Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 53 Diako Natsu

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Chapter 53

Moxian and the kids were settling into their new life in Yichang City. After going shopping for new clothes, Talon asked if they could find a dojo in the area. Moxian initially saw no harm in that, until Talon's first practice against another student. Because the kids had been cultivating their strength was more comparable to grown adult instead of pre-teen kids. The other kid was seriously hurt by accident, but his parents were furious. The instructor was ecstatic to have such a promising student in his dojo, but Moxian decided to take them out of cla.s.s to prevent future mishaps.

To make up for them not being able to go to the dojo anymore, Moxian purchased books on martial arts. Because the kids minds as well as bodies were being enhanced through their cultivation, it actually wasn't hard for them to learn from the books. They bought a large shed and had it modified to a practice room for the kids. Their comprehension ability was off the charts, very soon a large pile of books that they had already finished appeared in the corner of the room.

Moxian's mother is a retired school teacher, so she tutored the kids in the they were missing out on. Life for them settled into its own rhythm. Moxian had been making rapid progress on her cultivation also. Besides the fruits that Chen Zhen had sent back for them, Moxian could absorb the life essence of plants as well. Due to this in a few short weeks she was already at level 3 Body Refinement.

Janet contacted her to say that the government had toned down its hara.s.sment of the people at World COMM, but she didn't think it was safe for them to return just yet. She wired Moxian another large sum of money and promised to stay in touch. Moxian couldn't thank her enough for her help and support. This experience truly highlighted how caring a woman Janet was. Moxian used the money to help her parents as much as possible so that she and the kid weren't a burden to them.


Agent Matthews chopper landed on the north side of the Sacred Abyss. What she saw truly surprised her. The armies of the different nations were in full cooperation with one another. She had been versed on the circ.u.mstances of the night attack and found its validity hard to believe. But after seeing the broken trees and the scorch marks still on the ground, she started to believe that something extraordinary really did happen her.

Her contact on the ground was a Chinese ally named Lieutenant Situ. He was waiting in the LZ for her arrival. Lieutenant Situ guided her to a tent for her use while she was there. Lt Situ lead her around introducing her to the different members of the allied group. The danger they faced was so great that it transcended all borders. The soldiers here understood the danger much better then their commanders did. After they witnessed the attack power of their enemy on that dreadful night, all the soldiers came to an agreement. They would lay down their lives to protect their world.

Agent Matthews couldn't fathom what they had seen to cause such a resolve to be formed in them.

"You will be stationed with us on the north side of the abyss. There will be a transitional period for you, so I would suggest just taking it easy and don't exert yourself to much. Once you're fine you can join us on the front-line." Lt Situ explained to her.

"What do you mean? I feel fine, I don't even feel any jetlag." Agent Matthews said laughing off his comment.

Suddenly she felt it little light headed and dizzy, Lt Situ had to reach out and catch her before she fell on her face.

"Wh…wha…..what i…is… wr….wro….wrong….wi….th….this….pl….pl…" Agent Matthews asked as her vision grew dark.

"You'll be fine as soon as you adjust." was the last thing she heard before pa.s.sing out.


Zhang You was very travel worn by the time he arrived at his uncle's clan. The guards outside weren't familiar with Zhang You because he chose to stay out of family affairs as much as possible. He didn't want his life restricted by the clan hierarchy, he preferred the life of a loose cultivator.

After stating his name and purpose for being there he waited patiently for a response. It took a little while, but he was finally admitted inside. He gave a guards a sly 'I told you so' look as he pa.s.sed them by. They obviously thought he was a charlatan. He was led by a maid to the meeting hall, where he was informed he would be seen when his uncle was free.

Zhang You sat down and waited. After a short while a maid came and brought him some tea and some fruit for him to snack on while he waited. Many people came and went but he was still left to wait outside the meeting hall. He knew his uncle was doing this on purpose, to teach him a lesson. If Zhang You's mother wasn't his uncle's direct sister he probably wouldn't even give Zhang You the time of day. Zhang You had squandered too many family a.s.sets, and refused to be of support to the clan, so he wasn't surprised by his treatment.

After waiting for hours a maid finally came and lead him into the meeting hall. Zhang You's uncle was now the clan head, and a powerful warrior in the Divine Lord Stage. He looked at his nephew with disappointment etched across his face.

"Zhang You, what brings you to see me this time?" his uncle said not hiding the contempt in his voice.

"Uncle Natsu I come bearing great news and a wonderful opportunity for our clan's business." Zhang You was trying to be as charming as possible before his uncle.

"What does the clan business have to do with you? If I recall correctly you chose to break all ties with our clan and its business years ago."

"That is true uncle, very true. But I happened to stumble upon a vast world that is ripe for the picking….." Zhang You was suddenly interrupted by a bright flash of light.

When he could see again his cousin Zenua was standing next to him in the meeting hall. She looked utterly terrified and actually smelled of p.i.s.s.

When Zenua saw that she was in the meeting hall of the Diako's main clan, and that her uncle was seated in front of her, she dropped to her knees and broke out in tears. Her life was actually saved! She didn't even remember breaking the piece of black jade that was in her hand.

When Diako Natsu saw Zenua in such a hysterical state, he rushed over and knelt down in front of her.

"Zen-er tell me what happened! Who did this to you?" Diako Natsu was in a rage when he saw his favorite niece in such a condition.

It took Zenua a little while to get her emotions under control. She explained in detail her encounter with Chen Zhen. After she described the battle that took place Zhang You was suddenly deathly pale. He knew exactly who she was talking about as soon as she describe his blood red armor.

Diako Natsu had forgotten Zhang You was there, but when he saw him take a couple steps back and looked frightened, he knew his nephew recognized this person's description.

"Do you know who she is talking about?" Natsu asked Zhang You.

"I don't know his name, but he was training in a personal dimension in a spirit beast forest in the far reaches of the Ting Hai prefect of the Imperial Fudoki nation. I happened to be roaming that area when I found out that a rank 6 Blood Lion lived in that forest. I went there to get its spirit core to try and acquire the Blood Lion bloodline for myself. By the time I arrived there he had already acquired the spirit core and the bloodline, but he was only in the mid Body Refinement Stage then. So I stayed around to investigate who was helping him to see if he could be ransomed for cultivation resources and riches.

I saw someone at the peak of the Solid Core Stage, leave his personal dimension and fly off into a portal in the sky. When I followed him, I found a strange world that was severely lacking yuan qi. I attacked some of the people there, but was force back due to their weapons. I knew that I might be too weak to face them, but I also knew that uncle would be strong enough to take control of that world. You would have a limitless supply of slaves to trade."

Zhang You was terrified of his uncle's rage, so he quickly told him everything he knew. Hearing Zhang You's story caused Natsu to calm down a little. It seems that his good-for-nothing nephew may have stumbled upon a gold mine ripe for the taking. He needed to plan this properly and make sure this information was kept secret.

"Who else knows about this?" Natsu asked looking at Zhang You from the corner of his eye.

"No one uncle. I came straight here without delay."

"Good. Go find yourself a courtyard to stay at. From this moment on you are no longer a loose cultivator, you will return to the clan like you should have been to begin with. If this goes well I will make sure you and your mother's side of the family is richer than your wildest dreams."

Natsu had a maid come and lead Zhang You and Zenua away. He promised to hunt down the man that tormented her and killed they family soldiers. Then Natsu sat back down in the meeting hall to plan.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 53 Diako Natsu summary

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