Fire Lord Sofie 26 Conjure Fire Rabbit 1

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Moving forward, Sofie leaned out of the open window and looked around to see if she could spot Yue wan on the ground. Luckily for Sofie, she could easily spot Yue Wan, who was now laying on the ground with her face firmly planted into it as well.

Getting up from the ground, Yue Wan tearfully looked towards Xiao Yao, who was now standing beside Sofie and looking coldly at her. "Pu-ah, I-I'm okay! Yaoyao, how could you throw me out of the window like that. Me and Sofie were just getting to know each other. W-we're best friends are we not?"

"Who are you calling best friend? If it weren't for you being a member of the sect, I would have beat you up already. d.a.m.nable thing, sneaking into my bed at night, stealing my underwear. You are a threat to all young maidens out in the world!" snickering at Yue Wan's behaviour, Xiao Yao berated her about her wrong doings.

"W-what are you talking about. There is nothing wrong with sleeping together, w-we are both girls after all! and I only took your underwear 7 times! Everyone makes a mistake here and there, right?" Trying to clear herself up, Yue wan desperately tried to explain her past wrongdoings to Xiao Yao.

"So… It WAS you who stole my underwear!" Xiao Yao Angrily looked at the panicking Yue Wan, as the latter realized she might have said a little too much earlier.

"Haha… D-did I say something about taking your underwear, I-I don't remember anything about any bear panties, I-I promise!" Yue Wan was desperate to the extreme, as she tried explaining herself to Xiao Yao.

"d.a.m.nable pervert, you are dead!" Leaving behind these words, Xiao Yao skilfully jumped out of the window and moved towards Yue Wan, who just managed to stand up.

"W-we can talk about this, r-right?" Yue Wan tried to look calm, as she saw Xiao Yao charging towards her and when she was less than 5 meters away, Yue Wan turned around and ran out of the little front yard of the house.

"d.a.m.nable pervert, just you wait until I catch you!" Xiao Yao was still angry, as she ran after Yue Wan, soon leaving the front yard of the house as well. Leaving behind a confused Sofie, who could not comprehend what was happening.

What is going on? Why did they suddenly start fighting each other? W-what am I supposed to do now? Should I just return to my room and wait for them to come back?

Not having a clue on what to do after the little episode from her new and lively roommates, Sofie decided to just enter her room and wait for them to come back.

Entering her room, Sofie saw her cute plus.h.i.+es. They were just laying down on her bed surrounding the place where she woke up, it looked like she would not need to change their position, as she liked sleeping while being surrounded by her lovely plus.h.i.+es.

Remembering the things, she was handed back when she registered at the sect, Sofie looked around her room and soon spotted the tier 1 disc of fire.

Walking over, Sofie picked it up and inspected it. From what senior sister Ling Yue said. The disc of fire could strengthen fire qi in combat making the user a little stronger. The main use of the disc was to block enemy attacks for some time. The higher cultivation level the enemy had, the faster it will break through the defences of the disc of fire.

This interested Sofie a lot, as she really wondered wetter the little magic plate in her hand could do such things.

Channelling some of her fire qi, Sofie felt the little disc of fire light up and strengthening the fire qi going through it.

Amazed, Sofie tried to make the strengthened fire qi return to her dantian. Only to feel a slight pain, as the fire qi couldn't enter her dantian again.

Well that is a given, I guess?

Sofie thought to herself, as she let the fire qi disperse into the surrounding.

There was also another thing that interested her, so she closed her eyes and sat down starting to meditate according to the [Fire Lord Qi] cultivation manual, soon finding herself inside of her dantian.

Looking at the giant cloud of fire qi, Sofie waited for the fire qi she used a moment ago to recover.

Looks like I was right… The fire qi will only recover inside the place that have been condensed towards forming the qi vessel…

Looking at the cloud of qi that would become a permanent qi vessel in the form of a flame sometime in the future, Sofie was a little relieved that she would not need to condense the qi she recovered after usage again.

Cultivation would be impossible if cultivators needed to condense the qi again every time, they used it.

From what the cultivation manual said; the quality of the qi increased the more it was condensed, and it looked like the qi her dantian produced was of the same quality.

Relieving some of the questions on her mind, Sofie opened her eyes and looked around her room. Wondering what to do next.

The qi spell she picked earlier today was still in her hand and it was not like there was anything else she could do. Cultivating was according to Sofie… Boring…

So, when the choice stood between learning to conjure a cute rabbit and sitting down trying to condense her fire qi, Sofie would of course choose the first option.

With her mind set, Sofie exited the room and entered the backyard of the house.

The backyard was bigger than the front yard and there were clearly a few places made especially for training either qi spells or weapon skills.

Sofie quickly found a small training ground of sorts. The only things inside of it were 3 training dummies, a broken wooden sword that had snapped in half and a wooden spear, which was placed nicely at the side.

Sofie felt like the broken wooden sword should belong to Yue Wan, while the wooden spear was Xia Yao's. From the weapons laying on the ground, Sofie could guess that both of her new roommates were proficient in weapon skills.

Giggling a little to herself while looking at the broken wooden sword, Sofie could almost see the energetic and lively Yue Wan wildly swinging her wooden sword at the poor training dummies until the wooden sword suddenly snapped in two.

Returning her attention back to the qi spell, Sofie opened up the [Conjure Fire Rabbit] qi spell. The way to cast the qi spell was complex, but not too hard and Sofie understood how it worked after pondering over it in her own thoughts for a little bit.

Qi spells needed the caster to form complex symbols and patterns formed by qi. There was an almost endless number of things to do with qi and qi spells were on of the ways to utilize it, through the formation and creation of different patterns and symbols, qi spells would be created.

The qi spell [Conjure Fire Rabbit] needed Sofie to create a large number of relatively easy symbols by manipulating her fire qi and have them take the shape of a fire rabbit. The qi spell was an easy one and had no pattern. Only needing the caster to form the shape of a fire rabbit.

Sofie continued to read through the [Conjure Fire Rabbit] qi spell, as she tried to etch the symbols needed for the qi spell into her mind.

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Fire Lord Sofie 26 Conjure Fire Rabbit 1 summary

You're reading Fire Lord Sofie. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): PurpleSpring. Already has 377 views.

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