Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 29 History

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Chapter 29

Nathan awoke to light slaps to his face. When he opened his eyes he just back suddenly, smacking his head against the side of a piece of the plane. Gorampa was way to close for his comfort. Gorampa chuckled, shaking his head at Nathan's reaction. Nathan slowly rose to his feet and edged around Gorampa like Gorampa had a nasty disease he didn't want to come in contact with.

"Can you explain to me what is going on here, and please talk to me with your mouth not inside my head. That is just creepy.", Nathan said to Gorampa

Gorampa looked at Nathan for a while before opening his mouth, "There is a long and ill.u.s.trious history to this place that dates back hundreds of thousands of years"

"No, no, no I still hear you in my head! Just because your moving your lips doesn't mean your speaking to me. Just talk!", Nathan shouted interrupting Gorampa.

"Fine.", Gorampa lunged forward faster than Nathan could react and placed his right index finger on Nathan's glabella. There was a bright flash of light, when Nathan could see again, "Is this better for you?"

"What did you do, you're speaking English now?", Nathan asked Gorampa.

"I used you to enlighten myself to your language.", Gorampa said casually with a grandfatherly smile on his face.

Nathan shook his head helplessly. He was tired of not understanding what was going on. This old monk who looks like he should have been dead for a couple hundred years just appears out of nowhere, and everything he says is more confusing then the last thing he said. Nathan held his hands up in surrender trying to gain a moment to collect his thoughts. So far this telepathic ancient monk told him that the plane was really attacked by a lightening dragon. He could create holograms of himself. He can talk to him inside of his head. He could float in the air. He could learn an entire language by just touching his forehead. And supposed this place is something from a legend that's hundreds of thousands of years old.

After collecting his thoughts Nathan calmed down, "Ok you really, really, really old Professor X. Can you explain what going on to me now that I have had a second to collect myself?"

"I will explain what I can, but you have to listen to me in entirety without interrupting me. As I was starting to say before this land has an auspicious history that dates back over a hundred thousand years. Our world used to be like over worlds that have intelligent life. It was filled with spiritual energy. This energy allowed people to live longer, to have stronger bodies, and to be able to cultivate themselves into extremely powerful warriors. Warriors with the ability to travel thru the cosmos.

Our world had connections to some of these other worlds or realms which had powerful warriors as well. Some realms have warrior that are much stronger then our world. One of those realms is located at the other end of this Sacred Abyss. Their warriors were at first very amicable and allied themselves with people of this world. They would trade resources between realms, and many martial and cultivation techniques. But soon some of the stronger warriors from their world found out about the abundant spiritual energy we had in our world. They came and enslaved the people and had them mine for spirit stones and had them collect the spirit herbs with the highest energies inside. The invaders were very brutal and slaughtered people for fun.

The most powerful warriors in our world banded together to fight these invaders. In order to seal off the entrance to our world these brave warriors used all the energy in ever spirit vein in our world. Because of their brave sacrifice we were safe from the invaders, but they didn't realize that there would be dire consequences. They didn't just seal our world from the invaders realm, they sealed off our world completely. The seals prevented our world from being able to absorb heavenly energies to replenish itself. Over the years the few small monasteries and clans that still have the knowledge of our worlds history have been trying to keep the last of our spiritual herbs alive. As you can imagine this is a losing fight. But from what I can tell the barriers have weakened to the point that someone from the other side had been able to come thru to ours. And if the wreckage of this plane is any indication someone from our world may have gone thru to theirs also.", Gorampa stood there looking into Nathan's eyes watching his emotions cross his face.

As Nathan listened to Gorampa explain the history of the world, he felt it was the fantasy of an old monk. But he had to admit that due to what recently happened to him, hearing Gorampa in his head, and seeing him floating in the air, maybe there was more to this story then he cared to admit. Nathan didn't know what he should do with this information. He didn't know who would believe him if he told them anyway. As far as his job was concerned there were no survivors he could see. Nathan took a long deep breath and then sighed. As he breathed out he felt a sudden rush of energy in his body. Gorampa felt the energy build up inside of Nathan, he stepped up to Nathan and touched his glabella causing another white flash. Nathan felt information on how to circulate energy inside his body sudden appear in his head. As he followed the information he felt the energy rush begin to subside.

"The Earth will become a new world soon. The fact that the seals are broken means that the spiritual energy of our world will slowly replenish over time. You will hear reports of strange and wonderous things happening around the world. But you will also hear of people being hurt, this will be unavoidable. Man will revert back to his most basic instinct, and strength will reign over all moral standard. The people like me will be a haven for those who really want to learn to live in this new world.", after saying this Gorampa took off into the air, and flew away quickly becoming a speck in mere seconds followed by a m.u.f.fled sonic boom.

Nathan stood there speechless, staring off after him.


Chen Zhen got up the next morning and went to Mei Ling's to share the rank 6 Blood Lion with her. Upon finding out that it was too powerful for them to eat Chen Zhen felt bad. The meat of the rank 6 Blood Lion was too strong for Mei Ling to be able to cut thru. She had to ask Chen Zhen to cut it for her. To Mei Ling's surprise the fire from the pit wasn't hot enough. After some experimentation they found out that Chen Zhen could make a fire hot enough to cook with. Lou Tian thought this would be a good opportunity for Chen Zhen to learn better control of his energy.

Chen Zhen figured this would be and easy task that he could just flash his hand and be this amazing genius warrior that Mei Ling and the kids would applaud for his greatness. But reality was a totally different story. Having to control the energy to produce the right amount of heat was a very taxing tasking. By the time he was done cooking the meat he had used up all his energy. He felt completely drained. Chen Zhen looked at the glistening, juicy meat he just cooked, and his mouth watered from the delicious smell.

The first bite tasted amazing, but the special part was all of the energy that rushed into Chen Zhen's body. If he didn't have the clone to help him circulate the energy around his body he wouldn't have been able to keep up with how fast the energy was filling his body. As his blood, bones, and marrow were being refined by this energy, black slug started to ooze out of Chen Zhen's spores.

"This is a good opportunity for you to further temper your body as well as expand your dantian. If you can keep eating and flus.h.i.+ng your body with the blood vitality from this rank 6 Blood Lion your foundation will be extremely solid. And the impurities that you will expel from your body will make your energy flow more smoothly thru your body. It will also make it easier to absorb energy into your body. If you're lucky you might obtain a portion of the Blood Lion bloodline. Blood Lions can the potential to be a Divine Spirit, their growth is virtually limitless. This will all translate into increasing your fighting strength, and defense. Try absorbing the spirit core while you finish eating the meat.", Shanggu Feng told him.

Chen Zhen took another bite while holding the spirit core and endured the pain of having his bones and marrow refined. Soon the black ooze started to have a red tint to it. Mei Ling saw how Chen Zhen was soon covered in his own blood as it was being forced out of his pores. His marrow was being replaced with the blood from the Blood Lion. As he continued to endure the pain his body began making popping sounds as his bones grew stronger and thicker. His skin took on a reddish hue, and his eyes and hair became red also.

Mei Ling was surprised to see Chen Zhen's body change in such a way. Chen Zhen's shoulder length hair becoming red gave him a devilish look, but it also added to his charm. Mei Ling could full Chen Zhen's energy getting stronger it seemed he was on his way to a breakthrough.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 29 History summary

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