The Undead World With Sword And Magic 6 The Tournamen

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In the seat of very important persons there seated the village elders, their village head-Fang Toothbane has a white hair and a white mane and beard seated at the center with a throne made of Bones and animal skulls.

He has a coat of animal fur of a wolf behind his back and happily drinking a grape wine with a luxurious cup made of silver and their bodyguards stood with vigilance, ready to transform anytime at danger's presence.

Isabella stood beside his father, watching as she was acting worried, holding her hands like praying and the face of maiden expresses unexplainable expression. A mixture of both feelings of worry and hope.

Mark can't be seen on his father's side but Douglas knew he is watching somewhere in the crowd because he can feel his presence.

While Fang is calmly watching, he noticed that there is someone that has a different aura, an aura of a human with magic fluctuations in its surroundings.

A symbol of power and magic

"A magic swordsman!", he exclaimed

"Hummp a weird fellow, He wants to join the fun then let him join."

"Let's see how long he can last against Lycans!", Isabella's father exclaimed.

The tournament starts without delay, the Lycans then transformed into werewolves.

The fights between beast are like rabid dogs without getting a hold of themselves.

Douglas prepared buffs like


A spell that makes your stamina last longer and making your reaction speed faster for an entire hour.

[Hercules' blessing]

A warrior's buff that gives you strength and endurance for half an hour.

After he prepared buffs, Douglas is dodging their strikes while he is preparing an advanced AOE spell.

He then let out a shout

"[Thunder shock!]"

He is covered by electric sparks then blast to the surrounding twenty-meter radius.

All who are struck by electric wave collapsed.

The werewolves are alarmed then looked at his direction.

Douglas then takes the initiative to fire at them with [Rapid Electric Bolts] shooting with ten shots per second, the werewolves are struck down one by one while others are evading the shots.

"They are in trouble!", said Isabella's father with amazement.

The beasts activated their skill "[Fury]" as they were enraged by Douglas.

The remaining contestants are numbered seventy-one while the others collapsed.

Douglas is panting because he has let out large Mana consumption spells at the beginning of the round.

The enemies approached fast and Douglas activates the skill "[Lightning steps]" as he executed lightning speed slashes for a duration of one second.

He sliced the werewolves' flesh while dodging the enemies, leaving them wounded while splas.h.i.+ng their blood on his path.

The werewolves are reduced in numbers as he repeats lightning steps for a minute.

Douglas knew that if he keeps using spells he will run out in approximately another minute.

So he stopped and saw only ten lycans left.

He was tired as he cast his last skill "[minor heal]" which is effective against fatigue, scratches, and bruises.

He then faced them with only his sword.

He let out a sigh as he realized his limit, but luckily this world in itself is emitting Mana so naturally, the people here in this world have high Mana regeneration.

He tightened his grip on his sword and dashed.

The werewolves encircled him and the small one which is agile attacked first.

He blocked the blow and the other three simultaneously attacked.

He dashed low as he sliced the other two that attacked with a circular motion.
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He escaped the encirclement but there is one that blocked his way and he disappeared in the line of sight of the werewolf, then he uppercuts the abdomen making the werewolf fly to the air, then he made a roundhouse kick leaving the enemy smash to the wall of the arena at a terrifying speed.

There were only seven of them left.

"Don't mess up with a fighter", he said.

After all those training he felt accomplished, when he entered the academy he persevered to be at the top and now his enemies feel unsure to stand against his monstrous aura.

They never met human that's strong as this!

Douglas then charged the enemy and strike them one by one using only his fist and kicks.

He teleported under the werewolf then kicked it upwards sending it to the air.

Then he teleported to the air and then executed the skill [Ground slam], the werewolves are in disarray when dust flew to the air and then...

Bang! bang! break!

The audiences only heard whining and whimpering as Douglas kicked and smashed their faces to the ground.

Others are thrown outside the dusty fog with a sound.

"What a spectacle!", the audiences cheered and clapped their hands with amazement to the champion.

As the fog disappeared, Victor is standing at the center leaving holes and cracks to the arena.

They didn't expect that the champion will be excellent both in magic and martial art combat.

Douglas looked to where Isabella is standing and then he raised his hands, waving with a smile.

Isabella blushed for a moment then her eyes looked to his father without facing him.

Her father saw her blushed but didn't mind her.

He wanted to know the contestants' name so he said: "Bring me the champion I want to know his name!".

Douglas then said, "I am Douglas Burg, your daughter's childhood friend".

Oh, so that explains it! and you are a human.

I can't make my daughter wed an outsider!.

Douglas didn't argue with him as he respected Isabella's father.

They chatted for several minutes while the wounded are taken to their quarters to heal their wounds, the arena is cleaned by the organizers and staff.

At the end of the ceremony, he is hailed as the champion as the audiences applause to their champion so that he will take the hand of Isabella, but Isabella's father-Fang Toothbane refused to wed her daughter to an outsider.

Isabella pleaded to her father to give him a chance and because Isabella is a spoiled child loved tenderly by his father, he was given a ticket of once in a lifetime.

As the last trial, he will only be convinced to hand her daughter to the one who's stronger than him.

He challenged Douglas to a duel.

"I will not give my Daughter who is weaker than me", Fang said in a prideful manner.

"I will take your offer your majesty", Douglas said as he bowed down his head.

Fang takes out his fur coat and gave it to Isabella then he descended the stage.

Douglas followed him also but as they are stepping down, the people cheer Fang's name louder and louder.

"Fang! Fang! Fang!"

Douglas felt pressure as he was getting closer to arena grounds.

After they arrive at the arena grounds, the audience then becomes silent after Fang raised his hands and clenched it.

Douglas takes a few several steps to gain some distance from his opponent.

Without delay, Fang summoned spirit wolves and craws as he shouted

"[Beast Call]"

A skill of Lycan beast callers to summon their tamed beast to do their command.

Lycan beast callers are the summoners of their tribe, aside from Fang's warrior training he is also thought to be a lycan summoner.

As the wolves dashed, the crows also flew in the sky to make a dive to him.

Douglas cast [Fireball missiles] to intercept the spirit wolves.

Whoos.h.!.+ whoos.h.!.+ whoos.h.!.+

Bang! bang! bang!

Others fell down while others dodged, the crows in the skydive one by one attempting to rip the flesh of Douglas by their claws.

Without delay Douglas cast [Electrical field], the crows were struck one by one after entering the field.

Douglas then cast [Rapid Electric Bolts] to the remaining spirit wolves.

The spirit wolves and the crows disappeared one by one.

Fang felt disappointed by the fall of his minions so he transformed and run to the battlefield.

He has a white fur representing the color of the n.o.ble blood of the Lycans, an Alpha wolf of terrifying strength and speed.

With eyes of br.i.m.m.i.n.g red color, he dashed to his enemy with two red straight bright lights leaving his eyes.


The [Rapid lightning bolts] of Douglas struck him but didn't seem to affect him at all.

Fang slashes his claws with all his might that feels like it produces wind pressure.

A single blow from his large claws will be a fatal strike to him.

Douglas immediately cast [Rush] and [Hercules' blessing] to match his strength.

Douglas evaded his claws and then landed a punch, Fang is blown by several feet but undamaged.

He disappeared from Douglas' sight and appeared on his back. As Douglas turned back he saw blurry claws (caused by fast movement) near his face.

He barely dodged but his face was scratched with three claws.

The blood dripped from his face then he wiped it with his hands.

He stepped back then he instantaneously cast [Minor heal] to heal the scratches but Fang didn't let out an opening.

He used [Rapid strikes], and this time Douglas was forced to use his sword to defend the furious slashes of Fang.

Every blow is attempting to disarm the blade of Douglas from his hands but Douglas tightened his grip on his sword.

They returned blows for several minutes and the audiences can only see after images.

Douglas gained distance as he used [Teleport] and let out a spell [Fireball missiles], as the fireball floats in his back he pointed his sword to Fang's direction as he said "fire!".

Flames flew to Fang's direction but he stood there unfazed.

Instead, he used [Rapid strike] to deflect the missiles, he slashed the fireb.a.l.l.s with his claws and the fireball are thrown to the corners of the arena.

Some are thrown near the audience's seat and some are to the ground and walls.

After the last fireball is fired, Douglas teleported to his back then let a slash coming from his waist to the left side of his body leaving an arc.

Fang stepped back then he used [Savage dash], attempting to bite Douglas.

Amongst the attacks of a werewolf, their bite is the fiercest out of them all.

It will rip out your flesh and blood will spill out of your body.

Douglas knows that this attack is a vicious skill that can easily end up his life. So he teleported to the sky.

"Tsk!", Fang smirked

Fang is currently having trouble with his instantaneous teleportation!

He scanned the surroundings as he sees a shadow from the sky.

He looked up and then saw Douglas.

"Bring it on!", Fang exclaimed as he jumped also in the sky, wanting to clash with him mid-air.

Douglas is approaching also with terrifying speed to greet him with his clenched fist.

They meet mid-air and then.....


The two fell from the sky and smashed the ground, leaving dust all over.

The audience fell silent for a moment.

The two came out of the dust then Fang let out a big howl then collapsed.

The audience then breaks the silence as they cheer on the Victor.

Isabella then runs to his father and Douglas helped him to stand.

Fang coughed for a bit as he wakes up and he said "Your strength is beyond compare to mine.

"I'm sure that I will have a Grandchild as strong as you", Fang said to him

"Daddy!?", Isabella said with a frown

"Hahahahahaha! Just kidding dear! Just take it as a compliment"


And that's how they ended up close to each other.

"Fang respects the strong and your father beat him so earns him his respect.", Isabella said to Stephen as she finished her bedtime story.

"Can I meet grandpa Fang mommy? I wanna see him in the future.", Stephen said while he held her mom's hands.

"I know you will meet him sooner darling", Isabella then kissed Stephen at the head and covered him with his blanket.

Little did he know that there was a crow outside their window silently watching from a tree.

It then flew to the pinewood forest to come back to its owner where the Lycans live.

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The Undead World With Sword And Magic 6 The Tournamen summary

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