The Lord Of The Living Dead 6 Three Puppets

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" Yulio? Youu---- How are you alive?! "

" You were killed yesterday! "

The three muscular men were panic-stricken as they pointed at Roan who was still picking up the bread crumbs on the ground.

The man in their front shouldn't be here, it is impossible for him to be here. He should be lifelessly laying on that d.a.m.ned battlefield, how on earth is he moving about in their own tent?

" Yoo-uuu, don't come near us! "

" You d.a.m.ned ghost dare to haunt us?! "

" Don't you dare haunt us! "

Their bravado was employed at its full might as they slowly backed down…

Roan who was still seated on the ground looked at the three familiar men in his front.

These infamous men are sharp and harmful when it comes to the vulnerable, and would bend when faced with strong winds thus they gained the t.i.tle Three Bladed Gra.s.s.

' If I don't dispose of them, they would only bring trouble..' Roan thought as he steeled himself. Since these men saw his 'death', then, they would definitely make a huge fuss. Who knows how great of a harm they would bring to him?

Mustering his fastest speed, Roan grabbed his spear and pushed forth.

Seeing the ghost rus.h.i.+ng at them, the three men were momentarily disoriented.

Using the opportunity at hand, Roan chose to attack the one in the middle.

Aiming at the man's neck, he thrusted his spear.

Blood gushed as the spear struck the man's neck.

The other two men were shocked back to reality upon seeing one of them get pierced.

" You dared kill Suchang?! "

" DIE! Eat my spear! "

The two men simultaneously swung their spears using their full might.

Roan pulled back his spear to block their attack.



The two men's spear was repelled back while Roan was pushed to his knees.

Roan's hands ached and his situation perilous. As such, he retreated a couple of paces back.

With the distance created between them, Roan deeply breathed, trying to calm himself as he waited for Suchang to truly die.

The two men who were still consumed by their emotions resumed their attacks.

In their bouts, Roan had to keep blocking and give ground as he waited for an opportune time to cast his Corpse Control.

Seeing that Roan was not as strong as their initial thoughts, the two men kept intensifying their attacks.

" Die! "

" For a ghost to be this weak, how disappointing! "

" Suchang died for naught! "


While the two men were scolding him, Roan slowly led them closer to Suchang's corpse. When he saw the time was right, Roan casted Corpse Control.

Suchang's body twitched and healed. Afterward, through Roan's controlling, the corpse grabbed its spear and stabbed one of the enemies.

" Ilbert! "

Caught off guard, the man named Ilbert was stabbed in the thighs.

" Jong, immediately call for help! Fast! " Ilbert ordered Jong as he clutched his bleeding thigh.

" Why would I let you do that? " Roan said as he stabbed Ilbert's belly.

But because of Roan's lacking strength and inexperience, the spear wasn't able to fully lodge itself inside Ilbert. His attack only made a small wound before being completely stopped by the armor.

" What are you standing there for? Hurry! " Ilbert angrily commanded.

To Roan's surprise, Jong didn't run to call for help and instead stabbed Ilbert in the back.

Jong used his full weight and kept pus.h.i.+ng. After pus.h.i.+ng Ilbert a couple of steps back, Jong had successfully pierced Ilbert. The spear's tip made its way from Ilbert's back all the way through his front.

" You traitorous b.a.s.t.a.r.d! " Ilbert turned back and puked blood.

After Ilbert dropped dead, Jong went to his knees " I surrender! Yulio, I surrender! Please forgive me for making you do all those stuff, I am also a victim here! Stop haunting me! Please!"

Jong was full of tears as he begged to be spared.

Not wanting to keep such a traitorous man with him, Roan decisively stabbed Jong's head.

As the small episode ended, Roan's emotion was still raging and his adrenaline still pumping. Sweat kept pouring out of him as his mouth took big gulps of air one after another.

To hasten his cooling, Roan removed his chainmail and gambeson. They were really c.u.mbersome because he wasn't used to it. The extra weights slowed him down in the previous battle, nearly proving fatal in some of the bouts.

While resting, soothing energy gathered around him. It was refres.h.i.+ng, he could feel his emotions calm down as more and more of the said energy gathered.

*Ding* [ The host has gained 228 LF. ]

After the system rang, all of the Life force that had gathered in his body completely disappeared.

Looking back at the surrounding area that was painted by blood, Roan can only shake his head as he casted Corpse Control twice.

Just like before, the two bodies twitched and healed, perfectly going back to its uninjured state.

While still resting, Roan controlled his three newly acquired puppets and made them deal with the messy tent.

Controlling the puppets was like second nature to Roan. He could perfectly control a puppet or two like his own body. But if increased to three, some of the movements becomes hard to smoothly execute.


Meanwhile, at the camp's command center.


" My lord, the scouts have spotted the main army of the Turyo Kingdom. Their hundred-and-twenty-thousand strong army is currently pa.s.sing through our borders. "

"Count Hoover of Turyo Kingdom has also sent a hidden letter to My Lord."

The messenger then pa.s.sed an embroidered cloth to Viscount Arlington's aide.

" Dismiss. " The scholar-looking aide then handed the letter to Viscount Arlington who was seated on a luxurious throne.

Viscount Arlington was wearing a white n.o.ble armor that has a large boar insignia engraved on its middle. He has a square-shaped head that is adorned by lush and healthy beard, a pair of boorish looking eyebrows, and a tanned muscular physique.
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His mild yet vigorous aura permeates through the command center, raking in the awe of the officials standing on both sides.

Viscount Arlington silently read the letter, his aura fluctuating every now and then.

" The plan can finally set in motion. b.a.s.t.a.r.ds of multiple fathers, just you wait… You will all tremble beneath my feet. " Viscount Arlington's laughed out loud.

Afterwards, he said " Where are our actors? Have they arrived? "

" My Lord, Count Viservis along with Viscount Kline, Viscount Stein, and Viscount Bailey have mobilized a hundred-and-seventy-thousand strong army and is currently readying to march. "

" They are so slow… How about our main army? Have they been gathered? "

" My Lord, our main army is about to finish gathering, they would be mobilized in two days. "

" Great! Reorganize our fodders and deploy them at noon. I want everything to be believable lest our hosts suspect that we are doing something fishy. "

" Understood My Lord! "

" Understood My Lord! "

" Understood My Lord! "

Hearing the Viscount's orders, every official in the command center simultaneously bowed.


Third Vanguard Unit's camp.

" Everyone, gather! Ready yourselves! Viscount Arlington has ordered to mobilize at noon! "

" The Third Vanguard Unit shall take the remnants of the First Vanguard Unit! Reorganize for now! "

" The severely wounded men would be exempted for the upcoming deployment! Rest and recuperate! "

The announcements rang all over the camp's vicinity.

Roan had just finished taking care of the bloodied tent when the announcement rang.

Heeding to the announcement, Roan equipped the gambeson and the chainmail that he had taken off.

Readying himself, Roan exercised himself for a bit in preparation for the upcoming battle. He couldn't help but be a little bit nervous when he remembered yesterday's battle where his neck was slit.

From the previous fight he had fought, Roan understood that a simple mistake could prove disastrous for a weakling like himself. As such he wants to prepare trump cards for the upcoming battle

Going through the shop, Roan decided to go ham on it. He bought a brigandine that costs 40 LF, a coat of plates type of armor for his lower body that costs 40 LF, a coat of plates type of armor that can protect his arms which cost 20 LF, and a leather gauntlet that cost 7 LF.

With the help of his puppets, Roan equipped the protection he had bought. After that, he headed outside with his puppets.

At the center of their camp, the remnants of the devastated First Vanguard Unit waited. Most of them were severely wounded and only about a third of them could still fight.

The officers were busy a.s.similating the new men in their ranks. The squads that had lost considerable manpower were replenished. Those with lost spears were given a new one while those with damaged equipment were helped to temporarily patch it.

" Everyone listen! On the upcoming battle, I don't want you to repeat yesterday's mistake. Don't recklessly charge, move side by side with your squad! " The leading officer of the Third Vanguard Army shouted.

" Even if you aren't trained soldiers, don't make a fool out of yourself. Charging alone in the middle of the enemy ranks is nothing but suicide! Those fools that would do so should forget coming back here. "

" You are not as powerful as trained soldiers nor are you like those blessed knights. You would easily die if you leave your squad! Help each other and survive the upcoming battle! Do you understand? "

Finis.h.i.+ng his small speech, the leading officer left. On the other hand, those that had recklessly charged yesterday were ashamed of themselves.

Because they were inexperienced, they were easily affected by the battlefield. When they previously faced the battlefield, most of them forgot what the officer had said to them. Instead of working together, most of them fought duels with the enemy.

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The Lord Of The Living Dead 6 Three Puppets summary

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