Tales Of New World: The Magus 26 Misfortune

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Volya looks around the dining room and then sighs for a while. He then drinks the tea that served by Romain, while Romain helping Lucia at the kitchen. When Volya takes a sip, he says,

"You put too much sugar, Romain."

"Huh? Did I?"

"Did you want to kill me with this? By giving a lot of sugar on my drink?" jokes Volya when he sees Romain get out of the kitchen.

"He didn't mean to do that, Volya!" shouts Lucia from the kitchen

"I'm just joking you know."

"You know... I always put three spoonfuls of sugar on my drink!" explains Romain

"Could you show me which spoon that you use for this tea?"

"Of course this spoon!"

Romain shows a table spoon at Volya. Volya then sighs and says,

"I thought you use a teaspoon for this one."

"If I use the teaspoon, like h.e.l.l I could taste the sugar!" says Romain

"Now I wonder... Do you want to drink tea or drink the sugar..."

"Of course the tea," says Romain with a stern face

"I'm just joking... Go help your sister before she starts to yell at us."

"You are right."

Romain immediately goes back to the kitchen to help her sister that starts to yell. Volya only laughs a little and then tried to drink once more until he feels it's inedible.

It's been three months since he finished his first mission. Since that time, he knows more people from the guild and blacksmith area. But, this time he chooses to take some break after finished his last mission with Romain, Helena, and Ludmila.

Volya then stands up, takes the newspaper given by Albert to the residence of Ironforge, and read the article there. There is a face of relieve when he reads it. At least he knows the last incident didn't make much fuss at any city and village of Haegia.

Not long after that, Lucia comes out from the kitchen with food ready on her hand. She puts the food on the table and then hears Volya says,

"Thank you very much, Lucia. I really appreciate your help."

"Really... You always protest with anything we serve to you. I think it's better if you help me a little," says Lucia as she looks at Volya

"Well, do you remember about that rule?"


"Yes... The rule where I will not use any magic in daily life."


"Of course you remember when I help you at the kitchen that time? When I burn the pan."

"I remember that..."

"And you remember when I make something purple-ish... Like something out from this world?"


"And do you remember when I make something inedible to eat for the three of us?"

"Alright... Alright... I know."

"It's good that you still have commons sense to help my stomach and Romain's."

Lucia only sighs and thinks that Volya only makes the mess in order to run away from the daily activities there. Romain then comes out from the kitchen with several plates. He then looks at Lucia that thinking about something and says,

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Lucia. Especially in the last three months..."

"Or maybe for the rest of our life," says Lucia with a smile


"But, that's not a problem... I could hone and experiment more on creating a new food. Especially I have two people that will eat it first hand," says Lucia with a smile

Volya and Romain don't dare to face her and look away from her. Lucia laughs a little at them and says,

"Go ahead eat them before the food cold."

"Yes!" said both of them when they notice the food in front of them

Lucia smiles at them as they eat them happily. When they already finished eating, Volya helps Romain to clean the table while Lucia notices the teacup on the table.

She walks there and then asks Volya,

"Volya, how sweet is the tea that my stupid big brother made for you?"

"Really sweet... I believe I could die because of that," answer Volya from the kitchen

"It's not that sweet!" says Romain


Lucia sips the tea and then smiles. She then says,

"Yup... Too sweet."

"What?!" says Romain as he rushes from the kitchen

"Well, you really like sweet things since you are young. Mom always said that is the only sweet side of you," says Lucia as she takes the cup to the kitchen

"My... my... Your mother said that?" says Volya that notices Lucia puts the cup near him

"Yes... And you know... My big brother level of sweetness is far above everyone. Of course, it's will too sweet for the other."

"Is it?" says Volya as he starts to clean the other plate

"Yes!" said Lucia cheerfully

"It's my past you know..." said Romain that starts to put the plate to the drawer

Lucia looks at Romain and then says,

"Maybe... I could tell you some of his embarra.s.sing moment when he is a child."

"I'm all ear," says Volya looks really interested

"Cut it out!" shouts Romain that start to fl.u.s.tered

Both Volya and Lucia laugh together and then Lucia asks Volya to add another rule on the board. After he added the new rule for Romain, Volya sits down on one of the chairs with Lucia sits down in front of her. Not long after that, Romain sits together with them.

He then immediately asks Volya,

"So, are you going to get any mission today?"

"Hmmm... I want to take a break now... The last mission..." says Volya as he looks on the ceiling

"I know... I know... And that's a wise decision for you to take a break," says Romain

Volya only sighs and notices his ferret walking down the stair and immediately run towards Volya's lap. It then sleeps on his lap with Volya chuckles a little bit. Volya then says,

"My, my... It knows that I am restless and tired right now..."

"Even we could see it from your face, Volya," says Lucia as she points at Volya's face

"Ahahahahaha... Of course... After I used two high-level magic on the last mission, I will feel like this..."

"But, I can't believe our Rank D mission will become a terror like that. I believe Sir Albert should check more on the mission description in the future," says Romain as he tried to remember what happened in the last mission.

Lucia looks around her, looks unsure, and then says,

"You know... There is an emergency situation from the guard around the area and the difficulty raised to rank B mission..."

"Huh? Is that so?" says Volya quite surprised

"Our guild just get the notification around three hours after all of you leave for the mission," explains Lucia

"Then, why none of the knights informs us about it?" asks Romain

"The number of monster movement is abnormal and even it's really hard to find all adventurer around the area to inform that change," answers Lucia

"So... We actually don't need to kill those Trolls?" says Volya

"Actually yes... I'm really surprised that both of you tell us that you manage to kill two Trolls," says Lucia as he looks at the window behind her

"Then... That mission... and our action..." says Romain as he looks at the storeroom.

The storeroom is empty because Romain needs to repair his armour at Grigory's Armory. Lucia notices that Romain feels really irritated with the truth and tried to cheer him on. Meanwhile, Volya sighs and asks,

"Why did we didn't get any bonus for killing those Trolls?"

"Sir Albert actually wants to give you a bonus for that..." answer Lucia


"Uuuuu... How to put it..."

"Ah... I know... Because of the result of the mission, right? What a misfortune for me."

Lucia only could sigh hearing that remarks from Volya and notices Volya becomes more agitated. He then asks Lucia while stroking his ferret,

"Then... How is Helena and Ludmila condition? I remember that Ludmila seriously injured back then."

"Right now, she is treated at Military Hospital. Her condition already stable and she could give an explanation to Sir Villias about the mission," answer Lucia

"Sir Villias... Argh..." says Romain as he becomes more frustated

"Then... What about Helena?" asks Volya

"She is resting at the Capital City and I believe Sir Mikhail is reprimanding her for her action... Especially after coming back injured like that," answer Lucia

Both Romain and Volya immediately sigh as a sign of resignation. They are preparing their mind if they are expelled from the kingdom. In order to change the conversation, Lucia then asks Volya,

"Volya, did you already safe enough money to pay this house rent?"

"Well... If the price still the same, my answer is yes... But, if Sir Albert punish me by giving a higher price, then... I'm screwed," answer Volya

"Oh come on! Please be positive!" shouts Lucia as she stands up, shakes Volya, and surprised Volya's Ferret

"Don't worry about it, Lucia... I already think positive..." says Volya

"Good to hear that..."

"I already find a good alley to stay at Ironforge... The place if comfy and not crowded. I believe I will stay there if they drive me away from this house," continues Volya

"Argh! Big Bro! Help me a little bit will you? Both of you live together in this house, right?" said Lucia

"If... they drive me away from this house... Then I will back to my mansion... And I believe they will not accept me on the knight rank again..." answer Romain

"Big Bro!"

"Or maybe... I will back to Wildespring..."

"Uuuuuuhhhhhh! Why both of you acting childish like this?!" says Lucia with puffy mouth

Volya and Romain look at Lucia and laughs together. They then pat her head and that make Lucia sighs. She then says,

"You know... I doubt Sir Albert or Sir Villias will punish both of you"

"Why did you think that?" asks Volya

"Just look at here... It's already a week since that incident, but none of them makes any move to punish both of you," explained Lucia

"You... You are right..." says Romain

"I believe Lady Ludmila and Your Highness Helena tried their best to protect you. So, both of you should be at ease right now..."

Romain and Volya look at each other and looks a little bit relieved. At least that fact a.s.sures them that they will not be punished. Lucia smiles at them and then asks them about what will they do soon. They immediately talk about taking another mission around one week from now after Grigory finish repairs Romain's armour.

After one hour chatting, Romain notices something and asks Lucia,
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"Lucia... Are you taking a day off today?"

"Ah! I almost forgot!" says Lucia a little bit panicked

"Go prepare yourself."

Lucia then runs towards one room to change her cloth while Romain stands up to help Lucia on preparing her belongings. Volya smiles at them and then continues to stroke his Ferret fur. His Ferret looks happy and then suddenly stand up.

Volya looks at his Ferret and hears someone knocking on the door. His Ferret jump from Volya's lap and Volya says,

"I will open the door! You don't need to worry about it."

Volya then walks towards the door with his Ferret on his feet and open the door. The moment he opens the door, the time seems like frozen around him. Not only that, he could feel chill on his spine as he sees the person in front of him. His eyes immediately become like a dead man and he starts to sweat. His Ferret immediately touches Volya leg to show its pity to him.

In front of him stands two Hight Knight of Haegia. They are Albert Martin and Villias Pavlov. Not only that, there are a lot of knight behind them and looks like they will beat him soon.

Volya looks below, move slowly, and then says weakly,

"Please... Come in..."

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 26 Misfortune summary

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