Purple Lightning Emperor 58 Blood Bath Within The Royal Capital And A Happy Ending

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In a blink of an eye, four days have already gone by. During this four days, the city square of the of the royal capital of the Mulan kingdom had turned into an execution ground.

Every day, there would be a new head hung high up on a pole in the city square. Each one of them belonged to either a powerful n.o.ble or a high-ranking official within the royal court.

Furthermore, each of those high ranking officials was either found guilty of a crime so atrocious that the punishment was execution and seizure of properties while the others were spies of the Nicholas Empire.

As for the ten men that were plotting to kill Shad with the 2nd prince, they were the first one to be brutally killed. However, before they were killed, Shad had managed to get some information from them by using the brain-devouring insect. As such, he was able to discover quite a few rats who intended to cause some troubles to the Djage empire by allying themselves with the 3rd prince of the Nicholas empire.

However, his most important discovery was a slave trading ring within the royal capital of the Mulan Kingdom.

It's been more than fifty years since the Djage Empire had banned slavery. The imperial family had taken action and the slave trade had dried up. Many n.o.bles families that were a.s.sociated with slavery were destroyed and those who gained wealth from it became corpses the next day.

The imperial family was very strict when it comes to slavery and the policy remained even now, as such, Shad had used this policy to clean up the whole royal capital and get rid of any n.o.bles that did not seem pleasing to the eye.

As for the attempt orchestrated by the 2nd prince to get rid of the 4th imperial prince, It remained a secret from the populations except for some members of the royal family as well as some high court officials and n.o.bles. n.o.body knew that the 2nd prince had run away with his tail between his legs, leaving the Royal capital after trying to kill the 4th imperial prince.

Two days after the attempt, the queen had suddenly disappeared as well. Even the king himself did not know where she went not to mention Shad.

However, how come the royal family could keep a lit on these events. On the fourth day, the news about these events got out and set many waves in the royal capital. The citizens of the royal capital finally knew why the 4th prince was going on a killing spree.

Most of the people that had suffered from the hands of those n.o.bles that were executed were happy and loudly clamoring with the others regarding how G.o.d had answered their prayers by sending the 4th prince to kill those dirty n.o.bles who fed on their commoners' status and abused them.

The people praised the 4th prince endlessly, while the officials, as well as the n.o.bles, were all feeling restless. Even though they were just hunting down spies and traitors right now, but who knew when this little devil would start chopping down greedy n.o.bles and officials who took bribes?

This was something no one could predict.

With them officials in general, including those from a different kingdom or empire, who could say that their a.s.s was completely clean and never did some bad deeds? Who had never wiped their with their hands? Honesty, Integrity... are you kidding? Are there such good officials like that in this world, especially a world such as Eidrin where the strong feeds on the weak.

As they could do nothing about it or go against the 4th imperial prince, all the n.o.bles and officials started to straighten up without any orders. Even the King did not dare to voice any complaint not to mention them. From what they heard, the king was enjoying the last days of his life by drinking wine and eats all sorts of delicacies, even the disappearance of the queen did not faze him or stopped him from enjoying his last days not to mention them who he wanted to get rid off a long time ago.

They just wanted to do good in front of the 4th imperial prince, some of them that possessed stores and restaurants within the royal capital started to give discounts to all the commoners that came to buy stuff from them. For those what had commoners working for them as servants, gardeners, or maids, they have all given them a raise.

Meanwhile, the commoners started to come up with all kind of phrases, praising the 4th imperial prince. One of the most popular phrases was. " When the Son of Heaven set foot within the capital, all the n.o.bles and crooked thieves became upright citizens and saints." As for the n.o.bles, the 4th imperial prince was nothing but a little devil incarnate.

As those words spread, everyone who heard it nodded in agreement. It was as if these words were an actual reflection of how they felt. Whether they were n.o.ble and commoners, they all felt that their description of the 4th imperial prince was spotted on.

Also, the biggest winner of all these events wasn't the 4th imperial prince but the crown prince Roman. After the 4th prince had executed all the traitorous n.o.bles as well as high-rank officials, there was a huge vacancy left within the royal court. The crown prince had used this opportunity to strengthen his power within the capital as well as filling some of the vacancies with some of his own people.

He started holding control of the Mulan kingdom and his succession to the throne was a clear deal, especially after his little brother had disappeared. There was no one who could shake his position as the future king of the Mulan kingdom, except for this little devil, the 4th imperial prince. One word from him was enough to strip away everything.

Within the 4th imperial prince's mansion.

It was already night nighttime, Currently, Shad was sitting within a small hot spring in the backyard of his estate. the moonlight spilled onto the water making its bottom more visible to the naked eye.

The size of the small hot spring was about average, and the water was very clear due to the full moon hung high up on the midnight sky. You could even see the small rocks as well as the pebbles at the bottom just by standing near the hot spring.

At this moment, Shad was b.u.t.t naked as he sat within the hot spring with his eyes closed. His body sank to the bottom, with only his head out of the water and his back leaning against the wall. He hadn't been so relaxed for a while.

After a while he slowly opened his eye, with a long breath of relief, he called out, " Monalisa."

Monalisa arrived swiftly and stood behind his back. She was s.e.xy and enticing as usual.

" Young master."

As she was speaking, she blushed lightly when she noticed Shad's clothes on the side of the hot spring. Judging from that, she could guess that Shad was without clothes in the water, naked.

Shad did not turn around, and with his eyes closed, he asked," Are there any updates on Lisa about the other books."

" Miss Lisa said that she will probably won't be able to let you read the rest of the books because it seemed like his parents won't let her do so. Apparently, there is a rumor of someone being able to decipher the language within the book and his family was looking for that person. Even your imperial family was doing the same, as such his parents won't let her take the book away not even for a second."

" According to his family, the content of that book could break the balance of power within the Egul continent." Replied Monalisa with a clear voice.

Listening to Monalisa, Shad was a little surprise.

' Don't tell me there was another person beside me and Henry that transmigrated into this world as well from Earth,' He thought to himself. If that was the case, then he has to hurry and look for the pod that Henry came with to see if he could find any useful items before it was too late. As for the other volume of the book, he will worry about that once he was done with that pod.

" I see. Anyway, we will leave for the southern region of the Mulan kingdom in two days. I don't think I need to kill any more n.o.bles. As for the Andres family, I ordered Roman to keep a close watch on them." Right now Shad was only thinking about that pod and increased his strength. Currently, he was at the Peak of the 4th cla.s.s mage and was able to deal with a 5th rank warrior or a mage. As for the ranks above, he was not really confident, especially the 7th rank.

Shad knew that if there was really someone that could read that book beside him, then it won't be long before the whole Egul Continent was engulfed into a never-ending war. He had the feeling that the content of the rest of the diaries really had the power to change the balance of power between the four great empires. Which was why he had to increase his strength, otherwise, he won't even be considered as an appetizer in the eye of the high-level warrior and mage.

" Young master, with the current situation of the south, do you think it was wise to kill all those n.o.bles and high officials. Don't you think that it weakened the power of the Mulan Kingdom?" Asked Monalisa while shad was lost in thought.

She really didn't understand why his young master was killing all those people while the situation of the kingdom wasn't that optimistic. The kingdom was already weak already, by killing all those people who had a little bit of power, it further weakened the overall strength of the Mulan kingdom.

" Well, if you want to deal with the foreing invasion, you need to first deal with the internal pacifications. There were so many factions within the kingdom due to the princes fighting against one another, they've never agreed with one another. By erasing the fraction of the 2nd prince, the crown prince has all the power now which would make things easier. not to mention most of them were traitors and slave traders" Answered Shad with both of his eyes still closed.

Listening to his young master, Monalisa couldn't but to agree with him.

" Alright, you can leave now and tell Mark to make some preparation for the trip. Also, there is someone that you should meet when we get there. I hope you guys will get along just fine" As he dismissed her, Shad started to meditate on his own with his eyes closed. However, a while had pa.s.sed, but he didn't hear Monalissa leave.

While he was about to open his eyes, he heard the water splashed. He quickly closed his eyes again pretending that he didn't hear anything. After some time, he heard someone slide through the water and immediately felt a strange and soft feeling below. That's when he realized that it was from Monalisa licking and sucking his little brother.

Shad felt as though he was in heaven. His legs flexed, and his muscles started clenching all over and tensing awkwardly. It was the first time, he was receiving that kind of treatment from a girl.

When they did it the first time, it was Shad that was doing it for her but tonight, it seemed like it was her turn, and from the look of it, it seemed like she had mastered it as well to perfection. Shad could clearly feel a tingling sensation, every time she swirled her tongue around his little brother.

Shad didn't dare to open his eyes as he was enjoying this feeling. After some time had pa.s.sed, his little brother shot a huge amount of creamy projectiles before it reverted back to his previous size. However, how could Monalisa give it a break, she quickly started licking it again before it woke up from his slumber.

Seeing this, Shad could not bear it anymore and finally opened his eyes. He pushed her onto the ground, pulled her legs apart and savagely thrust himself inside.

It seemed as though Monalisa was waiting for that as well, she quickly circled her legs around his waist like vines, gently spreading apart as she was moaning softly. Her body softened under Shad's intense thrusting and over and over again until she was panting from breathlessness.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 58 Blood Bath Within The Royal Capital And A Happy Ending summary

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