Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 25 Rank 6 Blood Lion

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Chapter 25

The roar startled Chen Zhen who instinctively jumped behind a tree in front of him. The roars were very close to him, he could feel the ground shaking from the foot steps of the Blood Lion as it approached his hiding spot. Chen Zhen sent his spiritual sense out and was amazed at what he saw. The last few times Chen Zhen never really got a good look at the Blood Lion that attacked him. Even the one the G.o.d Jerry killed died before he could really get a good look at it. But Chen Zhen could still tell that this one was one and a half times larger then the last one. The last Blood Lion was completely red, but this Blood Lion was a deep golden color with a large red mane, and red tuffs of fur around its paws, and at the end of its tail. It already sensed Chen Zhen's position and could tell that it was easily twice as strong as Chen Zhen. Chen Zhen didn't know but the Blood Lion that was killed was its mate.

The Blood Lion could sense its mates vitality inside of Chen Zhen. As it got closer its power level kept increasing. This Blood Lion was a rank 6 spirit beast. The Blood Lion suddenly pounced toward Chen Zhen from thirty meters away. The trees in its way were like toothpicks that snapped easily, and didn't deter its movements, or slow it down one bit. Chen Zhen dodged to the left as soon as he sensed the Blood Lion leap toward him, but he still barely avoided its claws. Chen Zhen never stopped moving from that moment on. He ran up tress and hid behind boulders, anything he could find that he thought would slow the Blood Lion down ad give him time to think up a plan.

The Blood Lion was having fun toying with Chen Zhen. It didn't care that he was running back and forth, the Blood Lion it could kill Chen Zhen anytime it wanted. It was slowly closing in on Chen Zhen, cutting off all of his routes of escape. Pretty soon Chen Zhen would be completely pinned down and cornered.

Chen Zhen could see that things were getting out of hand Chen Zhen decided to stop running and just attack the Blood Lion hoping to catch it off guard. The Blood Lion seeing Chen Zhen suddenly launch an attack at it made it want to laugh. It decided to humor Chen Zhen and let him have a few hits. Chen Zhen threw a quick series of punches and kicks in the Blood Lions face and head. For a creature that stood over four meters tall, Chen Zhen hit felt more like bee stings then punches and kicks. It wasn't enough to really injure the Blood Lion, but it was an annoyance that hurt a lot. This enraged the Blood Lion even more. It swatted at Chen Zhen knocking him a hundred feet back into a mountain wall, leaving a big hole that his body went thru.

Chen Zhen was aching from his head to his toes. If his body hadn't been refined by the blood vitality from the Blood Lion meat he would be in even worse shape than he was now.

[We should use the Thunderfire to attack it. It's the only thing we have strong enough to really hurt that beast.]

Chen Zhen immediately listened to the clone's suggestion. He began building the fire energy and the clone began building the lightening energy. The Blood Lion was slowly walking to the hole Chen Zhen made in the mountain wall thinking even if it didn't kill him already, he would be in no condition to fight back. But suddenly it felt a terrifying energy begin to build in that hole. The Blood Lion jumped to the hole to try and interrupt what was happening, but it was too late. The moment it arrived before that hole a fireball as big as it head that was surrounded by swirls of lightening came flying out of the hole, directly into the Blood Lion's face.


The blast destroyed everything within a hundred-meter radius. The ground and the mountain wall looked like someone used a giant ice cream scoop and took everything away. The earth-shaking boom scared away any beast nearby, but some of the stronger spirit beast were now curious of who was battling the Blood Lion, and who could create such a large energy blast.

Chen Zhen fell from the air where he was knocked into the wall. The hole he was in was caught up in the blast radius. As he fell he could see the Blood Lion still standing there, but now it was completely headless. That was the last thing Chen Zhen saw before pa.s.sing out. It was a testament to its natural defensive ability that it wasn't completely vaporized from taking that Thunderfire ball at point blank range. It was also a testament to the strength of Chen Zhen's Thunderfire that it was strong enough for him, just a level 6 body refinement cultivator to be able to kill a rank 6 Blood Lion. A rank 6 Blood Lion could still hold it's own in a battle with a level 2 liquid core stage cultivator. Their explosive fighting speed, immense strength, and naturally tough defense made them the perfect apex predator. A rank 6 Blood Lion would easily rule over its own forest, have a territory of hundreds of miles. If Shanggu Julong knew what Chen Zhen just did, he would be completely astonished, let alone Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian. As Amazed as they were they knew Chen Zhen wasn't out of danger yet. They could sense the curious spirit beast getting closer.

"That was amazing that he was able to defeat the Blood Lion, but now we are in even more danger. I sense a rank 5 onyx panther, a rank 4 wind sparrow cheetah, and a pack of rank 3 shadow wolves headed this way.", Shanggu Feng said

"I know, but what can we do? We can't control is body or move him in any way.", Lou Tian said

"Are you sure we can't? I've been testing with sending my energy around his body while he sleeps. It seemed that since the lightening energy is used on his left side, that I can get a slight reaction from it with my energy. If my guess is correct the two of us working together might be able to get him moving. But it will only work when he is not in control of his body, like right now.", Shanggu Feng suggested.

Lou Tian sent his energy around the right side of Chen Zhen's body. He was able to sense that the energy was responding to him. It wasn't perfect, but it felt like he was a puppeteer that was trying to control half of a puppet with loose strings, and a numb hand.

"This is very weird but it's the best we have at this moment. Ok I'll try moving the right and you move the left.", Lou Tian said.

Chen Zhen's body slowly started to lift off the ground. He looked like a string-less marionette puppet as his arms hung above his head, and his b.u.t.t almost dragged across the ground, because his knees were bent so much. He was really a sorry sight to see. His movements were slow and extremely awkward. At one point he was literally crawling on his hands and knees. Even though he was moving it wasn't fast enough. The spirit beast was quickly closing in on Chen Zhen's location. Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian were trying their best to get away but since they never practiced this before it was very hard for them to do the little they were able to do. Just as they were finally getting the hang of moving Chen Zhen's body, the pack of shadow wolves ran ahead and surrounded Chen Zhen.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 25 Rank 6 Blood Lion summary

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