Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 34 Monkeying Around

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Chapter 34

As Chen Zhen followed the Golden Specter King into the cave he couldn't see anything at first because it was completely dark in the tunnel they were walking through. After a couple minutes Chen Zhen began to be able to make out details around him. He couldn't tell where the light was coming from until he left the tunnel and entered a very large open s.p.a.ce inside the cave. When Chen Zhen looked up there were thousands of tiny stone that emitted a dim light, together they gave off enough light to light the entire cavern. When Chen Zhen looked to the left he saw hundreds of wine jugs lined up against the wall, and to the right was a small pool of milky white liquid that had thirty or forty stalact.i.tes hanging over it. As Chen Zhen breathed in two distinct aromas a.s.saulted his nose. Both aromas contain very pure and potent energy.

"I knew it! Those jugs contain Monkey King wine! That is the best nourishment for body refinement cultivators. You will be able to have a breakthrough just from drinking some of that wine. But on top of that there is also a pool of 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk! All of your ancestor must have blessed your birth! Were you born under a star of great fortune? I have never met anyone as lucky as you are!", Lou Tian exclaimed in disbelief.

"This doesn't make any sense how could you be invited to share not only Monkey King wine but also 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk? The milk is useless to the Golden Specter King. Do they use it make the Monkey King wine? The process that is used to make Monkey King wine is a secret of the Simian race, is it possible to use the 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk to make it?", Shanggu Feng was just as perplexed as Lou Tian.

The Golden Specter King walked over to the jugs of wine and waved for Chen Zhen to follow him. He started to reach for a small sized jug before he handed a medium sized jug to Chen Zhen. The Golden Specter King was still in his ape form, so he grabbed a large jug for himself and walked over to the stalact.i.te milk pool. To Shanggu Feng's and Lou Tian's chagrin the Golden Specter King walked into the stalact.i.te milk pool and lounged back like he was in a hot spring. The Golden Specter King took a large swallow of his wine waving for Chen Zhen to join him, splas.h.i.+ng the milky fluid around while laughing.

Chen Zhen walked into the pool and was surprised that it felt warm to him. Chen Zhen was about to sit back and relax like the Golden Specter King did when he was interrupted by Lou Tian, "Don't even think about wasting this opportunity! You have a chance to advance two levels and enter the Liquid Core stage in one go. Between the Monkey King wine and the stalact.i.te milk you have and unbelievable source of energy available to you right now. Now here is what you are going to do, start cultivating now. You will be able to feel a huge rush of energy enter your body. As soon as you feel our dantians getting full you will drink the wine. Then you will have to really focus, the only problem is that Monkey King wine is not only good for you, it's also very potent alcohol. You will start to feel intoxicated right away, YOU MUST NOT LOSE FOCUS! Otherwise we could blow up and die from the large amounts that will be running thru your body. If you don't mess this up you will use have the effort for twice the results."

Chen Zhen could hear the seriousness in Lou Tian's voice. If what Lou Tian said was correct then this was definitely just what he needed. He began circulating the energy from the stalact.i.te pool in his body. The pure energy was flowing into every corner of his body, tempering his muscles, nerves, bones, and marrow. Chen Zhen once again felt impurities being pushed out of his body, but this time it was very minimal. The energy was so vigorous that it quickly filled their dantians with white swirling power. Chen Zhen took a big swig from his jug, as soon as the wine entered his throat a very strong alcoholic flavor rushed into his stomach. Chen Zhen began coughing at first from the burn of the alcohol, causing the Golden Specter King to laugh at him. Before Chen Zhen could get his coughing under control the Monkey King wine was already having an affect on him. Chen Zhen tried to sit straight and cultivate, but he soon found himself sliding deeper into the pool. Chen Zhen was only able to stop himself before his nose was submerged also. The clone seeing that their situation was about to become dire, stepped in and started circulating the energy for him.

There was soon a m.u.f.fled boom sound coming from inside Chen Zhen's body indicating he had just advanced to level 9 body refinement cultivator. To the Golden Monkey King it sounded like Chen Zhen had gas, so it pointed at him and laughed hysterically, especially when it saw a large group of bubble begin to surround him. The bubbles didn't come from Chen Zhen having gas though, it was from Chen Zhen's pores opening up and greedily absorbing the 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk. Chen Zhen was now completely drunk, so when the Golden Monkey King started it full-belly laughing, Chen Zhen couldn't help but join in. The two of them drank and laughed for hours together. Chen Zhen had no clue when it happened, but he suddenly saw that his jug was empty. At some point the Golden Specter King had left the stalact.i.te pool, but Chen Zhen was too drunk to notice this. Chen Zhen felt so thirsty at the moment, and when he looked over at where the other jugs of wine were, he felt to lazy to get up and walk all the way over there for some more. Chen Zhen looked down at the milky white pool of water he was laying in, and suddenly felt it was very appetizing.

"Don't you dare drink the stalact.i.te milk! That is a very bad idea! NOOOO!!!!", Shanggu Feng's shouts went completely ignored but Chen Zhen

Chen Zhen dipped his face into the pool and took a big mouthful of milk and then swallowed. An intense, hot, fiery, energy burned its way down Chen Zhen's throat. For a second Chen Zhen was sobered by this feeling, but the alcoholic potency of the Monkey King wine took effect again. The energy from the 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk rushed into Chen Zhen's blood. A red glow began to surround Chen Zhen's body and loin roars were being produced from his body. These roars started off low, but they slowly increased in volume as time went on. The clone could tell that this was actually improving Blood Lion bloodline, so it made Chen Zhen drink some more. The glow around Chen Zhen's body increased each time he drank more 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk, eventually it became too bright to look at. The defense of Chen Zhen's body reached and unbelievable level. The power of Chen Zhen's attacks of just his physical body alone could injury cultivators in the liquid core stage. Chen Zhen had been in such a rush to increase his strength that he took no time to consolidate his foundation. It was a problem that Shanggu Julong was going to address after Chen Zhen had reached the liquid core stage. But Chen Zhen's baptism in the 10,000-year stalact.i.te milk corrected all his deficiencies for him. Chen Zhen now had a very solid foundation to work off of to improve his martial cultivation.

When Chen Zhen finally stumbled out of the cave it was already night time in the forest. The clone guided him home, using Chen Zhen's spiritual sense to avoid any spirit beast in the area. When he reached the Specter Monkeys again he saw that they were all still sitting in the same tree they were in when they gave their energy to the Golden Specter King. It seemed that using that technique drained all of the troop of monkeys. Chen Zhen took back control of his body and climbed the tree with the Specter Monkeys. He found himself a branch to get comfortable on and fell fast asleep.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 34 Monkeying Around summary

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