Virtual Empire 18 The Professors Contract Beas

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"Although l that slime stampede was unexpected, it provided me with the rest of the materials that I needed. It also allowed you level up. It seems to be getting dark, and that's when the true demon beasts come out."

"I don't think we'll make it back in time, should we hide out somewhere?"

"That won't work, the demon beasts would find us, and those ones have the strength and power of a late-stage grandmaster tier. I have a way for us to get back to the academy fast."

Then he whistled, and a loud roar was heard. The ground trembled as loud footsteps were heard getting closer and closer. Then it showed up. It looked like a giant lizard, but instead green skin, it had bright red and orange scales. It's teeth was as black as charcoal. It's eyes looked like as if it was on fire.

"WHAT IN THE h.e.l.l IS THIS?!?!?!"

"Calm down, this is my contracted beast. It is a flame lizard, we formed a contract a few years ago when this guy was a baby. The only reason that it looks this fierce is due to all the treasures I fed it. This will be our ride back."

That was the professor noticed that Sirius was still in shock, so he threw some powder on him.

"What was that?"

"Something to refocus your mind. Get on the lizard. It's speed doesn't lose out to an early stage grandmaster beast, so it can get us out of here quickly."

"You keep on calling the monsters demon beast, why is that?"

"That's because they are separate races. Monsters are powerful beings with ancient bloodlines that can use desolate qi, they also have intelligence compared to humans. Demon beasts are creature with no intelligence. They use whatever energy is most available. The demon beasts the human continent uses mana, while demon beasts on the elven continent uses spirit qi, and so on. They also can special bloodlines. For example, my flame lizard has a thin bloodline of the fire flood dragon, a powerful monster that can reach the peak of the grandmaster tier. The bloodline is really thin and diluted though, so it can only ever reach the early stage master tier in its life and time."

"Did anyone try to kill your beast for its bloodline?"

"It's too much work for such a thin bloodline, but those beasts with thicker bloodlines are hunted down by those who wants their bloodline. Ah here we are, you should go and get some rest or you can go train in the training hall. Here is a token to let you in there, and take some mana recovery potions too., said the professor as he handed him those items.

Sirius then went to the training hall, and began to train in using mana arrow to increase its proficiency and lower its mana cost. After trying for a few hours, he decreased the mana cost .50 per spell, and he increased proficiency to 85%.

'It seems like today was a great day for me. I finally reached level 5, my spell is getting better, and I even saw a powerful demon beast. I wonder if I could ever get a powerful demon beast one day.

Look at the time, might as well log off for the day.'

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Virtual Empire 18 The Professors Contract Beas summary

You're reading Virtual Empire. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Ali2000. Already has 336 views.

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