Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 43 Zhang You 2

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Chapter 43

Nathan snuck into the back of the Janet's estate to avoid the government agents hiding out front. The bodyguards had already been informed that Nathan would be coming so they just nodded to acknowledge him as he walked by. Nathan went to Janet's home office he could hear her on the phone.

"I don't care about our stock plummeting. This is only a temporary thing, once it over we will be fine." Janet nodded her head to Nathan.

"The investors will be fine they can try to vote me out of my VP position but as long as you don't vote with them they don't have the majority." Nathan could tell she was talking to her brother, and that she was reaching the end of her patience.

"George you know that you can trust me. I have never steered this company wrong. I will explain everything to you in detail tomorrow at the office. I had to do things this way to make sure everything ran smoothly." Janet rolled her eyes at the ceiling making a fist in frustration.

"(sigh)…. George there are somethings happening that will change the world as we know it. I know that the media will make us sound crazy. h.e.l.l… I felt it was crazy myself until I had undeniable truth. When I see you tomorrow you will know and experience everything I did, so that you will know the truth for yourself."

After listening to her brother for a little while Janet told him she loved him too, and finally hung up. Nathan could see she was drained. He didn't envy her the barrage of calls she would have had to field due to the announcement that aired on the eight o'clock news.

While Nathan was driving over her could already hear the news station ridiculing World COMM for their outlandish claims. The world wasn't ready to know the truth, but at least this way when people started to experience it for themselves they had a reason to lean back on. If this was allowed to be concealed then the government would have been able to spin this in a way to hide the truth from everyone.

"I wanted to come here to teach you a way to improve yourself using the energy from the fruit I gave you earlier." Nathan said as he sat down on the floor of her office. He held his hand out to invite her to join him on the floor.

Janet placed the fruit on her desk before joining him on the floor. It took all of her will power to resist eating more of it. Nathan explained to her all the information that Gorampa placed in his head. He then held her hand and guided the energy in her body to follow her major meridian pathways. When the energy returned to her dantian Janet felt refreshed, here will be like she had just taken a nice soothing nap.

"With this you will be able to take a small bite of fruit everyday until it is gone. When it is done you will feel a longing in your soul for more energy. The most you can do is try to absorb the energy in the air whenever you feel it. As time goes on there will be more and more energy available to cultivate with, but till then we must take what we can get." Nathan explained.

"You make it sound like we will be junkies looking for our next fix." Janet said not liking the sound of things to come.

"To be honest it will feel that way too. I have no timeline on when the spiritual energy will become more abundant on our side of the portal. We live in America; the portal is in Asia. We are a long way from the source of the spiritual energy." Nathan said with a shrug to show his helplessness in the matter.

A knock was heard at the door to Janet's office.

"Ms. Miller there are some government agents demanding to be let in. They say they have a warrant to search the premises." One of the bodyguards said thru the door.


Zhang You waited a couple days to see if there would be any more activity from the portal. After the old man went back thru the portal no one else had come anywhere near this area. Zhang You decided to see for himself what was on the other end of the portal. Zhang You flew for a few days before he exited the other end of the portal. What Zhang You say was very strange and weird to him. The first thing he noticed was the lack of spiritual energy. He could tell there was a lot of spiritual energy where he was, but as soon as he sent his spiritual sense a hundred miles away he felt the amount of spiritual energy greatly diminish.

Even though it was night time Zhang You could see there were people hidden around the area, but none of them were powerful at all. The people hidden had strange objects around them that they would enter and leave every now and then. The objects looked like very large carriages, but there were no horses or other spiritual beast pulling it. Maybe these were the works of some great Puppet Master sect. These sect were very rare in his world, and their works were known to be extremely powerful.

Zhang You saw the pieces of the fuselage that were still scattered around the Sacred Abyss. He saw the large size but couldn't fathom what use they would have. As he searched around he found a group that was smaller then the others. They were very weak, they were only normal mortals. They were carrying strange weapons in their hands, but Zhang You didn't sense any danger from them.

Zhang You landed behind a Chinese soldier that was patrolling around the northern edge of the Sacred Abyss. Zhang You was completely silent as he landed behind the soldier. Zhang You sat there and observed him for a while before walking up to him and hitting him lightly in the back. A light hit to Zhang You was like getting hit by a charging rhino to that soldier. As he went flying another soldier was alerted to someone in their area.

The soldier raised his rifle and pointed at Zhang You yelling to him to raise his hands. Zhang You couldn't understand his language so just stared at him confused. When Zhang You didn't comply the soldier opened fire on him. The bullets stung a little bit, but mostly they just bounced off of Zhang You. Zhang You swatted him, sending him flying into at tree. The sound of broken bones rang out in the night.

The next soldier raised his AK-74 a.s.sault rifle and launched a grenade at Zhang You at close range. Zhang You didn't even try to dodge or block the attack. He felt they weapon were very weak. The grenade exploded on contact and to Zhang You's surprise he was sent flying backwards thru a tree. That attack hurt. Zhang You realized that even though these mortals were very weak they had weapons to allow themselves to compensate for this weakness.

Soon one of the carriages that Zhang You had noticed before was aiming a weapon right at him. There was a flash of fire then something was streaking toward Zhang You in the night. Zhang You tried to run away from the weapon, but it was following closely behind him. Zhang You went to fly into the air, but the weapon caught up to him and blasted him out of the air. This blast was many times more powerful then the last. Zhang You happened to be in the direction of the Sacred Abyss when he was. .h.i.t. He allowed himself to fall back thru the portal.

All of the hidden soldiers gathered around the Sacred Abyss. They brought out flood lights and s.h.i.+ned them around the abyss. There was no sign of Zhang You, but they couldn't be sure if he was dead or just escaped back into the abyss. The soldiers around the abyss were from different countries, but after witnessing the abilities of the unknown from the abyss, they shared the responsibility of guarding the abyss.

As the governments received the reports from their respective commanders, the seriousness of the World COMM announcement became very evident.


Gorampa hid amongst the clouds overlooking the Sacred Abyss. He had sensed Zhang You as soon as he exited the abyss. Gorampa also already knew about the many soldiers hidden around the abyss. He wanted to see what the militaries of the world were capable of. He could sense that Zhang You was only at level 2 of the Liquid Core Stage, so he shouldn't have posed too much of a threat. The military didn't disappoint him since they were able repress Zhang You and send him back into the Sacred Abyss. But if it had been a warrior at level 7 of the Liquid Core Stage or higher, then all of these soldiers would have been wiped out.

Gorampa had to commence a meeting of the elders to plan for the future safety of their world. It would have been better that Zhang You was destroyed, then they wouldn't have to worry about any retaliation coming from him. But since he was able to escape, there was no telling the horrors he could bring upon their world.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 43 Zhang You 2 summary

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