. The Yellow River didn't fit him because he would consider himself rather innocent. He hadn't exactly killed anyone before now so he wouldn't be confident that it would fit him.

"I guess I'll stick with the reputable Heavenly Might River."

Van nodded to himself, thinking that he made the appropriate decision. He didn't know that there was a fifth option. Excluded to handpicked talented disciples by the patriarch, there was a hidden sub-sect. Its name was the Mighty Flood Dragon Sect. All the top disciples of the ordinary sub-sects know of its existence. Besides the aim of joining the Legacy Division of the Main Sect or the Protectorate division, the disciples aimed to join the Mighty Flood Dragon Sect.

The Mighty Flood Dragon Sect exists inside of the body of a Flood Dragon. Strangely enough, a small world existed inside of the corpse and was discovered by the second patriarch. That's when he decided to create this elite sub-sect.

Back to the situation at hand, Van finally made it to the Missions Division Building. It was a large paG.o.da with 5 floors. The first floor is the floor with all the easy missions. The Missions were divided into 5 ranks: Wood, Bronze, Iron, Gold, and Platinum. There is also a rumored Black Jade rank, but no one had been seen getting such a specially designated mission.

Inner Disciples were automatically given a Bronze Ranking. Outer Disciples had a wood ranking and Core Disciples had an Iron ranking.

One could take the Missions Division test or accept and pa.s.s 100 ordinary missions, 10 peak rank missions of the same rank, or an ordinary mission of the next rank.

Van walked up to the second floor where all the Bronze ranked missions were. There were about 40 inner disciples and Bronze ranked outer disciples inspecting the mission board. Van also started to inspect the mission board.

Most of the missions were for herb picking. There were a few missions about investigations and possible danger, but Van didn't have the necessary combat experience and wasn't confident that he could come out unscratched.

There were a few beast hunting missions, but they were for those at the 3rd Stage of Dantian Formation and below.

"I guess I'll have to take a trip upstairs."

Van walked up to one of the bored Missions Division disciples.

"How may I help you?"

The Missions Division disciple was currently submerged in a pile of papers. He had procrastinated recently and had to fill out and submit the paperwork for all of the missions that he had registered recently.

When he peeked his head out, he noticed the Inner Disciple robes. He was rather surprised. Most of the Inner Disciples had advanced to the Iron Rank or beyond.

"How may I help you?"

The Missions Division disciple put on a respectful smile and cleared his desk of all the paperwork. He was only an Outer Sect disciple and despite the fact that he had never seen this specific Inner Sect Disciple, the sect was full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Van's eyes sparkled with approval. He liked this Outer Sect Disciple's temperament. He would try to remember his name.

"What's your name?"

The Missions Division disciple was pleasantly surprised. He had never been asked that by any of the Inner Sect Disciples. They usually acted arrogantly and disdained him.

"My name is Peter Pham."

Peter respectfully gave his name to Van. He had a good impression of this specific Inner Sect Disciple.

"Peter, could you guide me to where to take the Promotion Test to Iron?"

Peter wasn't surprised. Most Inner Sect Disciples contacted disciples like him only for the promotion test.

"Yes. Follow me if you would."

Peter guided Van through a few hallways and doors and arrived before and reception desk. Peter told Van to talk to the receptionist and headed back to his station.

"I wish you good luck!"

Peter said as he walked away.

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