Tales Of New World: The Magus 11 Memory

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Six hours already pa.s.sed since he looked at the King and Queen of Haegia future and the five knights. He then sighs and says,

"That one really thrilling, but at the same time, I feel really relieved. I must agree with Romain."

He walks around the street of Ironforge in order to look around it for the last time before he left Ironforge tomorrow. He then mumbles,

"I can't believe everything that I see about their future is really good... Like King Paulo will help this Kingdom to its Golden Age and Queen Helena will get something unexpected in the future, something that will change her mind. I can't hold my laugh after seeing the face that they have when I say something like that."

Volya then laughs a little bit and then walks around once more. But, he remembers something about Villias' future. He mumbles,

"But, what about the severed limb there... That future that I saw... is the one that really different from the other. What the meaning of that?"

After he stays silent for a while, he shakes his head and tried to let that thing out of his mind. He then continues to walk towards the market area of Ironforge, until he arrived at one fruit stall. He stopped there and then buy some apple from there. The owner looked at Volya and really surprised to see him there, and then he says,

"Sir Volya, I can't believe I meet you face to face like this!"

"Huh... Err... Yes... Do I know you?" ask Volya with a puzzled face

"Ahahaha... I'm sorry if I confused you... My daughter met you yesterday to let you read her future. And her future hit it's marked as she meets with her other part."

"I... am happy to hear that?" answer Volya again quite unsure about it

"Ahahahahaha... I'm sorry about it... I just show you some grat.i.tude for everything that you said for her."

"Ahahahaha... Then, the wheel of fortune is really on her side. That good to hear that."

"So, for my grat.i.tude, I will give you this apple for you."

"Wait... I don't need five of it."

"No... It's my grat.i.tude for you. Just accept it, Sir Volya."

"Thank you."

"Then... Sir Volya, when will you leave Haegia?"

"Tomorrow I will leave on the dusk."

"That's really bad because we will have a festival in a week."

"Is that so? Probably I will return before the festival."

"Then, I will gladly prepare a lodging for you."

"Thank you very much... I can't express my grat.i.tude for anything."

The seller smiles at Volya and Volya leaves the shop with a lot of apples in his hand. He walks towards his lodging and thinking, "Living in a city... It feels really refres.h.i.+ng and if I stay here, I'm sure that I will feel really happy."

Suddenly he takes a glance at the alley near him. He then mumbles, "But, it only reminds me of my past as a street urchin with Big Sis and that girl. Before my devilish parent sells me as a slave."

He sighs and then looks at the apple in his hand. He says,

"But, I could say that I am lucky that someone helps me. I don't know what will happen if Father didn't help me back then."

Volya then glances again at the alleyway and walks there. He then says,

"I have a lot of apples here. Do you want some? I believe I can't eat all of them by myself."

No one answers him, but Volya continues to walk and offers the apple. Not long after that, two people show up from near one of the barrels there. A young girl and her little brother. Volya stops right in front of them and then says,

"Do you want this?"

The younger brother looks at Volya and seems like to take the apple. But, her sister looks mad at Volya and slaps his hand. Volya smile a little and says,

"I know that feels... when someone offers food to my friend and I at the alleyway like this... And my sister will shove that away like you."


"I know how it feels to be really weak like both of you. In order to survive, we must do anything... Stealing, killing, beating... But, when someone does something like this we always on alert."

Volya then looks at the apple that falls and then using his magic to clean it. The kids in front of him really surprised to see him that cleans the apple. They are really intrigued by what they just saw. He then says,

"But, after someone saved me after I am being sold as a slave... I want to do the same thing as what he did to me."

Volya then offers the apple to them once more and then says,

"Hopefully, you will... huh?"

The two kids suddenly walk towards Volya and the little girl says,

"Mister, could you show me another trick?"

"Tricks? Ah... Alright." answer Volya knowing what she means.

He then makes a little flame that resembles every animal that he knows. He then tells a little tale to them while giving them the apples that he has. The two kids accept it and eat them while seeing Volya's play. After ten minutes, he sits down with them and says,

"What do you think about it?"

"It's really cool, Mister." answer the little boy

"Good to hear that," says Volya as he smiling at them.

He then gives them his two last apples and then says,

"You could have those. I get those apples from that seller over there."

"Are you sure about that, Mister?" asked the young girl.


"Thank you, Mister."

"Then, I will take my leave."

Before Volya could move, the two kids hold his cloth and the young girl says,

"Where are you going, Mister?"

"Ah... I will be going home to meet my animal friend," answer Volya

"Then, are you going back here again?" asked the young boy.

Volya thinks for a while, pats their head, and then says,

"I will... And while I am away, I will tell one of the knights that I know to look after both of you."


"And when we meet again, I will play something else to entertain you."

Both of them look at each other and then see Volya that show his pinky finger. He then says,

"It's my promise to both of you."

"Eh? Are you sure?" asked the young girl

"Yes, I am."

Both of them smiles at Volya and makes a pinky finger with him. After that, Volya waves to them and walks towards his lodging. When he arrived at the lodging he sees two knights stand there. Both of them are Ludmila and Vasily.

Ludmila smiles at Volya, while Vasily looks at Volya with a nod. Volya really surprised to see them and then bow at them. Suddenly, Ludmila says,

"Those two little kids, let us look after them."

"Eh? Did you..." says Volya that interrupted by Vasily,

"Yes. We saw you when you tell them a tale. You are really someone that will entertain the other only to see them smile. Not someone with a bad intention."

Volya smiles at them and then he asks them why they are here. Ludmila then says,

"We come here to give our parting gift for you. It's our well-known leather gauntlet created by the man from armory area."

"Hopefully this could help you protect your hand a little, especially when the little fox that Sir Albert saw at Wildespring bite your arm and your hawk land on your hand." continues Vasily

"Thank you very much, I really appreciate them," answer Volya as he bows at them.

"And your action quite sensible when we judging by the politic situation here. Helping the knight so we will not send our army to attack that forest," says Vasily.

"And Sir Villias really commends your bravery back then... Ahahahahahaha... You do not flinch even an inch." praise Ludmila

"The truth is I am frozen by fear because of that." jokes Volya

The three of them laugh together, and Vasily says,

"I can't believe a mere commoner like you really surprise me. And you indeed have a very kind and free heart."

"Is that so? Thank you for your compliment," says Volya

"Then, we will take our leave. Hopefully, you enjoy your stay here," says Vasiliy as he walks past Volya

"I really enjoyed it if looking on your Ruler's fate doesn't include."

"Good to hear that... See you later then!"

Vasiliy leaves Volya and Ludmila alone as he needs to report something to Villias. Ludmila then looks at Volya and says,

"I have a sneaky feeling that you are going to meet us soon."

"Is it?"

"I don't know if that something good or not, but judging by how you could adapt with all us here, I could say that's something good for us."

Volya smiles at Ludmila and then Ludmila bow at him as she remembers that she has something else to do. Volya then sighs and says,

"Easy to adapt, huh?"

He then looks at the ceiling of the city and mumbles,

"Live in the city... It only reminds me with a painful memory, when I am still little like a street urchin with my big Sister, especially after seeing the little kids that I met in the alley before."

There is a brief pause before he continues,

"And it's really tiring for me to pretend like this... Am I really easy to adapt like that? Or my act is a top-notch that everyone thinks like that? I don't know."

He then sighs once more, enters his lodging, and takes some rest as he will leave tomorrow.

The next day, Volya brings everything that necessary for him. All the Five-Knights and The Queen and King are with him at Arkmunster. He then looks behind and says,

"Thank you for everything. It's really an honor for me to live in a great Kingdom like this."

"You're welcome, Young Hermit. The next time you come back here, we will greet you with open arms," says Paulo

"Thank you, very much."

He then starts to walk away pa.s.sing through the rocky road to Wildespring Forrest once more. Villias looks at Volya's figure that leaves Haegia and then says,

"You says that he is the right person for Romain to become stronger... Am I right, Sir Albert?"

"Yes. It is," says Albert

"But it feels like..."

"He doesn't feel comfortable in the city... I a.s.sume its something with his past." says one old man behind the Five Knights as he interrupted Villias.

Villias and Albert look behind them and nods. Albert then looks at Volya once more and says,

"But, you know what... I believe Romain also could change him a bit."

"Ahahahaha... I believe that will happen Sir Albert," says Ludmila after she hears what they are talking about.

"And... I have a sneaky feeling that... We will meet him soon."

After they say that, they move back to their respective post with Villias and Ludmila escorts their King and Queen to their throne.

Several kilometers from Wildespring, a band of bandits attack one small village. One of the bandits shouts,

"Give everything that you have now!"

The villager can't say anything as they frozen from fear. The bandits continue to threaten them until one of them see one woman with staff walking towards them. He then says,

"What are you doing here, young girl? Do you want to give something to us? Maybe your body?"

The woman mumbles something and then smiles at them. She then slices one of the bandit's throats and says,

"Ah... I need your body... For something..."


Before they could do anything, they see the one that died in front of her suddenly stands up. He looks at them and then the woman says,

"Could you murder all of them? I need them after all..."

And with a snap of a finger, that single zombie kills entire village alone. After that, the woman observes around her and says,

"Ehehehehehe... I wonder if this time could lure him out... Ahahahahahahaha."

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 11 Memory summary

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