Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 49 Moxian Levels Up

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Chapter 49

Moxian awoke in her old bedroom she grew up. She was a little disoriented at first, until she remembered coming home. She could hear her parents talking downstairs and the kids playing outside, so she knew that they were all safe. Heaving a sigh of relief and allowing her body to relax, Moxian crossed her legs underneath herself and closed her eyes to meditate. Her head still felt full from the information that was imparted by the ancient scroll.

As she focused on the information she was able to sort things out in her mind and make sense of what she had been taught. The scroll was a cultivation technique that her ancient ancestor created himself. It allow the family members to maximize their spiritual output with minimal effort. The more Moxian studied the technique the more she felt like it was a cultivation cheat code. It was just too good to be true.

Now that Moxian was back in China she could feel more yuan qi in the air. Since they were safe here she decided to try out this new cultivation technique out. Moxian grabbed her backpack and took a fruit out. She took a bite and then began circulating her energy according to her ancestors cultivation method. After just a couple circulations it became very easy for her, almost like her body already knew how to do this.

As she was cultivating green light dots started to appear around her. These green light spots came from the plants in the room with her. These light spots slowly began entering Moxian's body. Moxian could feel her body strengthening itself. She felt this was too amazing, her power level was increasing incredibly fast. From what she learned from Nathan cultivating was supposed to be a slow steady process, but she was quickly approaching the next level. Unbeknownst to Moxian the plants in her room began to grow around her forming a green coc.o.o.n. Inside the coc.o.o.n Moxian's power's were growing by leaps and bounds. Moxian knew nothing of the coc.o.o.n, all she knew was that this cultivation technique seemed tailor made for her.

After an hour pa.s.sed Moxian finally woke up from her enlightened state of cultivation. The green coc.o.o.n withdrew from her on its own, as if the plants were responding to her will. Moxian went downstairs, as her parents saw her they came running over to make sure she was ok. After rea.s.suring them that she was, she went outside to check on the kids.

"After you pa.s.sed out I brought you upstairs to your room. When the kids saw that you were just sleeping, they went out to practice. They started by earnestly cultivating, and then they asked me if I could teach them martial arts. I only know how to do some tai chi, that your mother and I use for exercise every morning. They have been practicing it none stop since. They seem to be possessed with a need to get stronger." Li Wuchang explained as they went out back.

"Ever since I told them their father's message for us, it has been they goal to be as strong as possible when he returns so that they don't disappoint him. I want to tell them that they don't have to worry, but I'm sure I would be right in doing so. This world will soon be changing, I'm not sure what to expect when it does. I feel we can only prepare for the worst to come." Moxian said deathly serious, this shocked her parents back to the reality of things.

As Moxian was walking into the backyard all the plants she pa.s.sed would grow toward her like they were trying to touch her.

"Moxian what has happened to you?" her mother asked her.

"Oh nothing. I just learned ancestors cultivation method, it's really wonderful isn't it." Moxian was happy because she finally felt she wasn't being completely left behind by Chen Zhen. He would be proud of his entire family when he returned.


Nathan hid himself after he returned to the states. He knew he need to take more responsibility for his actions. Lately he had been relying too heavily on Janet. The last thing he wanted to be was a burden on Janet, let alone the trouble he was bringing down on World COMM.

Nathan managed to track Agent Matthews back to her home. He waited until she was walking into her house and came in behind her. He moved so fast she didn't realize he was there until after the door was shut. It took Nathan clearing his throat to get her attention before she drew her gun and turned around. Nathan looked at nonchalantly as he she sighted down her glock at him.

"Your not going to shoot me so just put the gun down, and we can have a nice little talk." Nathan said as he looked back at her.

"Are you so sure I won't shoot." Agent Matthews said c.o.c.king the gun.

"You want too many answers to kill me, now put the gun down before you hurt yourself." Nathan said in a deadpan voice, never losing the bored look on his face.

Agent Matthews could see that Nathan meant her no harm, so she complied and put her weapon away. She walked into her living room and sat down. Nathan followed her, but still checked around the corners before sitting as well.

"What do you want to tell me?" Agent Matthews asked.

"That depends, what do you want to know?" Nathan said back.

"I want to know everything. We have been monitoring you and it seems you have been able to do some incredible things lately Mr. Daniels. The government believes what you are saying. We want to be better prepared to handle any contingencies that may arise. The threats to this world will be on a global scale am I right?" Agent Matthews asked

Nathan just nodded his head in agreement, he could already see where this conversation was headed.

"Its your civic duty to help us protect the fine citizens of this country. Why won't you share what you know with us? You don't want us to be able to help people?" Agent Matthews made it seem as if Nathan was against helping his fellow countrymen.

"And how exactly will you be helping the people? Do you intend to share all this knowledge with the rest of the country?"

"We will obviously tell everyone what is prudent for them to know. Your little stunt on the evening news nearly caused ma.s.s hysteria. If we didn't step in to down play the importance of your message, there would be total anarchy out there right now. We know what best for the citizens." Nathan could hear the condescension in Agent Matthews voice.

"And that right there is exactly why I won't share what I know why the government. People like you always feel you know better then everyone else. I will not give you another weapon to use to enslave the minds of people." Nathan said standing up, "And you had better stop hara.s.sing World COMM and its employees. Today was my only warning. I know you have already researched my military history, so you know I'm not bluffing."

Nathan was gone before Agent Matthews could even respond. She got up and took out her cellphone, making a call as she walked to close her front door. The phone rings twice before it is answered.

"This is Agent Matthews serial number AlphCharlie-Vegniner-niner-Epsilon-Omega"

There was a clicking sound before an electronic voice responded, "Serial number confirmed, connecting to the 5-star generals private line…"

A gruff male voice answered the phone, "Report Matthews."

"Nathan Daniels has become much stronger then before. He just paid me a visit. He is not will to cooperate at all with us. He even warned me off from the employees of World COMM. Knowing his military history, I find his threat very credible."

"Ok understood. For now report to the hole is China. We have reports of a foreign ent.i.ty coming out of the hole and attacking some Chinese nationals. All Allied forces are being asked to send troops to help guard from invasion."

"How credible is this report?"

"Very.", suddenly the gruff voice softened, "Diane take care of yourself out there. If the threat level becomes too much to handle make sure you evac ASAP. Do you understand?"

"Yes father, don't worry I can take care of myself." With that Agent Matthews hung up and prepared for her trip to China.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 49 Moxian Levels Up summary

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