Tales Of New World: The Magus 18 New Home

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Volya Portar is in the middle of cleaning his new room in the city of Ironforge. The house is given by Albert to him as grat.i.tude for helping them catching Felipe, together with giving him citizens.h.i.+p at Haegia.

He stops for a while and observes the lively street in front of his house. A lot of children are running on the street, with their parents that talking with each other. There also some knights that patrolling around Ironforge and greets everyone that they meet.

After that, Volya looks at the room that he occupied. The room quite s.p.a.cious with one wardrobe to put all of his clothing, one chest to put his book, a study desk, one chair, mirror, and one bedroom where his ferret is sleeping peacefully. Even with those items of furniture already in place, there still a lot of s.p.a.ce there.

He then sits down on the chair and tried to remember the house given by Albert. The house has two floors with three rooms on the first floor and another two rooms on the second floor. It has two bathrooms, one kitchen, one dining room, and a living room. Also, it has a lot of furniture inside it. With that kind of facility, it is too much only for him.

And then there is another problem. When he got the key from Albert, he also knows that it is free for rent for the first six months. But, after that, he needs to pay the rent there like the other citizen at Ironforge. After remembering the number that he saw, he immediately shouts once more at his room,


Because he suddenly shouting out loud, the ferret startled and looks at Volya. It sighs, walks towards Volya, and pats his head that crying on the table. Suddenly, they could hear someone knocking on the door and asks him,

"Hey, Volya! Are you alright? Why are you suddenly shouting like that?"

"I'm sorry... It just I am really frustrated with my current situation."

"Really frustrated," says the voice one more.

"Haaa... I will talk about it when I already finished cleaning my room. Did you already done your work, Romain?"

"Yes, I am. But, I still confused where should I put my armor and weapon at... Maybe you have some suggestion?" asked Romain that becomes his housemate.

"We are only two people here... Why don't you use one of the empty room on the first floor. That should suffice, right?"

"You are right! Thank you for reminding me that!"

After that, Volya could hear Romain that going to the first floor. Volya then sighs and then plays with his ferret for a while. At least, he isn't alone at the house. But, the problem is Romain Ambros becomes his housemate there. The knights that always follow him since he is at Ironforge.

He then mumbles,

"Did he become my housemate because Sir Villias or Sir Albert orders him? I wonder about that..."

The ferret then looks at Volya and tells him that at least someone could help him pay a little bit for the rent later. Volya sighs and nods as if he agrees with what the ferret just said. He then stands up and leaves the room to meet Romain that waiting at the dining room on the first floor.

When he arrives there, he could see Romain that wearing a brown leather s.h.i.+rt with dark blue trousers there. He already finished drinking a tea and notices Volya there. He then says,

"Hey there, Volya!"

"Haaa... I can't believe it... You become my housemate," protest Volya

"Rather than you live alone, right?" jokes Romain.

"Well, you are right about that."

Volya then sits across Romain and asks him,

"Then, why are you staying with me? I believe your family house should be at Ironforge, right?"

"Yes. But, I believe if I stay with you... I will get an unforgettable experience that could help me become stronger," answer Romain

"What if nothing happens when you stay with me?"

"Well, I doubt it will never happen... Especially knowing that every time I meet you always together with an interesting event."


"Yes, I am."

"Then... Why did you family let you do this?"

"I am already old enough to live alone, Volya. I'm not their spoiled child anymore. After all, this is my own decision and they support my decision."

Volya then sighs to show his defeat, while Romain chuckles a little bit. He then takes out his sword and starts to clean it a little bit. Meanwhile, Volya's ferret looking around the first floor and could see the kitchen really clean and looks really satisfied with it before coming back to joins the lads at the dining room.

Meanwhile, Volya looks at the ceiling and thinks about what he needs to do to gain the money. He then tries to get every possible thing that he could offer to get money.

The first one is becoming the fortune teller at Belcrest. He is used to reading a lot of people fortune, but it depends on the number of people that visiting Belcrest. And there is a possibility that he already looks at every people at Haegia and the number of the customer will decrease.

The second one is a storyteller for children. It's a viable job, but he doesn't know what is a good story for children as what his father's stories are not suitable for children. And also he doesn't know how the children at Ironforge will behave when he tells them some stories.

And the last one as a merchant. He knows which one is a better item between two items. The problem a lot of people already trick him when he tried to bid an item and from there he knows that he isn't good to become a merchant.

He tried to find another way to get money until Romain notices him. Romain then sheath his sword and asks him,

"What inside your mind, Volya?"

"Ah... Well..."

"Just tell me what is it... I could help you a little bit," says Romain

"A... Alright..."

Volya then explains it to Romain about the payment that he needs to pay after six months. He then tells,

"After six month, I need to pay 100 silver coins each week."

"Huh? Only 100 silver coins?" says Romain with a puzzled face

"Why did you really surprised like that? Oh yeah... You are also part of the n.o.ble..." says Volya as he sighs

"No... No... What I mean is... The cost is really cheap for a house like this and at this strategic location."


"The usual rent cost at this location around 250 - 500 silver coins a week. There must be a reason for them giving you a really cheap rent cost like this."


"Last time someone who help Sir Albert also get a house and the rent also around 250 - 300 silver coins. Why suddenly you get this house really cheap like that?"

"Ummm... Is there any connection between the cheap rent with the scared face that some townfolks when they see me entered this room yesterday?"

"This house? Scared face? Ah..."

Romain suddenly realizes something, walks towards his room, and takes out Ironforge map. He then asks Volya to points out the house location and after he points it out, Romain then says,

"Now that makes sense."

"Make sense?" asks Volya with a puzzled face

"Some say that this house is cursed..."

"Cursed?! Why did you say that?" says Volya as he panicked a little bit.

"I'm not quite sure, but the legend of this house quite bad... Especially with three murder case that happens at this house. Even this house once burned down completely before someone says to build this house again. After we rebuild this house again and tried to rent it to another people, no one dares to stay here."

"Three murder case?!"

Volya then falls on his knee and realize how dreadful the house is. He just realizes that Albert gives this house for him only because he is a mage. He probably thinking that it will fine because he have a lot of magic thing at his disposal.

He then shouts full of frustation,

"So that's the reason!"

"Well... That's the possible reason though. A bad name will make the rent plummeted." answer Romain

"I agree..."

Volya suddenly looks at Romain, or behind Romain to be more precise. Romain really surprised and asks him,

"Ummm... Volya... Why are you really focused like that?"

"So... That's the reason why there are two people that staring at us..."

"Staring? With ill intent or..."

"They look really angry... With that empty white eye and black shadowy body...they point their finger to you."

"Hey... Hey... You must be kidding right?!"

Romain then immediately cowers in fear and not long after that he could hear Volya laughs really hard. Romain then points his finger at Volya and shouts,


"Ahahahahaha... Look at your face. It's really hilarious!" says Volya as he laughs really hard

"Urgh... You will pay for it later!"

"Ahahahahaha... Sorry... Sorry..."

Both of them continues talking about the incident that happens at the house in the past until they notice Volya's ferret looking at one the room intensely.

Volya and Romain look at each other and Romain says,

"Don't say... There is a ghost at this house!"

"You know... I'm joking right?" says Volya as he looks at Romain again

"Please... Please..."

The ferret continues to look at the door, then looks at the two-man at the room, and smirks at them. Knowing the ferret tricks both of them, Romain then stands up, takes out a knife, and says,

"I will skin you alive, you annoying white fur!"

"Calm down, Romain... Calm down," says Volya as he tried to hold Romain down

The ferret looks really satisfied and leaves them alone in the dining room. After the ferret leaves, Volya then tells Romain that his ferret loves to play some pranks and then promises him that the ferret will behave in the future. Romain takes a deep breath and then says,

"If you say so..."

"Again... I'm sorry about that," says Volya apologetically

"That's alright... That's alright... Rather, I forget what we are talking before." says Romain

"About rent of this house..."

"Ah yes, now I remember."

"You says about the history of this house that made this house really cheap."

"Yep... And now I remember that you are wondering how to pay it, right?"

"Yes. Especially after six months already pa.s.sed."

"Hmmm... I could pay everything if you want to."

"No... No... I don't want to owe you a lot of money."

"Well, I could pay half of it, right?"

"Yes... 50 silver coins."

"Then, you still wondering what kind of job that meets your specification, right?"


Volya then tells him every possible job in his mind, and Romain agrees with the positive and negative side of the jobs that told by Volya. Volya then sighs and continues to think about what the job that he needs to take in order to survive at Ironforge, something that he never thinks about when he still lives with his father.

Romain tried to help Volya and then looks outside. He could see a lot of people walking around, and could see several mercenaries that just come back from their mission. He then stands up and says,

"I think I know one..."


"I will lend you some money to buy the form."

"Eh? Huh?" says Volya that really puzzled.

"If you follow me, you will understand what the jobs are..."

"Where are we going?"

"Let's go to Belcrest!"

And with that Romain pull Volya to Belcrest.

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 18 New Home summary

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