Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 22 You Can Choose Now

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Before an incense of time is over, most of the crows finally left the courtyard. There is still a number that is still around. Some are on the roof, waiting for something.

Some are still around the scattered walnuts like they are guarding their food and will attack if anyone approaches.

Xi Ma glanced at Gao Lan Mei who is now sitting on a chair, no one knows where it's from. Seeing this, Xi Ma's brow wrinkled. He feels he will be having a headache soon.

This young woman is the cause of all of these.

Why bother to have this large of a commotion? He is sure that all the citizens of the s.h.i.+zi Empire will have a feast regarding this strange incident.

Xi Ma's a.s.sumption is correct. From that day onwards, when a crow is spotted the story where the Medical Pavilion was raided by thousands of crows will be remembered.

He really feels bad about the situation. This is the first he had encountered such an event.

Though thinking this, he surely did not consider that since there's a limit on how long the old mute beggar can choose the poisonous walnuts, Gao Lan Mei just created the best tool as a solution to segregate.

She needs to show one of her cards, but if this incident will be rumored to be related to her, Gao Lan Mei, the only child of the left minister, no one will believe it.

Beasts are very picky about their food. A relative example is crows will just eat anything if it's not poisonous. With that, the ones that are not touched are the one that cannot be eaten.

Since the crows are still around, no one wants to approach Shopkeeper Yu who's lying on the ground with wounds from all over from crows who attacked him.

The wounds were from the crows' pecks. Every peck left a hole, which means the flesh was taken as well to be eaten.

The shopkeeper is bleeding heavily, but his slow movement and his soft groans are enough to confirm that he is still breathing.

Looking at this, some might think he is such a loyal man to the Pavilion. Most people though think he is stupid. Especially the ones that are left in the courtyard to watch the show.

Most of the mortals that originally formed the crowd before the crows arrived already left the Medical Pavilion to run for their lives.

There are less than ten people that are left and mostly high-level cultivator from known families.

This made Xi Ma more concerned as the families left are lackeys of the other princes.

Specially Ye Ju from the Ye Family. He is a close friend of the second prince.

There is also the Gu family that supports the third prince.

Though it is not known that his master Prince Wei Jiayi owns the Medical Pavilion, it still annoyed him that they are enjoying something that is not benefiting the pavilion.

Xi Ma decided to ignore them and looked at the remaining time. 'It will be over soon.' He glanced at Gao Lan Mei who is still leisurely sitting on a chair.

Gao Lan Mei looked at the old mute beggar who still looking daze with what happened, "It's easier to choose if it's like this, right?" As soon as she said this, all the remaining crows near the scattered walnuts flew to the roof.

"You can choose now." She continued.

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Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 22 You Can Choose Now summary

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