Purple Lightning Emperor 64 Mountain Tigers' Graveyard Ii

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Seeing Mark rus.h.i.+ng towards him with his eyes filled with killing intent, Antony didn't dare stay there any longer. He used his fastest speed to retreat. He knew that the opponent was a 6th rank warrior, there was no way in h.e.l.l he was going to face him alone.

" Attack, Show those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds the might of the mountain tigers" He yelled as he was retreating.

Antony really believed that he could kill the 4th imperial prince and the hundred of guards protecting him. There were more than five hundred of them, there was no way they could kill them all with this small amount of guards. Most of them might die in this battle but they will get the job done.

" Mountain tigers attack." Shouted the rest of the bandits as well. Their voices echoed throughout the whole valley, creating reverberations across the area in an intimidating fas.h.i.+on. This was enough to prove that they weren't afraid of the Lightning Corps. It also showed their will to fight to the end.

With Antony's command, The group of bandits rushed out as they swiftly made their way towards the four imperial knights as well as the hundred Lightning Corps.

At this point, even Shad who was watching the fight from far away couldn't help but praise them, not for their bravery but for their ignorance because they did not know what kind of enemies they were about to face.

Do they really think that the four imperial knights, as well as the hundred members of the Lightning Corps, were a group of soft tomatoes that they could crush with their numbers alone?


Mark roared as he rushed towards the incoming enemies while waving his long heavy sword left and right and constantly killed the enemies. Each time he waved his sword, there was a small amount of sword Qi of up to two meters long that enshrouded his sword making it longer than it was. As such, even if he missed, the sword QI was enough to finish the enemy.

Every single member of the Lightning Corps followed Mark as they rushed to meet the enemies as well. Just as the name suggests, the dance of madness formation was a formation where they ignored their defense and focused solely on attack. This type of formation showed their fearlessness as well their madness. Each one of them had one thing on their mind which was to cut down the enemy in front of them.

They formed a circle around the carriage and rushed towards the enemy in a circling manner. As they continued to attack and rushed towards the enemies, the circle that they formed kept on getting bigger.

" Kill them! Kill them all!" Antony's eyes were red as he saw his people getting chop off like vegetables by the hundred of lightning corps as well as the four imperial knights. At this moment, Antony was quivering with fear. He had never imagined these people were powerful to that extent.

He quickly mobilized ten 2nd rank warriors to help him attack Mark who seemed to be the strongest one of them.

Unfortunately for him, Mark was a peak 6th rank warrior. He was able to kill a 2nd rank warrior without even having the need to use his battle qi. his physical strength was enough to deal with them. As a 6th rank warrior, he had the strength of six hundred regular soldiers.

As for Gwen, the female imperial knight, she was going all out even though her opponent were just a bunch of weaklings.

At this moment, a terrifying storm swirled around her body as she unleashed the Qi of her 6th rank warrior, and let it roared like a dragon. With a pair of sharp swords in her hands, capable of cutting through the hardest metals as though there were tofus.

She swung them up and up down, left and right, causing blood to splash right away. Heads started to fly. The flesh, blood, and limbs of the bandits were sent flying as the Sword Qi dispersed outwards. Several strong bandits who could use battle qi couldn't even stop a single slash from her. she was like an angel of death within the battlefield.

" Daniel, use fireb.a.l.l.s to stop that demoness." Yelled one of the bandits.

The man named Daniel was a well known 3rd cla.s.s fire mage and the most powerful mage in the mountain tigers group, even though his innate talent wasn't good, and was only a junior mage despite being a sixty years old man, he was well respected within the mountain tigers bandits and he was also the second in command.

Daniel quickly started to chant his magic spell. Suddenly a huge fireball pa.s.sed over the heads of the bandits as it directly flew towards Gwen who was in a killing festival.

" Demonic wind slash." She yelled as she sent out multiple sword qi waves which slashed the huge fireball into multiple pieces before it disappeared.

Meanwhile, the other two imperial knights, Elano and Elly, went berserk as well. Because they were always in the imperial capital, they didn't get to fight a lot. However, today they were like a bunch of kids in a candy shop. They had a huge smile on their faces as they sent a number of bandits flying into the sky as their chopped-off arms flung in the air, some of these hands still held their s.h.i.+ning swords.

The screams of the bandits reveberated throughout the whole mountains. For the first time in their life, they get to experience what true fear was.

The mountain tigers didn't stand a chance against the Lightning Corps as well as the four imperial knights brutal killings. they were like a bunch of fish on a chopping board. They have been fighting for more than twenty minutes already, yet they have lost more than half of their troops while the enemies didn't even have a single casualty. It was like a one-sided battle. Even though the four imperial knights were doing most of the killings, The members of the Lightning corps weren't playing either. They were like a small pack of wolves facing five hundred rabbits. No matter the difference in numbers, they could still crush them.

One has to understand, every member of the Lightning Corps was a warrior rank while most of the bandits were regular fighters with a handful of low-level warriors and mages. There was a huge difference between a warrior and a fighter. A 1st rank warrior could pick up a hundred pounds with one hand while a 2nd rank could pick up two hundred pounds and tossed around a hundred pound with one hand easily. In contrast, this kind of task was impossible to accomplish by a fighter because they were just still regular mortal without any battle qi to strengthen their body.

In the meantime, blood continued to splatter over the field as the Lightning Corps rushed forward in a wild manner and cutting down the mountain tigers bandits. Blood flowed through the ruins and filled the valley of death like a river. Even after several days, the stench of blood will remain.

" Quickly withdraw! Withdraw!" Seeing his companions being killed so easily by the Lightning Corps and the four imperial knights, Antony finally realized how frightening this group people were. He felt as though each of them had the strength of a thousand men.

Especially the four imperial knights, the four of them tempestuously fought inside their army. Even though they tried to gang up on them, they still couldn't stop even one of them.

At this moment, his whole body was ladened with wounds and covered in blood like a dog that had lost his owner. The mountain tigers were being wiped out. The valley death was fragmented with blood and corpses everywhere. All of them belonged to his companions.

His mountain tigers that consisted of more than five hundred men fell with only less than a quarter of them left. The majority of them were killed instantly without the chance to resist.

Currently, he was full of regret. As someone who had a great vision and ambition, he was able to bring the mountain tigers to prosperity. However, that wasn't enough, he wanted to be someone that was respected with authority like the n.o.bles. He wanted to have his own legitimate land and bring his mountain tigers to a new height by making them a legitimate force that didn't need to hide within the valley of death all the time. Unfortunately, all of these dreams and aspirations were ultimately destroyed by his own hands due to his foolish decision.

He absolutely wouldn't have started this battle if he truly knew who he was messing with. He thought that with how strong they were in numbers, he would be able to annihilate this hundred of people and kill the 4th imperial prince. He didn't expect that the notorious 4th imperial prince didn't even have to come out since they were already destroyed by his guards.

The most painful thing was, even though they were being wiped out, the main force sent by the 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas empire didn't even lift a finger or come to their rescue. They just used them as a meat s.h.i.+eld to worn out the enemies.

As for the survivors of the mountain tigers bandit, as soon as they heard their leader's command to withdraw. They all quickly ran back to the mountain like a tidal wave. Despite being a group of bandits, they were all loyal to the leader because he was very good to them which was why they wanted to fight to the death for him.

However, before they could even make it far, a bugle horn resounded throughout the valley. Suddenly, the entire valley turned pitch black.

Mark who was currently chasing after the enemies stopped. He raised his head and looked straight ahead. He saw more than four hundreds men in black on horses, they were at stand-still. They were on both sides of the valley. Then those men in black raised their hands and threw countless long spears in their direction, not only one but five waves of spears were thrown at them in quick succession.

They didn't care whether the bandits were still within the valley. To make matter worst, the archers started to shoot arrows. More than a dozen cross-bolts were shot at the same time. Even the entire sky turned pitch black as this large-scale aerial attack blocked the sunlight.

Meanwhile, Shad stood upright on the top of the mountain. He had a cold and worried look on his face as he saw this large scale of attack.

This wasn't an attack from a lowly group of bandits but the combined attack of more than four hundred warriors. One has to understand, a 1st rank warrior can lift a hundred pound with one hand, so one can imagine the power and the velocity of these spears as well as the arrows.

" It seems like I'm gonna have to join the fray as well otherwise I might lose more than half of the Lightning Corps." Shad thought the enemy was going to attack them head on like the group of bandits as there were only a hundred of them, but he didn't think that they would start with long range attack first. At this moment, the situation wasn't too favorable for the Lightning Corps.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 64 Mountain Tigers' Graveyard Ii summary

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