Fire Lord Sofie 8 The Overpowered Ling Yue And The Half-Dead Fire Ba

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Sofie watched with all her attention focused on Ling Yue who was about to fight the fire bat hanging down from the ceiling.

"I-Is it really going to be okay?" Sofie could not help but ask to n.o.body specific, as her gaze wandered back towards Ling Yue.

"Haha, there is no need to worry about her, she is already in the qi condensation realm and is not weak at all!" The person who answered Sofie's question was a senior brother, who came and guided the fire lizard she was sitting on away from the supposed battle zone between Ling Yue and the fire bat.

Sofie herself felt that Ling Yue should be strong but could still not stop herself from growing nervous whenever she looked at the fire bat.

"Oh, looks like senior sister Ling is starting!"

Someone called out and everyone turned their gaze towards Ling Yue standing in the middle of the open s.p.a.ce.

Fire qi was slowly gathering around her and started to flow in all kinds of different patterns. The patterns started to intertwine with each other, and the fire qi slowly compressed into a ball that turned yellow then slowly started to grow red as more fire qi entered it.

Ling Yue made a few quick hand motions before the ball turned pure red.

"Oh, that is the fire ball technique, to think senior sister Ling was able to reach this degree only being at the 2'nd stage of qi condensation!" Voices of admiration could be heard from the crowd as they watched the fire ball turn pure red.

Sofie on the other hand stared blankly at the fire ball giving off terrifying heat waves as it slowly turned more and more intimidating with the pa.s.sing of time, just as Sofie was about to ask the senior besides her, Ling Yue made a motion with her right hand and the fire ball soared towards the still sleeping fire bat.

The fire ball formed from fire qi soared through the air and soon hit the sleeping fire bat, resulting in a small explosion.

The fire bat woke up, but the fire ball had hit with nothing blocking it or decreasing its power resulting in the fire bat being grievously injured. All the fire bat could do was helplessly try to flap its injured wings, as it helplessly crashed towards the ground down below it.

A whoos.h.i.+ng sound could be heard followed by a cras.h.i.+ng sound, as the fire bat smashed directly into the rock covered floor below.

The fire bat let out a few growling sounds, as it stood up wobbling from side to side. Fixing its gaze on the perpetrator, it let out few more growls before making its way towards Ling Yue.

Sofie saw the whole seen happening from a distance and could not stop shaking, both in fear and excitement. Thinking about how amazing senior sister Ling Yue was, being able create a fireball and shoot down the fire bat. The fear inside Sofie came from watching the fire bat getting hit by the fire ball. Followed by the fire ball blowing up directly on its body and then falling 15 to 20 meters down hitting a floor made of rocks.

Even with all this, the fire bat still managed to get up again and make its way towards senior sister Ling Yue!


Ling Yue looked towards the fire bat and saw it was already in a half-dead state barely being able to stand on its legs as it slowly wobbled towards her.

Following this she looked towards Sofie and saw her expression. The worry and fear on her face was so clear that she could not help but secretly laugh to herself. That new disciple was really worrying over nothing! How could sending off only just one fire ball be all she could? Did she really look that defenceless in that little disciples' eyes? And that fire bat was already half-dead, could it really fight in its current condition?

Thinking this, Ling Yue once again looked at Sofie's panicked expression and decided to have some fun on her behalf.


Sofie continued to look at the fire bat as it finally made its way to Ling Yue, who just stood at the same place playfully smirking at the fire bat in front of her, clearly disregarding it completely.

Sofie watched with a panicked expression as the fire bat brought its claws down towards the defenceless Ling Yue. Not being able to continue watching, Sofie closed her eyes as she waited for the inevitable to happen.

Time pa.s.sed and Sofie did not hear any of the sound or screams she expected, so she decided open her eyes and look towards the place where Ling Yue and the fire bat was fighting.

What she saw when she peeked towards the area of the fight was something that shocked her down to the core.

The 'small' and 'fragile' Ling Yue easily blocking the fire bats claw with a single hand! Th-this was way beyond anything Sofie had ever seen before, a clearly very fragile looking person easily stopping the offensive of a giant fire bat easily several meters high without any difficulty at all!

Sofie just stared blankly as a weird seal filled with fire qi formed in Ling Yue's free hand. Following that, Ling Yue's palm moved forward hitting the fire bat in the middle of its stomach. The seal made of fire qi ignited upon contact and blew up, blowing the fire bat into a nearby wall of the tunnel.

The fire bat slowly slid down the tunnel wall and laid on the ground with no further movements.

The tunnel was quiet for a moment before the crowd of disciples exploded into cheering and applause.

"Wow, that is senior sister Ling for you."

"To think she is so strong only at the 2'nd stage of qi condensation…"

"W-will we really get that strong after cultivating…? T-to think cultivators can even beat such a strong demon beast…!"

"Senior sister Ling, Amazing! I-I hope I will be that strong when I reach qi condensation!"

Hearing all the cheering and applause from both new and old disciples, Sofie looked towards Ling Yue with a tinge of guilt.

T-to think she didn't trust this senior sister, e-even though she was so strong! That giant creature called fire bat was even easily taken care of by her!

Ling Yue had already returned to the fire lizard with Sofie on it. Seeing her slightly ashamed expression, Ling Yue smiled as she asked teasingly asked, "do you still not think this senior sister will be able to protect you~?"

Sofie looked even more ashamed, as she slowly nodded her head in acknowledgement.

Ling Yue seemed to accept the nod and quickly jumped up on the fire lizard sitting firmly behind Sofie. The other disciple also realized that the show was over and returned to their own fire lizard and soon the group of disciples began moving forward once again.

Sofie turned around and cast one last look towards the fire bat laying motionless on the ground and could not help but wonder. When would she become that strong? With this only being the strength of someone in the first major realm how strong was her big sister?

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Fire Lord Sofie 8 The Overpowered Ling Yue And The Half-Dead Fire Ba summary

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