Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 32 Movement Technique

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Chapter 32

Since Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian were in agreement with training Chen Zhen, they were able to communicate freely between themselves. They decided to each teach Chen Zhen the movement technique they learned, then allow Chen Zhen to choose or modify which ever technique fit him better. That was Chen Zhen could still feel in control of what martial technique he used. They had no idea that Chen Zhen had the clone studying for him. The a.s.sumed he had issues with being told what to do, that was why he seemed to ignore their advice so much. It was also why they were both so surprised to hear Chen Zhen actually asking for help. It didn't help matters that Chen Zhen just a.s.sumed that they weren't willing to offer advice, support, or encouragement unless there was a life-threatening situation. The miscommunication and a.s.sumptions have been keeping them all separate from each other. If they could learn to work more cohesively as a single unit in mind, body, and soul they would reach a point where their powers would begin to harmonize, allowing them to reach a power level anywhere from ten to hundred times what it is now. But as it stands now they haven't learned to trust each other enough to let down their mental walls. For three beings that share a body they rarely even talk on a daily basis. This time of teaching was the most interaction they had since being merged together.

"The movement technique I learned is called Thunder Step. In the initial stages of the technique large success you will be able to achieve Mach 1. Small perfection will allow you to achieve Mach 5. Great perfection you will be able to achieve Mach 10. And finally at mastery you will move so fast that travelling 100,000 kilometers in a step will be possible. Thunder Step also allows for great flexibility so using it during fights is still possible.", Shanggu Feng boasted of his movement technique.

"Well my movement technique is very similar is strength, it's call Fire Flash. The speeds through the different stages are exactly the same, but the difference appears when you're fighting. Fire Flash adds tremendous power to your attacks. In the initial large success it add one ton of force to your punches and kicks. At small perfection it adds twenty tons of force, great perfection adds one hundred tons of force, and mastery adds one thousand tons of force to your attacks. This addition of force can also be carried out through the use of a weapon as well.", Lou Tian smugly said showing his technique was just as good as Shanggu Feng.

Chen Zhen was excited to start learning. Chen Zhen was still new to moving energy thru specific meridians, major and minor, in his body. It took him several hours to memorize and grow accustomed to the exact pathways in his body. Chen Zhen started with Thunder Step and the first time he got the technique correct he felt a sudden rush of energy to his lower body. Chen Zhen took off running around the clearing and became a blur to those looking. When he put his all into running as fast as he could a sonic boom flooded the clearing as Chen Zhen broke the sound barrier. Chen Zhen stopped running and looked at himself with his eyes bugling out of his head. He never imagined that he would ever be able to move that fast in his entire life. What amazed him even more what that even though he was moving that fast he still felt in complete control of his body. Chen Zhen began running again and he was suddenly come to a complete stop or dodge a weave unpredictable. Never once did he feel unstable or that he might fall at any moment. Besides the fact that his closed weighted over a ton at this point he felt light as a feather as he raced around the clearing.

Seeing how powerful the Thunder Step movement technique was, Chen Zhen couldn't wait to try out the Fire Flash. Practicing the Thunder Step made it easier for Chen Zhen to learn the Fire Flash. Both techniques used similar pathways. It only took Chen Zhen about an hour to succeed this time. As soon as he succeeded Chen Zhen felt the weirdest feeling. He felt light, but his feet sunk into the grow at the same time. The strength to Chen Zhen's lower body increased by many-folds. Chen Zhen stomped his foot and half of the training platform sank three feet down. When Chen Zhen pushed off to run he instantly shot off reaching Mach 1 in the blink of an eye. Chen Zhen loved the great force he could feel from his movement, but he could tell that with this technique he could only move unilaterally. As Chen Zhen approached a twenty-foot boulder in front of him, he threw a kick at the boulder. The boulder exploded with incredible force and Chen Zhen didn't lose in speed afterward. Outside the barrier Zhang You could feel the ground beneath him rumbling from time to time. He was very curious as to what was going on because he couldn't hear anything around him. By what he felt he would a.s.sume a very explosive battle was happening right now.

Chen Zhen spent the rest of the day practicing both techniques and becoming more familiar with them. The clearing had large craters littering everywhere. The explosive force of Fire Flash could amplify his attacks greatly. But the speed and flexibility of Thunder Step was also something he relished a lot. He couldn't chose which one he liked better, so he spent his time switching between techniques to see if it was possible to utilize both of them in battle. He soon realized the folly of his idea, because even though he could switch, the time it took to actually switch would get him killed in and actual battle. That night as Chen Zhen cultivated he consulted the clone to see what it could think up.

[I've already a.n.a.lyzed the pathways for both techniques. Since they utilize a lot of the same pathways integrating the two together shouldn't be that hard. The thing though is that it will take a lot of energy to activate the combined technique. You will have to use the Thunderfire to power the technique to make it work. This will be better for you the long run, because as you grow in power and as your understanding of energy increases, the power your techniques you use with the Thunderfire will increase also. So basically you should in theory be able to surpa.s.s all of their levels with this technique.]

"How much will I be able to surpa.s.s them by?", Chen Zhen asked.

[My best estimation is that large success should push your speed to Mach 2-3, and your force would be about 3-4 tons. Small perfection would put your speed around Mach 10-12 with one hundred tons of force. Great perfection would be Mach 25-30 with a force of over a thousand tons. Finally mastery would require you to learn the Dao of s.p.a.ce time and Gravity, so you would be able to teleport and exert a force of over one million tons. Since this has never been done before, these are my best estimates.]

Chen Zhen was speechless, he was so shocked he completely stopped cultivating. When Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian noticed his strange behavior, they checked with him to see if anything was wrong.

"No, nothing is wrong, but I have an idea about combining both of your techniques together. Since both techniques use very similar cultivation pathways. Has that ever been done before?", Chen Zhen asked the both of them.

"Hm… It has never been done before that I know of but that is a very tall task. If you get it wrong while trying to experiment on the right pathways to choose, the backlash could damage some of your meridians. If the backlash is strong enough the damage could be permanent.," Lou Tian said

"Yeah I agree with Lou Tian. Every warrior would love to customize his techniques to make them stronger and more suitable to their particular fighting style. But not only is the process of doing so extremely time consuming, the potential for self-infliction of injury is also extremely high. You must weigh the loses with the gains to see if they are worth the risk.", Shanggu Feng said in agreement with Lou Tian, and also hope of deterring Chen Zhen from his current train of thought.

"Ok I understand what you're trying to say I'll sleep on it and give it more thought.", Chen Zhen said to appease their minds. Tomorrow he would work with the clone to try out the new technique together.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 32 Movement Technique summary

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