Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 5 Everyone's Decision

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Chapter 5

Chen Zhen, Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian looked at each other with heavy hearts. They had absolutely no trust for the others. They were all thinking the exact same thing, "What should I do?" Chen Zhen was frightened out of his mind. There were three extremely powerful beings surrounding him, telling him he had to accept two of them inside his body just to live! And the one telling him this is none other then the Lightening dragon that destroyed the plane we was on, causing him to be in this position where he was at Death's door to begin with. Are these guys out of their mind! If Chen Zhen could run away he would have fled as soon as he could. All he wanted to do at this time was to wake up from this nightmare back at home with his family.

As Chen Zhen was thinking of his family he began to picture his wife and kids. His family was his life, his greatest motivation. He would do anything to be with his family again. As he thought of his wife and kids he suddenly felt completely helpless. As much as every fiber of his being told him to scream no, he already gave in in his heart to this ridiculous choice because right now this was the only way to see his family again.

Shanggu Feng looked into Shanggu Julong eyes. He knew that this was his only chance to atone for his past sins. But as much as he knew this was right, he couldn't accept lowering himself like this. He felt he would be nothing but a slave to Chen Zhen, and ant in his eyes.

"Honorable ancestor. There must be another way. How can you expect me to allow my fate to be controlled by this pathetic creature? I understand that I owe you and the Shanggu clan a life debt, but isn't this being to unreasonable? I will pay any other way you command me but this is beneath my bottom line!", Shanggu Feng pleaded with Shanggu Julong.

As Shanggu Julong listen to Shanggu Feng his expression slowly fell till he was glaring at Shanggu Feng by the time he was done speaking.

"Honorable ancestor indeed! So now you remember you have a family, a clan, and an ancestor. I did not interfere with you choices in life because I hoped that someday you would finally mature, but that never happened. And now your karma has led you to me, so I will no longer take a pa.s.sive role in your choices. You will either lower yourself and voluntarily accept to work with Chen Zhen and Lou Tian for a better future for you all or I will implant a slave seal on your soul making you a slave to Chen Zhen for the rest of your life. I will give Chen Zhen full control of your life or death. At any time he feels you are working against him, he will be able to completely absorb all of your spiritual power and memories. No make your choice before I completely lose patience with you and make your decision for you!", Shanggu Julong bellowed. Sparks were flying from his eyes by the time he was done speaking. Shanggu Feng knew he had no other choice. He hung his head low in shame and fear. He could feel the rage radiating off of Shanggu Julong. If he didn't agree his life was basically over. He knew nothing about Chen Zhen, so he imagined the worse possible situation. In Shanggu Feng's mind he was sealed away in Chen Zhen's body, completely a slave to Chen Zhen's every whim. As soon as Chen Zhen's body was strong enough he refined all of Shanggu Long's spiritual power. He absorbed all of Shanggu Feng's memories making his comprehensions all his own, wiping out Shanggu Feng from existence in the process. If Shanggu Feng had a body it would be covered in cold sweat at this moment. He quickly raised his head, "I accept!" Shanggu Feng's very being quaked at the moment he said that. He knew there was no going back now, as high as Shanggu Feng's pride was it never allowed him to be a man who went back on his word. Now that he said he would follow thru with it wholeheartedly. As he looked over at Chen Zhen a wide mix of emotions ran through his head, hate, anger, fear, sadness, and finally hopelessness.

Shanggu Julong knew of Shanggu Feng character since he kept checking in on him most of Shanggu Feng's life. Shanggu Julong knew that Shanggu Feng would never go back on his word now that he committed himself to Shanggu Julong's proposal. As Shanggu Julong saw the wave of emotions pa.s.s over Shanggu Feng's face his heart was touched.

Addressing Shanggu Feng, Shanggu Julong said, "You will hate me and you will try to final any loophole you can to get around this and still keep your word. But I promise you this is not lowering yourself like you think you are. As long as you apply yourself and work with Chen Zhen and Lou Tian you will see this is a blessing, not a punishment."

Shanggu Feng nodded his head, sighing with a heavy heart. As everyone looked over at Lou Tian they were surprised to se him very calm with a small smile on his face. Noticing everyone looking his way Lou Tian shrugged his shoulders and said "I accept."

Chen Zhen and Shanggu Feng were both dumbfounded by his simple and straightforward answer. They both were immediately put on alert and suspicious of him. Lou Tian could see the skepticism in their eyes. Lou Tian was of the Phoenix clan. The phoenix was the symbol of rebirth. They struggled thru years of cultivating to reach their nine nirvanas. But in the last several millennia no one in the Tian clan has been able to progress pa.s.s their sixth nirvana. If a Phoenix could find enlightenment during his different nirvanas then after attaining their ninth nirvana they would unlock a power that surpa.s.sed the Immortal realm. Lou Tian had only pa.s.sed four nirvanas. During his last nirvana he was enlightened about the cultivation method he and his clan members followed. During his nirvana the blood of his ancestors guided him back to the right path. The only problem was he couldn't practice what his ancestors blood taught him to confirm whether the new cultivation method would actually work. Since his last nirvana Lou Tian had been searching around the world for Heaven and Earth treasures so that he would have the resources necessary to be able to destroy his cultivation and restart from the beginning. After a century of searching he was still woefully short of what he required. The next best thing was to die and resurrect to life, allowing him to begin again with more time. Even though a Phoenix gains more life energy after every nirvana and extend there life by hundreds of years, it would have taken him several millennia to acquire all that he needed. By then he wouldn't be able to use the new cultivation technique. The offer from Shanggu Julong was a win-win for Lou Tian. He could kill two birds with one stone, and as far as whether he could trust Chen Zhen or Lou Tian. Lou Tian knew more about souls then Shanggu Feng. He understood that in the offer Shanggu Julong proposed Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian would not be slaves to Chen Zhen at all. They would form a soul tri-union inside of Chen Zhen's body. They would all experience everything equally. For Shanggu Feng and himself they would be able to sit back and let Chen Zhen do all the hard work. They would experience every breakthrough right along with him. As far as Lou Tian was concerned this was a no brainer.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 5 Everyone's Decision summary

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