Fire Lord Sofie 64 Coffee...!

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The flower viewing platform was big and could easily accommodate a few hundred disciples, with no problem in allowing all of them to look out and see the numerous spirit flowers stretching out into the distance.

Looking around the platform trying to see if she could spot Yue Wan, Sofie soon discovered something she did not expect on top of the flower viewing platform.

In the corner of the flower viewing platform, a small shop with a few chairs and tables outside of it was open. Above the entrance to the little shop a cute cup hovered in the air with a few words saying something about coffee...?

Staring at the small cute shop with disciples constantly entering and exiting it, Sofie wondered to herself what this coffee was and forgot the reason why she went up the flower viewing platform in the first place.

Her curiosity slowly got the better of her, causing her to slowly drift towards the mysteries shop in the corner of the flower viewing platform, ignoring Yang Meng and Xiao Yao standing in front of her.

"Should we follow her…?"

Yang Meng turned to the side and looked at the Xiao Yao, who was quietly staring at the silhouette of Sofie slowly disappearing in the crowd of people entering and exiting the small coffee shop at the corner of the platform.

"… Hah… We can always look after Yue Wan later, it's not like anything is going to happen to her… What I'm worried about is the new disciple who recently entered the sect…"

Hearing what Xiao Yao said, Yang Meng could not stop himself from nodding in agreement.

Indeed, the ones they were worried about were not Yue Wan, but all the new and ignorant disciples at the flower viewing platform…

Thinking further about the eccentric roommate of Sofie, Yang Meng felt a headache coming as he worried about his friend's future.

Sofie did not spend a long time waiting to enter the coffee shop and soon entered with Yang Meng and Xiao Yao following closely behind.

The coffee shop was not anything like what Sofie had imagined it to be. Looking both cozy and relaxing. The only demerit was that there were constantly disciples entering and exiting the coffee shop, ruining the relaxing and cozy atmosphere which the decorations inside the shop created.

Standing still for a moment, observing the little shops interior, someone behind Sofie pushed her aside and squeezed himself in front of her. Apparently too impatient to wait upon seeing Sofie inspecting the little shop.

Xiao Yao and Yang Meng, who were both behind Sofie saw what happened and quickly pulled her to the side as a large bulky man made his way into the shop, making his way towards their direction.

Shocked by being pushed all of a sudden for no reason at all, Sofie only registered what happened when Yang Meng and Xiao Yao had pulled her to the side and she was sitting down in sofa by the side, slowly sinking into the soft cus.h.i.+ons of the sofa.

"W-why did he push me…?"

Blinking her eyes in confusion, Sofie turned to the side and looked up at Xiao Yao.

"Rude people… Don't mind them Sofie, if you go to this kind of shop, just remember to not stand still and hold up the line."

Xiao Yao said angrily as she looked in the direction of the man who had pushed Sofie out of the way earlier.

Sadly, the person in question didn't even register that a junior disciple was looking angrily at him and after buying what he wanted, quickly made his way out of the shop. Not knowing he had offended quiet a few of his junior disciples.

"S-so what is this shop for…?"

Trying to break the slightly awkward mood that came with Xiao Yao constantly sending angry glares towards the entrance of the shop and Yang Meng sitting still on the sofa besides her not knowing what to do, Sofie asked Xiao Yao what confused her.

After all, it is just a shop, why had that senior disciple been so rude earlier. All she did was look around the shop for a bit!

Feeling slightly aggrieved upon remembering the rude guy from earlier, Sofie quietly shook her head and quickly returned her attention back to Xiao Yao.

"The shop sells coffee… And from what I know, it is the only shop inside the sect grounds that sells coffee, so there are a lot of people coming here just to get their daily coffee…"

Looking a little helpless, Xiao Yao gazed upon the flock of wild animals (disciples) pus.h.i.+ng each other around in front of the counter.

Sofie looked over as well and saw the tired expression on the worker taking orders from the wild disciples in front of him, just one look was enough to see how tired and exhausted he was from dealing with the wild disciples in front of him.

"W-why would anyone want to work here…!?"

A little shocked, Sofie could not help but whisper what she thought.

"They get paid well… I think it was around 50 or so mission points an hour during the busy periods…"

"So, they get paid more than doing sect missions for the qi gathering realm…?"

Hearing what Xiao Yao said the workers were earning, Yang Meng was shocked to the core. Even the mission they did earlier was not even close to what these people made simply taking orders at a shop…

"Not that this job looks that easy…"

Thinking it over, Yang Meng looked at how rude the disciples were to the employees of the shop and could not help but sigh to himself.

Was this really how disciples of a sect should conduct themselves…?

While Yang Meng was lamenting over the future of the scorching sun sect and Sofie wondering what made these senior disciples so wild, Xiao Yao quickly dragged both of them out of the bustling coffee shop to avoid further problems.

"Hah… Let's not go in there again... at least not during the busy hours…"

Releasing a heavy sigh, Xiao Yao let go of Sofie and Yang Meng as she turned around and looked back at the bustling coffee shop.

"B-by the way… What do they sell in the shop…?"

Recovering from suddenly being dragged out of the shop by Xiao Yao earlier, Sofie turned around and asked Xiao Yao.

"What they sell? They sell coffee… A drink which originally came from the mainland and is really popular with some of the older disciples, as it helps them stay awake and cultivate for longer. Some even claim that it helps them concentrate and improves the speed of their cultivation, though those people were disproven later on…"

Listing to what Xiao Yao said, Sofie could not really understand why people were so wild about getting the thing called coffee… After all, all it did was allow them to stay awake for a little longer and train.
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Sofie would much rather prefer sleeping at night over cultivation, if she started to drink coffee and stay up to cultivate, her time together with the plus.h.i.+es in her room would reduce!

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Fire Lord Sofie 64 Coffee...! summary

You're reading Fire Lord Sofie. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): PurpleSpring. Already has 396 views.

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