Purple Lightning Emperor 15 The Two Identities Of The Fourth Prince

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The next morning, the sun rose into the sky like a flower opening, gifting its petals unto the continent of Egul.

As usual, Shad woke up from his bed and then performed his morning duties. He did his morning stretches and then changed himself into a new set of close after taken n nice shower. After he looked himself over in a mirror, he nodded and went downstairs before the little devil Vivianna could even wake him up.

Unlike Yesterday morning, his father wasn't able to eat breakfast with them. it was only the five of them.

It was quite a lively morning, his brothers and sister couldn't stop from congratulating Shad for beating the ever living h.e.l.l out Clyde and became the top junior mage in the magic battle a.s.sessment exam.

As for his mother, like usual, she was still happy that Shad had won all of his fights, but what concerned her the most, was the state of Shad. She was constantly scanning Shad's body to see if her baby boy had been injured.

After eating breakfast, Shad slipped out from the palace before the imperial guards could follow. As an imperial prince, he should have at least ten imperial guards protecting him wherever he went, however, Shad had never liked that idea.

Firstly, because he had many secrets to protect and second of all, he had a way to avoid people to recognize him even if it was his own father. As such, he was able to guarantee his safety without the imperial guards.

After more than five years of slipping through the imperial palace unnoticed and always come back home unscattered, the imperial family started to get used to Shad's way of doing things. Nonetheless, they always tried to keep his movement secret from the outside.

After shad left the imperial palace, he quickly ran into a small corner void of anyone. he checked if there was someone following him , after double checked that he was alone, he took a black mask from his magical pouch and put it close to his face and waited a second before...


At the same moment, Shad felt a strong burst of suction power from the mask sucking his face, as though it was going to enter his skin.

Shad did not panic and he stayed calm, he had been doing this for more than three years, so it was not new to him.

As soon as the mask came into contact with his face, his appearance had changed completely and looked like a different person.

Even though he still looked like a young man around the same age, it was completely different from Shad's original appearance and even his magic aura was completely different.

Whoof! Whoos.h.!.+

Quickly after that, as he willed, his face changed continuously. Also, it could follow his thought and return to his original appearance. No matter how many times he had used this mask, he was always impressed by its wondrous used.

It was because of a treasure like that, he was able to stay safe no matter how many they have sent after him. Not only, that, he had even used that mask to become an himself. Except for that enticing demoness, no one knew about that mask.

Shad did not know the origin of that mask, he was only able to acquire it after raiding a bandit nest while he was on a mission for the academy years ago.

With this mask, he had become a well-known copper level and do many deeds whether good or bad without leaving any traces of him behind. this mask was the best tool for him to walk onto the path of both darkness and light. He could not even count how many times this mask has saved his life.

After changing his appearances, Shad left the imperial districts and went straight to Populace districts. On his way, he saw many people on the street started gossiping about the fight of the battle magic a.s.sessment between himself and Clyde in the n.o.ble district.

Most of them were upset about what happened, in their eyes Shad was was a just a fool with impractical steps, the shame of the n.o.bles who'd rather protect the commoners and acted like them as well, but they could not seem to touch him or complained about it from of him as he would do something they less expected. In their eyes, he was an unprescribable fellow that sometimes act depends on his mood.

Especially those who allied themselves with the imperial n.o.bles, they were feelings exceedingly gloomy.

Shad did not care about them, he was breezily walking on the streets, not one of them knew his true ident.i.ty as the fourth prince.

In a few hours, he made it to the populace district. The streets were bustling with people! It was a beautiful day and the mood of the crowds was one of jubilation, however, Shad did not linger too much and went to a well-known restaurant as Monalisa Inns.

It was one of the most popular restaurants in the populace district and rumor said that it has the support of a powerful n.o.ble which is why most people do not dare to cause trouble in that restaurant.

Very quickly, he was in front of the restaurant.

There were at least five soldiers wearing bright armor at the door one could tell that the owner behind this restaurant was indeed, not normal.

The building of the restaurant was the tallest building in the populace district, it displayed a certain sense of extravagance, befitting it was one of the best restaurants and Inns in the city.

At top of the building was a banner fluttering like a divine beast dancing on the wind, with the words, " Monalisa restaurants and Inns," written on it

Other than that, the building was designed meticulously as though it was not from this world.

" Young master please..." There was young beautiful waitress wearing short maid outfits that quickly rushed to welcome him.

The waitress of the Monalisa Restaurant was a person with a great eyesight and extreme observation ability. Seeing Shad's appearance, she knew that he was someone with money so she welcomed him pa.s.sionately, leading him into the hall.

The moment he entered into the hall, it was as if he had entered into a whole different world. There was a warm breeze hitting one face in the hall, the green vegetation which helped refresh the mind. Also, there was a fresh smell of plants that reminded him as though it was in a flouris.h.i.+ng garden.

The arrangement of the tables in the hall was also extremely intricate. In fact, despite being in the populace sector, this restaurant looked like a top n.o.ble restaurant.

Furthermore, there many small and large magic formations arranged everywhere. Apart from some defensive formations, there were also many small magic formations for controlling the air, temperature, humidity and so on.

Such extravagance needs the owner to pay a large amount of money to invite a magic formations master to lay down all those formation magic spells.

As he walked inside of the extravagant room, the server bent her back exposing her ample bust, asking with a seductive smile, " Young master did you reserve a seat.."

" No, I just want to see your boss, just said my name is James, and she should be willing to meet me. " He answered giving a knowing wink to her advances.

"Alright, please wait a moment, young master."

After the waitress left, Shad stood there without batting any eyelids looking at the beautiful waitress at the Inn. Looking at them, he could not help but smile helplessly about that demoness way of doing things.

" How do you like them?" A soul-stirring voice enough to captivate any man asked him.

" They are beautiful." Replied Shad while crossing his arms not looking at the speaker.

" As is the purpose young master.." The voice replied giving him a respectful address, as it was easy to see he was wealthy.

Shad turned his head and saw a graceful figure dressed in white with a masterpiece of a face. No matter how beautiful the waitress in the inn was, the appearance of this lady eclipsed their own. The lady was flowing with s.e.x appeal, she had a soft face but with a knowing glint in her eyes, a small mouth that had an alluring red lipstick expertly put on. Ample cleavage but not too large as to be off-putting, womanly hips any man would call perfect. The dress did nothing to hide her perfect feature.

The lady looks at Shad with a genuine smile on her face as though she had just met her prince charming.

" Let's go upstairs to my office." Happily said the lady as she pulled Shad by his hand as they ascend the stairs.

After which they proceed to the top level of the buildings, and went into a chamber which was that lady office. The office was very big there was two fluffy sofa that had s.p.a.ce for four people, there was a nice table made of some rare materials, some expensive paintings, etc..

The lady closed the door and slightly smiled at Shad as she turned around.

" Young master." Said the young lady as she bowed down to him. this time, her reaction or manner was much more respectful. it was like a servant in the presence of his master, or a subject in the presence of his emperor.

" How many times, have I told you not to bow to me or behave that respectfully," he replied going to one of the sofas and sitting down relaxing into its plush.

" Can I kiss you on the lips instead then?"

" No." Shad quickly rejected the request crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes, he didn't want to kiss her, she knew better.

" Hehehe, I didn't know young master could blush," she said smiling looking at him like a predator now.

" You know, where I am from people might consider you as a pedophile for your actions."

" What is that?"

" Never mind."

" How is the orphanage going?" asked Shad changing the subject,

" Pretty good, just like you asked I send money for them every month and check if the kids are being well-taken care of."

" Aside from that, there were three kids that turned fifteen last year, two of them joined the mercenary guild and the other was a girl, so I hired her here."

" That's good to hear," answered Shad nodding his head and resting his head on one of his hands.

" After the monster hunt exam and my coming of age ceremony, I plan on traveling to the Mulan Kingdom to help my second brother take care of the bandits that occupied part of the Mulan kingdom territory and complete a few missions to raise my level to a silver," said Shad as he was looking at the demoness in front of him.

" Great now I can finally spend more time with you again." Answered the lady as she stretched and sat down next shad on the sofa.

" Anyway, I want you to sell the information about my location to the that took the mission to me."

" Are you sure, young master?" answered the lady with a worried look on her face.

" Yeah, I don't want them to follow during the monster hunt exam and put the other students in danger. I want to get rid of them before the monster hunt exam."

" Plus, it's like killing two birds with one stone, not only you will get money from them by providing information about my location, I will able to see the true extent of power after those two hard years of training. " Answered Shad with a face full of confidence as he was thinking about the Purple lightning seed in the infinite s.p.a.ce which he considered as his mana pool.

With that Shad gave the lady a location where the could find him. he spent some time with the lady talking about other subjects and projects of his before he left the inn a few hours later. Ohh yeah, that lady was none other than the lady that visited Shad in his room last night and possess the spatial void magic known as Gate, the Owner of the Monalisa restaurant and Inn. As you might already know, her name was Monalisa and also, one of the top three beauties in the Imperial capital.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 15 The Two Identities Of The Fourth Prince summary

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