Dragon Breaks The Void 39 Bonding

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The girl clothed in white stared back at Van.

"You checked me with your Qi Sense, didn't you? Did you like what you found?"

Van started to sweat nervously. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. He started to become fl.u.s.tered.

"It's... it's not what you think! I wasn't checking your body!"

As cultivators, they were more mature than the average 13-year-old and had already understood adult matters at an early age, especially Van who was a royal prince. He had met with many n.o.bles and had many so-called friends among them. He was introduced to lecherous matters when he and his friends had accidentally walked into the adults' room.

They had planned to play a prank on the n.o.ble of the castle, courtesy of that n.o.ble's son. Instead, they found themselves scarred by a scene they would never forget. They had opened the door as silently as possible, thinking that they were alone, they had walked around the corner to find the n.o.ble engaging in s.e.xual intercourse with a strange woman.

Van woke up from his trance to find the girl with her brow slightly wrinkled in worry. He jumped back when he found her face slightly too close to his face.

Oh, c.r.a.p.

Van had realized that he was still in the tree and that when he jumped back, there wasn't a branch to catch his feet. As a result, he started to fall towards the ground. He watched as the girl stared down at him blankly. She had gotten over her worry for Van and knew that Van wouldn't be injured, at least seriously, from such a height.

Those at the Stages of Inner Discovery were strong cultivators that could powderize large hills with their fists not to mention falling a short distance from a tree.

Van fell on the ground head first.


Van sat himself up against the tree and started rubbing his forehead. He could feel already see the bruise on his face already. Van sighed to himself.

"Why didn't you catch me?"

The girl dressed in white looked at him as if looking at someone with a lower intellect than hers.

"Because I knew you wouldn't affect you much."

She replied nonchalantly.

"You could've at least tried."

Van said with a slight whimper in his voice.

"You don't meet the requirements for me to save you."

Van fell back on the ground. For some reason, the fact that that statement had come from this girl's mouth caused it to cut straight to the heart. Van made a dramatic fall and then pretended to grip his heart.

The sound of laughter, as clear as the morning dew, cut through the silence. Van lay there on the ground listening, shocked. He hadn't imagined that such a beautiful sound could come from such an uncaring creature. As a result, he stood there and stared at the girl dressed in white, like an idiot.


She stated succinctly. Van was becoming immune to her eccentric, honest, down to earth personality and decided not to take her words to mind.

"Could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

Van asked meekly. He was worried that the girl would suddenly leave and he wouldn't be able to make a friend in this strange new world he found himself him. Even though it was temporary, he wanted to be able to adjust to it. Besides, when he got strong enough, he would definitely come back to greet his teacher.

Van silently swore in his heart to do exactly that.

The girl thought to herself, thinking if she should reply to the closet pervert next to her.

"You may call me 'Hao Daiyu'"

Van thought it was an interesting choice for a name, but made no comment upon it.

"Nice to meet you, Daiyu! I'm called Van. My full name is Van Nguyen."

Van smiled brightly and extended a hand towards Hao Daiyu. She took his hand and shook it, watching his expression during every second of contact.

How did I give her such a bad impression of myself?

Van became slightly fidgety under her intensive gaze. Her pupils were a cold ice blue that matched with her cold and aloof personality, that might have driven most away. But Van found that it was a nice match, and felt strangely comfortable around her. She gave him a familiar, yet not familiar, feeling like Zhao Yunfei did.

Speaking of Zhao Yunfei, I wonder where she headed off to.

Van's expression turned contemplative as he gazed off into s.p.a.ce for a full minute. He woke up to find Hao Daiyu, covering her chest area with a slightly sterner expression. He couldn't really tell because she always seemed to have some sort of negative expression, at least around him. She moved her body and started to leave. She let out a huff and was about to hop down the tree when it finally clicked in Van's head.

I must have accidentally stared at her chest when I was thinking of Zhao Yunfei!

Van inwardly facepalmed and threw himself forward to hold her back and try to explain himself. He caught on to her just as she hopped down.

"Hey, let go of me!"

Her face contorted in anger as Van latched onto her. He weighed her down and when they hit the next branch, it couldn't support them. When he looked up, he was surprised to find her with such an expression on her face. It was most likely the most amount of emotion that he had found her show to date.


They both screamed as they fell down together. As a result, Van held on even tighter.

"I'm sorry for staring at your chest area! It was just an accident!"

Van was trying to get his first apology in before he had to apologize once again for latching onto her. They b.u.mped into another branch, which s.h.i.+fted their positions. They both hit their heads onto the branch and pa.s.sed out.

When Van came to, he opened his eyes to a pair of icy blue eyes staring right at him. He yelped in surprise and retreated back to the tree. He had never really been on a close basis with anyone except for his aunt, mother, and sisters.

He looked at her, to see if she was still angry at him. Instead, she seemed to be shy and looked away from him whenever she noticed that he was looking back. Van sat there looking confused and lost. What had happened to cause her to act the way she was currently acting?

Van thought back to what he had experienced just now. They had fallen and hit the branch, but that wasn't anything to fuss over. What else was there? Van's hands went to his lips and chest and his face turned a bright shade of red. Now, he could understand why the girl was acting the way she was.

"I'm sorry about that! I didn't mean to do it!"

He ran over to the girl and tried to explain himself. She looked back and him and opened her mouth to speak.

"That was my first time. Did you enjoy it?"

Van started to wave his hands frantically as he tried to find the appropriate response.


That was what Van came up with, sadly, it wasn't what she had expected. She started to run off, silent tears sparkling as they fell down her pet.i.te face.

"That's not what I meant! I mean... that I did enjoy it!"

She stopped and turned around.

"You did?"

Her expression had a hint of disgust on it.

"I knew it! You were a pervert. I should've run when I saw you."

She turned to leave but found that Van had put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to steal your first kiss. It was just that the fall made us end up like that. I'm not a pervert, could you please understand that?"

"Oh? So you didn't want to steal my first kiss. Does that mean you wanted to steal a different kiss from a different girl?"

Van couldn't tell what she was thinking because her face was turned away from him. He decided to get on his knees and beg her for forgiveness.

"Please! I really didn't mean to! Believe me."

Silence reigned in the garden. All was still except for the rustling of the tree branches. All of a sudden, Van could hear a snickering sound come from in front of him. He lifted his head to find that the girl had fallen on the gra.s.s and had started to laugh.

Van stood there, confused at her actions. Wasn't she mad at him? Why wasn't she punis.h.i.+ng him?

She sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I know it was an accident you dimwit. I'm not the type of girl that will use that as an excuse to attack you."

"But what about that time that I accidentally stared at your chest?"

Her expression turned fierce again. Van started to speak up to defend himself but was cut off by her.

"I could tell you were thinking about something. Anyone could tell with that obvious dazed expression of yours, or were you so attracted by my body?"

She added a seductive tone that she had heard used by her mother once. She started to laugh even harder as she watched Van's face flush an even deeper shade of red.

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Dragon Breaks The Void 39 Bonding summary

You're reading Dragon Breaks The Void. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): NguyenDynasty. Already has 475 views.

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