Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 1 The Fligh

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Chapter 1

Chen Zhen was scared to death. He was on a flight over the Himalayan mountains returning home from a business trip. The plane was experiencing extreme turbulence and was shaking nonstop. His worse fear has always been flying. But he still did it because his job required him to. The captain and stewardess's were walking up and down the aisles rea.s.suring everyone that this was normal and there was nothing to fear. But Chen Zhen just couldn't get over the feeling that something bad was about to happen. The stewardess had just handed him another c.o.c.ktail when he looked out the window right side of the plane and saw lightning flash past the wing of the plane. As he kept watching he began to feel that his eyes were playing tricks on him. Because he could have swore he saw lightning in the shape of a dragon rising into the clouds.

As he continued to stare dumbfounded the lightning dragon once again swooped down. It opened its ten meter wide mouth and bite the wing off the plane. Chen Zhen though that he must be dreaming. This wasn't really happening. As the plane pitched wildly and stalled the force of the collision with the lightening dragon tore the plane in two. Chen Zhen sitting next to the window on the wing was ripped from the plane and sent tumbling through open s.p.a.ce.

Chen Zhen was still buckled to his seat as he fell through the air. He thought of his family, his loving wife and his two kids. He regretted that he wouldn't be there to see them grow up. He wouldn't be there to support them and love them. His wife would be left with the burden of supporting the kids and raising them alone. As Chen Zhen fell he regretted his own short life. He was only thirty years old and he felt there was so much he wanted to be able to accomplish with his life. But due to a freak storm he would no longer have that opportunity.

As Chen Zhen got closer to the ground what he originally saw as a small black dot quickly grew into a ma.s.sive hole leading underground. This hole had to be over three hundred meters wide. And Chen Zhen fell right into it. As Chen Zhen was about to plunge into this unknown abyss a the lightning dragon roared pa.s.sed him suddenly charging back to where it came from. As the lightning dragon pa.s.sed him a wisp of it's being flew into Chen Zhen's body. This tiny wisp instantly over whelmed his consciousness and he blacked out Ashe plunged into the cavernous hole.

Chen Zhen slowly regained consciousness and found that he was still strapped to his plane seat falling thru the depths of the abyss. He didn't know how long he had been out for, but his hunger pains made him believe it was days. As he looked ahead of him he saw what looked like a star at first, but several hours later he noticed it getting steadily bigger. He also noticed a change in the smell to the air. The wind blowing past his face seemed to be fresher and carry a vibrancy to it. As he fell closer to this new portal, sounds started to reach his ears. But it was not a welcoming sound. The explosions he could hear were becoming louder and more frequent. As Chen Zhen pictured his coming death the only thought that was in his head was, " I'm falling into a battlefield?"

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 1 The Fligh summary

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