Purple Lightning Emperor 54 The Angry 4Th Prince

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It was deep into the night and Shad was in route to his estate after leaving the banquet. At this moment, the sky was at its darkest.

The whole royal capital was enshrouded by darkness and a tense atmosphere.

However, the darkness tonight was different from the usual one. There was this depressing feeling contained inside it, which had quickly spread all over the capital like a virus.

The royal capital was meant to be bustling during the night, with people partying and drinking. The doors of the establishments such as Inns, restaurants, and the red district where all the fun resided were supposed to be open. During the night, the royal capital was supposed to be more alive than it was during the day.

Unfortunately, it was not the case tonight. The whole city was completely dead, and all of this could be traced back from the speech that Shad had just made in the royal banquet. Even the common people could sense the danger in the air as they closed their doors, windows and had gone to bed earlier than the usual.

" 4th prince your highness, don't you think you were a little too aggressive tonight in the banquet." Asked mark who was sitting next to Shad inside the carriage as they were heading home. Currently, Mark was quite in a dilemma because he could sense the danger as well, it felt as though there were horrible enemies coming for them.

His duty was to protect the 4th prince, but how was he going to do it when the 4th prince had threatened all the powerful n.o.ble family within the kingdom with his speech. It's true that his mission was to protect the interest of the empire and reverted the kingdom back to its past peaceful and prosperous self by reclaiming the lands that were taken from the south by the bandits as well uprooted the corrupt n.o.bles that had allied themselves to the Nicholas Empire, but he didn't have to be so direct about it. Doesn't he know what scheming and diplomacy were for? unlike the other princes, the 4th prince was little harsh and hot-headed. At this moment. Mark was also thinking about one thing, and it was how he was going to protect the 4th prince in this foreign soil.

" Aggressive! , huh, I don't think I was aggressive enough. I don't have time to play with these old fogies who think that they could control everything in the dark. I just want to smoke them out of their holes and slaughter them." Answered Shad with a strong killing intent.

Shad really didn't have time to play nice with these people. His most important business was at the southern region of the kingdom where Henry's pod had crashed as well as the bandits that occupied most of the territory.

Shad wasn't planning on spending too much time in the capital, but before he leaves, he won't leave any stone unturned even if he has to turn the royal capital into a river of blood.



The h.e.l.l with them, he will use the most brutal way to crush whoever opposed the Djage Empire.

Seeing the intense killing intent emitting from the 4th prince's body, Mark couldn't help but swallow what he was going to say.

He truly felt that he was unable to see through this young prince's heart. The 4th prince was sometimes smart with his personal control, sometimes very friendly with people and generous, especially with the commoners as he greatly cherished them. But tonight, he was as though he was looking at the demon king that was thirsty for blood.

" Mark alerted the two imperial knights as well as the twenty soldiers to get in positions, we have some company," Shad said with a slight smile on his face. While he was inside the carriages, he had been scanning the whole area non-stop for potential enemies with his spiritual forces. As he thought, they really came after him.

Tonight, Shad only had three imperial knights accompanied him in the banquet, as for Gwen who was the only women among the four imperial knight, she was currently with Monalisa in a mission that Shad had given her before he left. The rest of the soldiers were in the estate, but Shad had taken the twenty most powerful of them to accompany him in the banquet.

" Mark, don't worry about me, kill as many of them as you can, if possible leave none of them alive," He said before he got out through the window of the carriage and climbed on top of it before mark could even stop him.

In the sky, The cold wind howled weirdly.

Shad was standing on top of the moving carriage as he was looking at the surrounding buildings with a weird smile on his face.

Suddenly, he saw some figures jumping and flying on top of the buildings like the ghost of the night.

Each of them had a long silver sword on their waist that was dazzling even in the dark.

Seeing this, Shad's killing intent intensify. These people were truly brazen. Even though he doesn't use the power of his status regularly. He was still the 4th prince of the mighty Djage Empire. He was above millions of people, and that was an in irrefutable fact.

Yet, these n.o.bles of the Mulan Kingdom which was an affiliated kingdom of his family's empire dared to make a move against him. A kingdom that was not even a match for one of the ancient powerful n.o.ble family such as the kalel family or the Ridore family where his mother came from. Each of these family could lay waste of the Mulan Kingdom, yet these people dared to challenge him, the 4th prince. Challenge the authority of the Imperial family that has been keeping the ancient n.o.ble family at bay for centuries.

This was totally unreasonable.

They really wanted to kill him!

He might understand the 3rd prince of the Nicholas Empire or maybe the kalel family, but those measly n.o.bles from the Mulan Kingdom. They were truly out of their minds. Don't they know the consequences of even attempting to kill him?

Tonight if he doesn't show them why his imperial family had been standing erect for centuries in the Egul continent, it would be a great insult for his ancestors. It seemed like being a low-key meant that one was a coward or a soft egg in the eyes of these people. If that's the case, then it's time for him to let loose.

From each direction of the east, the south, the west and the north, there were at least two figures jumping over the buildings towards the direction of his carriage as though they were trying to surround him.

" You people truly have some b.a.l.l.s trying to this prince. I will show you the consequences of doing so, let's hope you have the stomach to muster it all." Shad was truly mad at the moment. When he referred himself that way, it could only mean one thing, s.h.i.+t was about to down.

His voice reverberated throughout the whole capital as he used mana wave to amplify it.

At the same time, his whole body surged with lightning energy, his eyes were cold and were s.h.i.+ning brightly with a white light as the demon of the night.

His body was emitting a type of destructive aura that belonged to the G.o.d of destruction. Within his hands, two shorts swords made of lightning energy appeared out of nowhere.

Furthermore, his whole body was shrouded by lightning bolts. He was like the silver moon beneath the moonless sky as it brightened the surrounding area with his lightning energy. However, this silver moon wasn't the kind one or peaceful one as he was bringing an aura of death and destruction with it.

The lightning energy flowed within and around every inch of Shad's body as he suddenly moved like the pa.s.sing clouds and flowing water. His speed was so fast that he gave the others the feelings that he was moving in slow motions as he left countless of afterimage behind. It was like an illusion. In split second, he was already on top of one the house behind one of the figures that were moving from the south part of the carriage.

" Turn to ashes," He said coldly as he pierced the lightning swords in the man's skull.

The men's head was like a sponge as it swallowed the lightning swords within. Shad did not even look back as he moved to the next target, he did not even check if the man had died or not.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 54 The Angry 4Th Prince summary

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