Purple Lightning Emperor 43 Ambush I

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After leaving the forest early in the morning with his troops, Shad had spent two days on the road. His carriage and the horses were traveling slowly under the cold moonless night.

Today was their last day of travel and by dawn, they will finally set foot in the territory of the Mulan Kingdom.

Within the carriage, Shad, and Monalisa, the two of them opened the windows on both sides as they were looking at the scenery outside. However, due to the pitch black darkness of the night, their range of visibility was extremely short.

' it's too dark outside.' He thought.

Suddenly, his eyes shone brightly like a light ball as he concentrated the lightning energy within both his eyes. Shad had spent many times experimenting with the lightning energy on his body and had found many of its advantages and ways to use it, and one of them was the Hawkeye as he called it. By channeling the lightning energy into his eyes, he would able to see through the darkness.

It was dark around the forest but shad was able to see everything as clear as the day. Not only that, he clearly could feel that the range of his visibility has doubled while using the Hawkeye.

While Shad was looking at the scenery outside with his Hawkeye, a sense of extreme danger rose up inside him. Within moments his hair was standing on ends. His gaze quickly became cold as he released his spiritual force. At the same time, he did not even bother to say anything as his body flew out of the window of the carriage.

He could not see or sense anything out of ordinary, however, the sense of danger was still there. The road was quiet, even too quiet. Shad quickly asked the soldiers to stop and stay on high alert. Listening to the 4th prince request, they did not dare to say anything as they quickly obeyed his command. Currently, the 4th prince was their commander and they have to obey everything he says even if he had never commanded an army before or had any experience with the army.

Suddenly, there was a sharp whistling sound and a large boulder which was practically on fire, a few meters wide, flew down from above. It was flying straight towards Shad's carriage with exact precision.

One of the Imperial Knights roared and his body suddenly became powerful like leopards. Shrouded by a red battle qi, he quickly shot forward to meet the huge boulder. A long sword appeared in his hand as he shot out like a snake that was about to attack its victim.


With a single slash, the imperial knights cut the huge boulder in half. the huge boulder that was originally spinning intensely forward, was now cut in half and changed direction. However, that wasn't all, two more imperial knights attacked in unison as each of them took one half the boulder. they reduced them into rumbles with their swords before it could even get close the carriage.

The three of them were so fast that one might think that the huge boulder was just an illusion, but the ruble on the ground would have proved them otherwise.

As if that wasn't enough, as soon as the three imperial knights neutralized the huge boulder, a rain of fire arrows started to pour down from the mountain peak enveloping them in all directions.

" Protect the 4th prince and prepare to face the enemies." yelled one of the imperial knights.

suddenly, all of the soldiers moved their horses close to the carriages. Within a second, more than twenty of them were holding a round s.h.i.+eld forming an umbrella around the carriage while the others ran towards where the attacks were coming from.

Even though their reaction was pretty fast, some of them still got hit. some of them got hit on the shoulders while others on their stomachs. their painful screams rang out within the forest.


Soon, another wave of arrows rained down upon them again like an iron curtain in the sky. As for the imperial knights, they were protecting Shad who was outside the carriage.

Seeing that the twenty soldiers protecting the carriages won't able to protect it with Monalisa inside without most of them dying, Shad quickly ordered the four imperial knights to take action. The four imperial knights ran and stood in front of them. Each of hem brandished their long swords shrouded with battle qi and waved it in the air, making a huge dark cyclone which reduced the velocity of the arrows as well as their directions. The arrows started to fall on the ground one by one as their lost their Strengths.

It wasn't that Monalisa was a frail woman who could not defend herself, but Shad did not want her to use her power in front of people unless it was necessary.

As for Shad, since the moment the four imperial knights went to reinforce the soldiers, he disappeared, without a trace into the forest.

He was like a tiger returning to the wild. After the second wave of attack, he channeled the lightning energy within every cell in his body which increased his speed by threefold. With that, his stomped both of his legs on the ground which created a cloud of dust, as he pounced deep into the forest like a hungry wolf.

His movements and speed were smooth like a breeze weaving through the forest. As he got further into the forest, he climbed up a huge tree with leaves covering all his body.

He released his spiritual forces and scanned the area to find the exact positions of the attackers.

From the two waves attacked earlier, Shad had already deduced that were a large force behind them. Not only that, it was as though everything was premeditated and their target was him for some reason.

The only person he thought might want him dead that bad was the 3rd prince of the Nicholas Empire, except him, he couldn't think about anyone who would dare to go against his family that openly.

Soon, Shad stopped thinking about all those things. The only thing that was in his mind at the moment was to bring the killings into the forest because whoever was in that forest was the source of this ambush. If not, he might lose half of his soldiers. Even though he did not know any of them personally, he still needed them to accomplish his task in the Mulan kingdom.

Within the tree top, Shad's eyes were white as a demon beast as he was searching for his prey. One of the enemies that caught Shad's eyes was laying down on the ground cover in leaves. in front of him was a row of long-hidden crossbows. They were all already preloaded with more than seven s.h.i.+ny silver arrows, ready to be fired.

" I guess I'm gonna start with you first," He said while looking for the rest of the enemies before making his move.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 43 Ambush I summary

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