Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 47 Going Home

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Chapter 47

Ten minutes after Moxian hung up the little cellphone a black limo was outside her house to pick her and the kids up. The windows were pitch black not allowing anyone to see inside. An hour after they got into the limo they were inside of Janet's office at World COMM. The kids were nervous because they didn't understand what was going on. All they knew was that their mother woke them up and told them they had to leave right away. From the limo ride to arriving at the office they hadn't been told anything yet. Moxian and the kids sat down in the chairs in front of Janet's desk, Moxian carefully placed the backpack she had next to her seat.

Janet was about to say something when the wall behind her opened up and Nathan walked through. Looking back Janet acknowledged him with a nod and a smile before looking back at Moxian.

"How are you Mrs. Chen? I'm sorry that things involving your husband has dragged you guys into this horrible situation. I will do everything in my power to keep you and your family safe and together." Janet said in an attempt to rea.s.sure Moxian.

Looking at the kids confused, and scared faces Janet asked, "You haven't told the kids yet?"

"I didn't know what to say to them or how to tell them….." Moxian said as she looked at her kids.

Chen Talon and Chen Xiaoxiao looked at their mother with expectant faces, waiting for answers to everything that was going on.

"(Deep sigh)…. I found out last night that your father is still alive…" Moxian was interrupted by both her kids asking her questions at the same time.

"I don't have a lot of information. I was given a message from him by this gentleman here. Your father is in another world, where he is training to become stronger. He wants to be able to protect us when he returns home. From what I can gather our world will become a very dangerous place soon and we need to be ready for when that happens." Moxian was putting on a brave face for her kids, but she was slowly crumbling inside.

Talon was always a very mature kid for his age, so he kept a calm head throughout this situation. As long as his mother was ok with things then he would follow her lead. Xiaoxiao looked at her mother, even though she was worried she put her trust in her mother. She would wait for her mother to tell her what she needed to know.

"I know that you and your husband are originally from China. Would you feel safer if you are your kids stayed with family back in China? I think with what the government is trying to do right now that that would be the best option for you." Janet suggested to Moxian.

Moxian thought about it for a while. She hadn't been home in many years. It would be much safer if she stayed with her parents. They lived in Yichang City, in the Hubei Province on the Yangtze River.

"Will we be able to leave the country? They will probably have us detained at the airport if we try to fly out." Moxian thought out loud.

"That won't be a problem. Nathan will escort you to our private hanger here in Boston. I've already ready the company jet. Here is some traveling money. I suggest you don't worry about your clothes back at home. There should be plenty of money there for you to buy a new wardrobe when you arrive in China. To make sure your home is untouched when it's safe for you to return, I've purchased it and placed it in a trust. If you will just sign by the X at the bottom of the page, my lawyer will finish handling the rest." Janet said sliding a large envelope full of cash and some doc.u.ments to Moxian.

"Why are you going out of your way to help us like this? Was World COMM in some way responsible for Chen Zhen's plane cras.h.i.+ng?" Moxian was very skeptical of this matter, she understood well that there were no free meals in this world.

"It's not like what you're thinking Mrs. Chen. We are not responsible in anyway for your husband's plane cras.h.i.+ng. But this female agent…"

"Agent Matthews." Moxian interrupted

"Yes this Agent Matthews seem to have made it her personal vendetta to take down Nathan and World COMM along with him. We refuse to bow to her strong-arm tactics. And unfortunately you and your kids are now caught in the collateral damage. I'm truly sorry about that so I am offering what help and support I can, that is all Mrs. Chen."

Hearing the sincerity in Janet's voice, Moxian relaxed a little. She signed the paperwork and handed it back to Janet. She and the kids followed Nathan out thru the wall behind Janet's desk. Half an hour later they in the air. To disguise their trip they first flew north to Toronto, Canada. There the landed and did a quick refuel before heading to China, the flight would take them over seventeen hours. Moxian took this time to talk to her kids about what happened. The kids were very happy to know that their father was actually alive. She told them the full message that Nathan pa.s.sed on to her.

Then she taught them how to cultivate. It was much easier for the kids to cultivate then it was for the adults. Their bodies accepted the new energy more readily. The kids took it as their personal mission to cultivate for as long as possible. This is what their father wanted them to do and now that they knew he would some day come home, they wanted to make sure he wouldn't be disappointed in them when he arrived.

When the private jet landed in Yichang City Moxian's father, Li Wuchang, was waiting to pick them up. Moxian was in her fathers arms before she finally relaxed. She cried on her father's shoulder as he patted her back, soothing her. The kids hadn't seen their grandfather for a couple years, so they were excited to see him too. The car ride from the airport to Moxian's parents house was very short. Moxian's mother Sheng Mai come running out the house, very excited to see her daughter and grandkids.

Moxian's parents kept apologizing that they couldn't make it for Chen Zhen's funeral. Li Wuchang was just recovering from surgery himself, so Moxian brushed it off. She was just as worried about her father's health, that's why being able to come home was a great relief for her.

The kids went outside to play, and Moxian took this time to explain everything in detail to her parents. They were both shocked and amazed by the story that Moxian was telling them. It was too astonis.h.i.+ng to be real. Moxian took out one of the fruits from her backpack, she cut a tiny piece and repeated the process that Nathan had with her. Because Moxian's parents were much older the process was much more painful for them. But when they finally absorbed that first rush of energy, they couldn't believe what they saw when they looked at each other. They both looked ten years younger. The scars from Li Wuchang's surgery were completely gone.

Li Wuchang sat there in deep thought after seeing the truth of his daughters tale. He suddenly remembered something and ran upstairs to his office. He rummaged around for a while before finding an antique scroll. This scroll had been pa.s.sed down for many generations in the Li family. There was an old tale that Li Wuchang's grandfather used to tell him when he was a kid, about a very powerful ancestor of the Li family, Li Tian Wu. He was reported to have been one of the strongest warrior of his time. The Li clan was very prominent then and many people feared the strength that Li Tian Wu had. The Li Clan was the hegemon of the Yangtze River region at that time. Li Wuchang always thought it was a fairy tale his grandfather used to tell him at bedtime.

Li Wuchang brought the scroll downstairs and placed it on the table, causing Moxian and Sheng Mai to look at him confused.

"This is an ancient scroll containing the secret Li family martial art that made my ancestor Li Tian Wu famous during his time. This scroll had been pa.s.sed down for years in our family. The things said in it were to outrageous to be real, so I never gave it any credence. But now that I know that spiritual qi will be returning to our world, this could be the hope of our family." Li Wuchang reverently caressed the scroll as he described it to them.

Moxian looked at the scroll but she couldn't understand anything written on it. What she could make out were so small pictographs, but they weren't anything she could understand either. When Moxian touched the scroll with her hand she felt a jolt of energy jump from the scroll into her finger. Moxian felt a large amount of information suddenly jumble up into her head. Her head felt very full like it was over stuffed. The feeling was too overwhelming, before she knew everything was turning dark….

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 47 Going Home summary

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