Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 40 Decisions

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Chapter 40

Nathan had been camping out around the Sacred Abyss for a couple days. The spiritual energy was a hundred times more potent then before. He didn't know what the cause was, but he felt overjoyed by what he found. He had been cultivating for two days and he was getting close to a breakthrough. When he wasn't cultivating he was searching around the area. He noticed a distinct change in the flora and fauna of this region. The land seemed to be revitalized in a way he couldn't explain. It was like a new color was added that he had never seen before, and because of that he never knew it was missing to begin with.

As Nathan was returning to his campsite this night he noticed a fire was already blazing. Nathan hid behind a piece of fuselage and slowly crept up to behind his tent. As Nathan peeked around the side of his tent he heard an old voice calling out to him. Signing in relief Nathan walked up to the fire and sat down on the log next to Gorampa.

"How have you been my young friend?" Gorampa asked while taking very small bites of a strange looking fruit.

"Things have definitely been better. The government of my country is looking into this crash site because of what you did to their satellites. I still don't fully understand this myself, so I have no clue what to tell. Neither do I think they will believe me if I tell them the story of the history of this place. I came here looking for you to see if you could help me tell them the truth of this place." Nathan said as he stared into the fire.

"This is a world of many extremes, with a plethora of variety mixed in. The governments of the world only know one extreme or the other. While the people of the world will vary from place to place. The main concern we should have is for the people, not the governments. The people will be the true victims if preparations aren't made to protect them. If we inform the governments they will hide the knowledge away from the until they figure out a way to benefit themselves with it, and they wont share that knowledge unless it becomes impossible to hide it anymore." Gorampa said with a heavy sigh.

"So what exactly are you saying, that I shouldn't let the governments at all?" Nathan asked very confused by what Gorampa said.

"Let me say it this way. Have you heard that the origins of all myths and legends are based somewhere in truth?"

"Yes," Nathan replied.

"So think of all the myths and legends you have heard about in your life. Some of them are good and some of them are very bad, right?"

"Well yes… I guess you could say that." Nathan answered, but he was still having a hard time following Gorampa's train of thought.

"So if you tell your governments that strange and wonderful power was coming back to Earth thru this Sacred Abyss. Then you told them that creatures from myth and legend would be walking the Earth again, what would they do with that information?"

"Well if they didn't throw me in a looney bin, they would most like try to gain control of that power for themselves. And they would begin to hunt down the strange and unknown considering it to be a threat."

"So how would they treat a power they couldn't control?" Gorampa asked.

Nathan sat there and thought about it for a while. What would they do? They would treat it as a threat. If they stop the energy from entering our world or control it after they it entered into our world, they would most like send soldiers down the Sacred Abyss to explore where the energy was coming from. A world with extremely powerful beings that could enslave mankind. Nathan finally understood what Gorampa was trying to say.

"They would start a war. A war we would have no way of winning…." Nathan was even more distressed now. He didn't know what his move should be. After sitting next to the fire in silence for a couple minutes Nathan came up with an idea.

"Instead of going to the governments, why don't we go straight to the The company I work for can get this information to everyone around the world in a couple days. The governments would find out, but the people would know too."

"If you feel that is the right move, I wont stop you. But I have my own responsibilities and people I must take care of here. You will have to explain this on your own." Gorampa said.

"I must leave now but before I go can I ask a favor of you young Nathan?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

Gorampa told Nathan about meeting Chen Zhen in the Sacred Abyss world. He handed Nathan most of the spirit fruits and explained everything about them. Nathan promised to pa.s.s them along to Chen Zhen's family. Gorampa then flew off into the night. Nathan decided to leave the next day, hoping the plan he had in mind was the right one.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 40 Decisions summary

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