Purple Lightning Emperor 5 Sweet Home

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The next morning, dawn........

Boom boom boom!

Shad was abruptly woken from sleep to the sound of someone banging on the door to his bedroom.

"Hey, little brother! Are you awake yet?!" he heard a voice shout. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the door rattling from her banging. He knew the devil herself had come to pay him a visit. Viviana was not the kind of person who would consider whether or not it was rude to wake someone up, always knocking in the most uncivil ways. And yet somehow people say Shad is the uncivil one of the family.

"You lazy rascal, now's not the time to be sleeping! Mother arrived last night, she's with the rest of the family downstairs eating in the dining room. You are the only one missing, not to mention the fact that you have to take the graduation a.s.sessment today. Are you going to spend all day in bed?!" she yelled through the door.

"I'm coming!" yelled Shad as he quickly ran to the bathroom to clean himself up before heading down to breakfast. When he arrived yesterday afternoon he learned that his mother was temporarily absent on a diplomatic mission but that she was due to return within the next few days. He was glad to hear that she had returned so soon.


Within a well decorated dining room in the Imperial Palace, there was a long table laden with all sorts of delicacies. Roasted meats, huge platters of fowl, savory fruit, nuts, and bread, countless cheeses, all begging to be eaten. Sitting at the head of the table was a man who looked to be in his mid forties wolfing down a huge piece of ham. He was short but handsome, and had similar facial structure to Shad, as well as the other young men sitting at the table. He was none other than the Emperor of the Djage Empire.

Seated next to the emperor was a stunningly beautiful woman. She had long, black hair that framed her mature face and green eyes. Her robes displayed her excellent figure, with large b.r.e.a.s.t.s with no sag, a thin waist, wide hips, and a plump and firm a.s.s. This was Saskia Ridore, the Empress of the Djage Empire.

"I can't believe my little baby had the heart to part with his beloved mother for two years without even writing a single letter. How cruel!" said the Empress.

"How many times have I told you to stop spoiling him, Saskia? You are the main reason he still continues to dress like a commoner, allowing him to do whatever he wants," interrupted the Emperor.

"Hey you little pipsqueak, stop spouting nonsense. It is because you are too short that you can't see the height of a mother's love for her beloved children. No matter how old he gets, he will always be my baby," answered the Empress with a threatening look towards the Emperor.

The Emperor's face twitched a little listening to his wife's comments, but he was unable to do anything. Despite being the ruler of one of the four most powerful empires on Egul, and a powerful 7th rank fire mage, he was still called a pipsqueak by his wife because he was short. n.o.body in the entire continent dared to speak to him that way except for her.

"Hehe, two weeks ago father was little shrimp and now he is pipsqueak. Mother really has a knack for nicknames!" giggled Vivianna.

"Little brother, are you ready for the academy's a.s.sessment today?" asked another young man at the table. He appeared to be in his early twenties, with long black hair and green eyes. Even though he was sitting, it was easy to tell that he was much taller than his father. This was the Crown Prince, Sander.

"Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry big brother," answered Shad.

The family of six continued to happily eat and chat with each other as the morning continued. It was the first time in several years the entire family had been together. Shad wished time would stop so that he could enjoy this moment forever. Back on Earth, he never had anyone to love, but now he had an entire family. They were the reason that he continued to push himself to get stronger. He wanted to protect their happiness, and for that he was willing to do anything, no matter the cost. He had never known unconditional love before, and now that he had a taste of it, like a forbidden fruit, he couldn't get enough.

While Shad was indulged in his own thoughts, the Emperor was looking at his peculiar family as well. He had four children, Sander, Theodore, Viviana, and finally Shad. His first son was an outstanding politician, but fell short when it came to raw power or magical talent. His second son, Theodore, was more interested in military affairs and warfare. His daughter, Viviana, was a mystery to him, much like her mother. He wasn't really sure what her interests were. As for Shad, he did not care about the power of the throne at all, which was good. He did not want his children to become enemies and fight for the throne the way he and his brothers had.

Of all of his children, only Shad didn't particularly listen to him but looked up to his mother instead. Sander and Theodore both looked up to their father, which is why he was able to shape their personalities a little, molding them in a manner fit for a n.o.ble and future ruler. As for Viviana, she was a girl so it didn't matter. But Shad was definitely a momma's boy, and only took her words into consideration. Not only that, but he dressed like a commoner and acted like one as well. He had an unlimited talent for magic, and had the possibility to reach heights unattainable for mortals, but the Emperor could only watch as he continued to slip through his fingers without being able to do anything. Shad was the most talented of his children when it came to magic, and the one who was least likely to listen to his father.

Once the family of six was finished with their breakfast, Shad left the Imperial Palace and began to walk towards the Kalin Magic Academy, in order to take the graduation a.s.sessment test.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 5 Sweet Home summary

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