Tales Of New World: The Magus 29 Flower Crown

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Morning already comes to Woodcrest Village and the group already arrived there in the dawn. Right now, Helena, Albert, and Villias are having a meeting with the elder about the incident that happened near their village. Meanwhile, Romain and Volya are waiting outside.

Volya looks at the sky and then says,

"The weather is really hot today..."

"Of course... We already near the start of summer," answer Romain

"Summer... I remember when I still live at Wildespring, I usually soaked myself with the water at the lake..." says Volya

"Ahahahahaha... At least you will not feel it at Ironforge."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You hasn't noticed that we are entering summer after we left Ironforge, right?"

Volya just notices that and looks at Romain with a surprised face. Romain immediately laughs and says,

"Of course you will not feel that as our mountain known as the 'Eternal Snow Mountain'. Even in the heat of summer, the area still cools like usual."

"You... Are right..." answer Volya looks unsatisfied

"What is it, Volya? You seem not satisfied..."

"You know what? I will call it HAX! No way one region could stay cool like that!"

"Ahahahahaha... Our Kingdom called Hax by the one and only person that could use magic in our Kingdom."

Both of them then continues to chat, until Volya notices that Ludmila is sitting at under the tree. She takes out her helmet and let her light brown hair showed to the world.

Not long after that, a young man is walking towards her and bring her a flower. The moment the young man do that, Volya could feel an intense glare from somewhere else towards the young man. Ludmila looks really surprised and hears the young man cheesy pick-up line.

Volya then looks at Romain and says,

"Are you sure to let him do that to your superior?"

"Just leave it..." answer Romain as he smiles at Ludmila

"Huh? Are you sure?"

"Yes... And he will know the reason why she is dubbed as the hardest girl to get at Haegia."


The moment Romain said that Volya could hear Ludmila says,

"I really appreciate your gift... But, I believe you should look in the mirror before you meet with me..."

Volya could hear the moment when the young man heart is broken. He then comments,


"Indeed..." answers Romain

"Hmmm... Did she do that because she has a husband at Haegia?"

"No... She is still single."

"Single? I believe she should be thinking about that from now..."

"Why you said that Volya?" ask Romain with a puzzled face

"Well... For someone like her age..."

"Before you continue it... Do you know her age?"

"Let me guess... Around 30s?"

"You are wrong."

Volya looks at Romain with disbelief and then Romain says,

"One thing for sure, she is four years younger than our Queen."

"Huh? Younger than our Queen?! I thought they are of the same age?!" says Volya with a surprised face

"Ahahahahaha... For your information, our King married our Queen when she is 25."


"And now it's already four years since that fateful day."

"29... If my sister still around, her age will be around there... Huh... Wait... You said four-year younger?"

"Yes... She is..."

"Isn't that mean... She is around your age, Romain?"

"It is."

"My... Even your rank is lower than her... And both of you at the same age... AND SHE IS A WOMAN"

"Do you want me to punch your face?" asks Romain as he smiles at Volya

Volya immediately apologizes to Romain and notices that Ludmila already walking towards them. Ludmila then looks at them and says,

"What did both of you talking about? Did you talking about me?"

"Yes, we are," answer Volya as he smiles at Ludmila

"My... Is it about the young man that comes to me?" asks Ludmila again

"Yes, it is."

"Hmmm... So, you think that I should have accepted his feeling?" asks Ludmila again

"No... Not about that ahahahahaha," answer Volya


"If you accept him... There will be a big turmoil at our homeland..." said Romain weakly

"Huh? What is it, Romain?" ask Ludmila

"No... Nothing!"

Romain immediately laughs together with Volya as he sees Ludmila's face. Not long after that, several children approaching Ludmila and Romain. They ask them about knighthood and how they look at them with awe.

Volya then sits at the porch and smiles at them. He then looks around him once more and he knows that he needs to protect this small village from the harm that approaching them.

He then looks at the village gate and notices several girls that just come back from outside of the village. When they come back, some man immediately walks to them and asks them where they are gone too and tells them about the situation out there.

Volya observes them, looks relieved, and then he notices one familiar woman that talking to one man. The moment they eyes meet, the woman immediately waves at Volya and drags the man near her.

When she arrives in front of Volya, he immediately notices her from her long dark brown hair. She stops in front of Volya and says,

"Is that you, Sir Volya?! Is that really you?!"

"Err... Yes..." answer Volya

"I can't believe that I meet you again here," continues the woman

"Ummm... I'm sorry... But, who are you?"

The woman looks at Volya, surprised, and then smiles at him. She then says,

"Did you really forget about me, Sir Volya?"

"Err... Yes..."

She then smiles again and says,

"It's me... Maria Bulyakov, the girl that you save at Orbarrow."

Volya looks at her for once more and immediately remember about her after hearing the village name. He stands up and says,

"My... You look livelier than before, Maria."

"Yes, I am."

"And... Who is it?" asks Volya

"Oh... He... Well..."

"Your lover huh..."

Volya immediately laughs at her and then says,

"At least I'm glad that you meet someone that cares about you..."

"Yes... And hopefully, you will find a girl that will take care of you," answer Maria

"Hopefully, ahahahahaha."
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Both of them laughs together and then notices the man beside Maria looks suspicious at Volya. Maria immediately told him about the time when Volya saves her from the bandit and the aftermath of the battle. The man really surprised to hear that and then bows at Volya. He then says,

"Thank you for saving Maria back then..."

"It's not a big deal... I'm just doing my part to help everyone around me," answer Volya

Maria, her lover, and Volya continues to chat with Ludmila and Romain observing them. Ludmila then says,

"Seeing this... We must stop this madness..."

"I agree... I can't let this village fall. No matter what."

They nod together and then notices several girls gather around them. They really surprised to see them and notices that they put a flower crown on them. Not only two of them, but they also put one on Volya.

Maria then explains it to Volya,

"This is our village custom to everyone that visits this village."

"Is that so..." says Volya as he touches the flower crown.

"Hopefully, you will remember your stay in this village and finish your job without a problem... Sir Volya."

"I will..."

Maria then walks together with her lover with her friend also walks around to give the flower crown to another soldier that visit the village. Ludmila and Romain walk slowly to Volya and notices he shows a nostalgic face. Before Romain could ask him, Volya then says,

"It really reminds me of that girl... How long is it since I meet her back then, I wonder... And how is she..."

"Ummm... Volya?"

"Ah... I'm sorry about that... It's just..."

"Naaa... We will not pry on your past..." explains Ludmila as she pats Volya's head

"Thank you... Oh, what about we go meet with our Queen now? I believe they should be done right now."

Ludmila and Romain notice that and then they nod at Volya. They immediately walk and leaving Volya behind. Volya smiles at them, touch the flower crown, and says,

"What are you doing now, Gracia?"

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 29 Flower Crown summary

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