Tales Of New World: The Magus 8 Romain Ambros

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Both Volya and the Knight already arrived at Belcrest. The moment Volya steps inside the building, he really fascinated with the atmosphere there. A lot of people walking around inside the three-storied building and they didn't make any ruckus inside it.

The first level of the building is the restaurant area where people gather with each other to talk. A group of traveler is gathering at one table and give every news that they heard on their journey around the world, especially with politics at each kingdom. Another group of a merchant is sharing their trade secret with each other and making an agreement about something. There also one woman with blonde hair that singing with the crowds around her while telling her journey.

At the second level is the place where people want to find any job. It's open for townsfolk and adventurer that searching for a killing mission or escort mission there. Right now it is packed with adventurers that come back from their mission in order to register their result. And some of them are townsfolk that searching for a part-time job there.

And the third level is the administrative area where Albert Martin resides and lead the Ironforge for the last four years. And there is a line of people that want to make a complaint or suggestion for the city that will be gathered by Albert later.

Volya nods and then says to the knight,

"I will meet with Sir Albert now. Are you going with me or stay here?"

"I follow you as that's the order bestowed to me." answer the knight.

"Alright, if you say so."

Volya then takes the stair to the third level and waiting for his turn to be called. After that, he enters the room and finds Albert already waiting for him. He smiles at Volya and says,

"So, are you ready to open your stall here?"

"Just for this day, right?" ask Volya.

"Yes. That's our agreement."

"Then I will open it until around 3 pm. Is that alright?" ask Volya again

"Yeah, that's alright as around that time those miners will come to this tavern and have a very big party," answer Albert as he smiles at him.

"Thank you."

"I already prepare your place. It is on the second floor around the corner. I believe some woman already waiting for you there."

"Ahahahahaha... As if... But, thank you for everything, Sir Albert."

Volya bows at Albert and leaves the room. Before the knight leave with Volya, Albert stops him,

"Keep your eyes on him as he is our Queen guest."

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

The knight then leaves the room to meet with Volya. They take the stair to the second floor, walks around to find the place that Albert mentions, and then Volya sits there. He then asks the knight,

"What are you going to do now? Just standing there?"

"Probably... Yes." answer the knight.

Volya only smiles and says, "If you really wanted that, then I will let you do that."

After saying that, he opens the business for everyone there. One by one the woman that already waiting for him are making a line and Volya looks on their fortune, especially about their love and life. Not long after that, some adventurer, traveler, and merchant are joining the bandwagon and waiting for their turn.

Volya looking at their fortune and everything until the time is up. He closes his place and meets with at Albert upstairs about that. After several minutes, he then comes down and meets with the knight. He then says,

"Let's go back now."

"Sir, yes sir." answer the knight.

They walk together and this time Volya takes another way to his lodge. While walking, Volya ask the knight,

"I remember that you are allowed to answer me when I ask you right?"


"The protocol tells you to stay silent when I didn't ask you, right?"

"Ye... Yes."

"Then, I can ask you something right?"

The knight thinks for a while and then answer him,

"Yes, you could."

Volya grins at the knight and then walks again. After some time pa.s.sed, he asked the knight,

"When I look at every people fortune back then, you are talking with one woman there. A woman with dark brown twin-tail hair in a maid outfit. Is that your lover?"

"Ah, that girl... No, she isn't." answer the knight.

"Is that so? I believe both of you are really close," says Volya.

"Thank you if you think so."

"You really make me think about your relations.h.i.+p with that girl. But if you keep denying it, sooner or later I will find it out. The fate that will enforce that."

The knight only laughs a little bit, while Volya still thinks about it. After that, he changes his tone a little bit and then says as he changes his topic to more serious one,

"You know... This town is really lively from my eyes."

"It is." answer the knight.

"I will credit the leader of this town for making this place."

"Why is that?"

"Hmmm... Do you want me frankly tell everything or not? Rather, are you going to arrest me if I say something bad about this Kingdom?"

The knight looks at Volya for a while and then says,

"There is a knight decree that asks us to capture any people who dare to oppose this kingdom."

"Then, if I say this... Will I involved in any trouble?" ask Volya

The knight can't say anything as he didn't know what Volya tried to say right now. But he quite intrigued with the sudden change of tone from Volya. He then smiles a little bit and says,

"Sir Volya, for this time I will let it slide. Just say that I didn't hear anything."

"Ahahahahaha... Good to know that," says Volya.

"Then, what are you going to say, Sir Volya?" asked the knight.

Volya smiles at the knight and then looked above him. After that he says,

"You know, in every kingdom, they always keep the dark secret behind everything. And I believe this kingdom is the same."

"The same? Dark secret?" asked the knight that quite surprised with what Volya just said.

"Yes. And I believe, Sir Albert tried to hide it into the plain sight of them so..."

The knight seems in deep thought and then he understands what Volya tried to pull. It is something that every kingdom have and later become a big problem. The human that robbed from their freedom and called as the slave. The knight then smiles and says,

"If you are talking about the slave, our king just abolished that so every slave in this kingdom is a free man."

"Huh? Is that so? Wait... Why suddenly are you implying that I am talking about the slave? Rather, how did you know about that?" asked Volya with a puzzled face.

"Isn't it simple? A dark secret that could taint the kingdom name as they use those human slaves for making the kingdom and later throw it away after we don't need them again. And later they become the leech that could destroy their kingdom one day." explain the knight.

"Errr... I'm not quite sure about that... But, yes... I am talking about those slaves."

The knight laughs a little bit and Volya then says,

"If you say that, then I could say this is the first kingdom that abolished that."

"Eh? Wait, how did you know about the situation in another kingdom when you say that you never go to a big kingdom?" asked the knight.

"Even the wind has an eye and ear. From there I know about everything," answer Volya.

"Is that so..."

"After all... I am..."


"Nothing. Then let's continue talking about something else. And unexpectedly, you are easy to chat. I thought you are not a type of people who love to chat a lot judging by your action in the last few days."

"Ahahahahaha... My family says that too... Especially if I didn't think about the knight decree or protocol."

Volya and the knight laugh together and they arrived at Volya's inn. Volya looked at the knight and asks him,

"How about have a little chat here? You still have some time before giving a report to your superior, no?"

The knight a little bit hesitant at first, but after Volya rea.s.sure him that he will not tell his superior about this, he agrees with Volya's idea. They enter the building and Volya ask him,

"Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Yes, please," answered the knight.

Volya then snaps his finger and several utensils are flying from the cupboard near them. Volya humming a little bit and then order them to the kitchen to make some tea. The knight really surprised and excited to see what happened there. Volya observes him a little bit and smiles a little. After that, Volya asks the knight,

"Why don't you take off your armor? I believe it's really hot in here."

"I'm sorry... But, I must refuse that." answer the knight.

"Why? There must a reason for that."

The knight stays silent for a while and then takes a deep breath. He then explained the reason to Volya,

"That's because I still need to protect you while you are here. If I didn't have my armor when something happens to you, it will taint Haegia name in front of many people."

"Hooo... Interesting."

He thinks for a while and the knights seem to really focus on Volya. He wanted to know what will Volya do when he told him that. After several minutes, Volya nods and says,

"Let the eye of harmful people deceived by the illusion of the s.p.a.ce! As they enter the s.p.a.ce, let them suffer in the eternal maze. Illusion barrier!"

After saying that, a white magic crest created below them and not long after that, it vanished into the thin air. The knight really surprised with that, but later he smiles knowing that the man in front of him have a lot under his sleeves.

Volya then laughs and says,

"With this, you don't need to worry about anything."

"What have you done at this place? I believe it's something amazing for me." asks the knight.

"You could say that it created a big barrier that will make anyone with ill intent will be disorientated for a while."

"Impressive... If we have a magus, I believe they could help us protect our King and Queen."


"Yes. Our kingdom doesn't have a magus as we focused more on our strength as a knight. That's the reason I really impressed with everything."

Volya observes the knight once more and then says,

"I heard your voice when we are at Wildespring. And I believe you are not Sir Aubert or Sir Clement as both of them have a deeper tone than you."

"Wow... I'm impressed that you know just from that." said the knight.

"Are you impressed? Ahahahahahaha."

Both of them laughs together until Volya says,

"And at the end, I never know your name. As they always called Sir Clement and Sir Aubert name while I am around all of you at Wildespring."

"Ahahahahaha... I just remember that too..."

"And I never see you without your armor. At least I already saw untidy mustache of Sir Clement. But, I never see your face at all."

The knight knows that Volya will not let him away from that. So, he takes out his helmet and put it on the table. Volya could see a man around 20-30 years old that still full of hope and determination. He has dark brown short hair and has a black colored eye. From there, he thinks for a while and says,

"I believe I see someone else who has the same characteristic as you... But, where..."

"Sir Volya?"

"Ah... Sorry... Sorry... I just thinking about something else."

"Is that so."

"Then, could you introduce yourself to me?" ask Volya

The knight nod and then says,

"My name is Romain Ambros, the first son of Ambros family that already helped Estrudiantes family since King Estrudiantes the second."

Volya nods and then stands up. He later says,

"I believe you already know my name, right? My name is Volya Portar, a magus, and a hermit that live at Wildespring."

Romain nods and then hears that Volya ask him to sit down. He sits down and not long after that, their tea already is done. Both of them enjoying their drink, until Volya asks,

"I remember that you said about your family already around since King Estrudiantes the Second. That's mean this king is the third or maybe younger than that?"

"Our King, Paulo Estrudiantes, is the third king for Haegia. It's an honor for me to work under him," answer Romain.

"Is that so..."

Volya thinks for a while and remembers how their queen always acts recklessly from the story told by Aubert and Albert before. And judging by her att.i.tude on the field, he knows that she isn't thinking about having a child. He then looks at Romain, and asks,

"Could you tell me how old is your King and Queen?"


"Ah... That's a sensitive matter... I'm sorry..." says Volya quite panic

"No... I think I know why you ask that" answer Romain with a sigh.


"It's because how our Queen act, right? And you are thinking about how this kingdom's future, right?"

"Bulls eye" answer Volya

Romain chuckles and then he sighs again. Volya looked at Romain for a while and then says,

"You know, someone as young as you shouldn't sighs a lot."

"I know... But, when I tried to remember what happened in the past... It can't be helped." said Romain with a smile.

"Well... I must agree after hearing those story in the past," answer Volya with a laugh.

Both of them start to laugh together and then they talk about another thing, especially about the town where Volya stays right now. After a while, he then says,

"So, Romain... I must say that I'm really impressed with this kingdom... Really tidy... And... Huh?"

Volya could see Romain that surprised with something. Volya thinks for a while and then understand about it. He grins as he looks at Romain and says,

"Don't say that this is the first time that you are called without 'Sir' before your name, Romain?"

"Ye... Yes..."

"And to be more precise, a commoner called you that."

"Ugh... Yes, you are right, Sir Volya."

The moment Romain looked at Volya again, he could see that Volya looked at him with an annoyed face and then says,

"I remember that I emphasize that I am a commoner, right?"


"Haaa... And you don't need to act polite like that with me, Romain."

Romain looked at Volya and then nodded. After that he says,

"Well... Sir Villias the one that orders me to do that... So... Huh?!"

"I am talking with Romain Ambros the people of Haegia, not Romain Ambros the knight," says Volya with a serious face.


"Before we are talking about this 'Sir' thing... You are an easy people to talk. As if you forget that you are a knight that a.s.signed to look after me. Even I forget about that too." continues Volya


"When you are talking like that, you are more lively than when you are called as a knight. I could see that from our conversation until now. If only you... Huh?"

Suddenly Romain laughs quite loud and that really surprised Volya. After a while, he then smiles at Volya and says,

"You and my sister are really alike, Volya. Ahahahahaha... I can't believe I meet someone who will comment that and that person is someone that I just meet in the middle of the forest!"

"Good to hear that I am right."

Both of them laugh together and then Romain asked Volya to tell him more about himself. Volya told him about his year when he is with his father and brother and his reason why he is living inside Wildespring Forest. Romain nodded for a while and then he remembers something. He then asked Volya,

"Volya, why did you help us back then?"

"Back then? Oh, in the forest..."


"It's because I know the consequence if I didn't help you back then. If I help the bandit, the Haegia Kingdom will start a search at the forest and that will make the other kingdom restless. And you know the domino effect if that happens right?"

"You are right..."

"And if I let it slide and all of you wandering around the forest for too long, either your Kingdom will start to search at this forest or another kingdom will start to find out about it. And the rest will be a history."


"That's why I choose to help all of you in order to protect that forest. My father entrusted that forest to me in order to protect what inside it."

"Huh? What inside it?"

"Yes... Something that none of you... Could see..."

"What do you mean, Volya?"

"I will not tell you more about it. Because..."

"You don't believe me, huh?"

Volya looked at Romain with a surprised face and not long after that, his face changed it a grin. He says,

"Hah... I forget that you are the Knight that believe me out of nowhere."

"Yes, I am. And now I want you to believe me that I will not tell anyone," says Romain with a big smile.

Volya smiles at him and then says,

"Do you know the rumor about that Library?"

"Library? Did you mean Library of Knowledge?" asked Romain


"Wait... So that library is really there?!"

"Well, you could say that the library is there and also not there."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My father only told me... vaguely... Yes..."

"Do you know something else?"

"Only the one that my Father told me... Ahahahahaha"

Romain observes Volya for a while and he understands that Volya isn't messing around with him. He then jokingly says,

"If you are the one who protects that forest and the secret inside it, I believe you are around 30-40 years old... And with that appearance..."

"Unfortunately, no."


"I am still 23 years old," says Volya with full of confidence.

Romain keeps silent for a while and then he shouts,

"Wait, you are still 23?!"

"Yes, I am."

"Then... You are younger than me?! You must be kidding me?!"

"I'm not."

Romain fall to his knee after knowing the person in front of him is younger than him and that make Volya laughs a little bit. After that, Volya says,

"Then... How about this... Let me look at your fortune, probably something will happen later. Of course, it will free of charge."


"Or are you really surprised to know that I am younger than you? Did you think I am older than you with this face?" ask Volya as he points to his own face.

"Well... I heard a rumor that Magician could change their appearance to look younger... So..."

"Oh... That's one... Unfortunately, I couldn't use that magic right now. So rest a.s.sure."

"For some reason, I don't believe that one."

"Oh come on... And you still not answer me... Do you want me to read your fortune or not?"

Romain sighs and then stands up. He then sits down and then thinks for a while. Ten minutes later he nods, takes off his gauntlet, and then says,

"Alright, I want you to look at my fortune."

"Alright... Let me see your hand," says Volya.

"But before that, I have one question."

"What is that?"

"Is the one that you will tell me right now... Is that something that will happen or not? And could I use it as a goal or something?"

"About the second question, yes you could."

"Then what about the first one?"

"For the first one, it definitely will happen to you... Even if you take different paths, you will reach that end. Just remember that once you take one path, you only could take that path forever."


"But, please remember. Even if that could happen, there is a possibility that it will not happen. If the wheel of fortune is not on your favor and you taking one dangerous road, there is a possibility that you will not get that."


"So... That's why we called the technique to look at the future as fortune telling. And that technique is something that you couldn't believe fully as the future could change depends on everyone around you."

"Alright, I understand."

"So, after hearing that explanation will you still let me see your future? Especially with that face that you just show to me."

"Yes. You could."


"I wonder what the possible future that I will get with the current condition."

Volya smiles and then looked at Romain's hand. After closes his eyes for a while, he mumbles something and Romain could see Volya's eyes change into a golden. Something that he saw back at Belcrest. After a while, Volya then looked at Romain and says,

"In the future, you will find a branch. Each branch has different consequence, and that's your choice to take which route that you will take."

"What the significant different fore..."

"Do you want to change... As there is a big change for yourself in one of the branch. And that's your choice for that."

"Is that something bad or good?"

"I don't know as I only see two roads... But, I can't see past there."


"But, don't worry... I know the breeze that I feel right now. You will find someone that will with you forever on both road, but with a different person."


"And... Huh?"


Volya stay silent and then he says,

"You must ask yourself... Will you freed yourself from the chain that holding you or not."


"I don't know... That chain... Seems really hard to break and..."

Romain understands only by looking at Volya and then smiles. He then says,

"Alright, that's enough."


"I will see it by myself about that road. And sooner or later I will move by myself to reach that."


"And what the point to spoil all of the future to me? Where is the thrill in that?"

"I think you are right," says Volya as his eyes back to normal.

"Thank you very much, Volya. I will take everything you say as my cornerstone in the future. And let me see my future with my own eyes and I will tell you if I really meet with my other half!"

"Ahahahaha... You are really an interesting person by telling that to a commoner like me."

"A commoner? I don't see you as that."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I see you as someone with the same status as me."

"Is that so."

"Yes. Maybe I will tell Lucia about this and ask her about her fortune as I know that she asks her future to be red by you at Belcrest."

"Huh? Lucia?"

"My Sister."

Volya smiles at Romain and then looks at the clock there. He then says,

"I believe you must meet your superior, right?"

"Huh? Is this already that late?!" says Romain as he looked at the clock.


"Urgh... Sir Villias will kill me..."

"Ahahahaha... Just say that I take a detour for today."

"Alright, hopefully, that will enough to convince him."

Romain takes his helmet, put it on, and then looked at Volya. He asked him,

"For tomorrow, what will you do Volya?"

"I will meet your King and Queen with Sir Albert. I believe you will be a.s.signed to look after me again."

"Probably yes. Knowing that I a.s.signed to look after your for the past day."

"Then... See you tomorrow."

"Yeah... See you tomorrow, Volya."

Romain leaves the house and leaving Volya around. After a while, he then says, "Haaa... That guy really strained with the chain where he needs to act like a knight. And that something that will make him fall."

Volya walks towards the bedroom on the second floor and opens the window there. He then continues, "But, I don't know if that chain is something good or not... Because the feeling is the same as the one with father..."

After a while, he looked at the necklace and then says, "I wonder if you still strained with the chain or you already freed from the same chain that holds us, Big Sis..."

Volya then sighs and then looks at the cold rock that becomes the ceiling for the city itself. He closes his eyes for a while and then smiles. After that, he walks towards his bed and takes his deserved rest for that day.

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 8 Romain Ambros summary

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