Irium 154 Interlude I - 7. Breaking Of The Complex Part 1

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Born and raised in the Asteroid Realm named Pegasus C34, I was someone who was considered unique throughout my life.

My potential for mage-craft was better than anyone else's. Even Lucifer said that I was a prodigy. As such, there were many in my life whom I remember for their jealousy towards me. There were many in my life whom I remembered for trying to sabotage my efforts.

But they weren't the worst part. The worst part was the show of fear that my family and friends end up accidentally exposing sometimes. They tried their best to not show it, but there were always things that happened that made those emotions accidentally leak out.

And so, I had become disillusioned with the idea of friends.h.i.+p and such.

Seeing so, Lucifer had told me, "Why don't you go to a place called Earth and see the people living there? You might end up changing your opinion."

I wasn't convinced that something like that could possibly happen, but it's not like I held any particular attachments to Pegasus C34 and I wasn't opposed to travelling and living in a different world either. So, I had taken up the offer.

At the time, I had probably thought that if nothing else, it could give me a way to get away from those on whose faces I hated to see the expressions of fear.

And so, I had come to Earth.

Lucifer had only given me one thing when he sent me – the address of the school I should transfer to. I didn't even need to go to school to be honest but I had taken him up on his offer to see just what exactly he was trying to show me.

And, that day, or that evening, when visiting the school for the first time, I had come across the person who changed my life.

It was a girl of my age. She had blue oval-shaped eyes, an arched nose, and an oval face and was a brunette. Her skin was of a quite beautiful ivory complexion and her height was as much as me, if not an inch or two more.

In a single word, she was pretty.

But not just from her appearance. She was pretty from her character as well. She was smart, energetic, had a great personality and was the type of person who would be at the top of the social hierarchy.

Looking at her; someone who, just like me, surpa.s.sed her pears in many ways but yet was not hated but was liked by most of her peers, I had felt an ache in my heart.

For the first one of two months I had stayed in that school, that ache had not subsided at all.

I wanted to know what she had that I didn't. I wanted to know what made her so likable. Is it just that her personality was better than mine? Was that all? No, it couldn't have been all.

And so, I tried digging into her past.

It didn't take me much effort to find out that she had three siblings, all of whom had lived in an orphanage until a while before that. They had been adopted by a couple, Kaylith Glice and Esmeralda Glice.

Upon more research, I had found out that Kaylith was a.s.sociated with Remedy Corporations, a big powerhouse of mages on Earth. However, it didn't seem like Grimma knew anything about magic. It wasn't unusual for parents to keep things like these to themselves to protect their children so I wasn't particularly surprised, just disappointed. I was disappointed because if she had been a.s.sociated with magic, I would have found a reason to talk to her. Back then, I had no reason to try to get to know her. And so, I had thought that I would forever remain in the dark about reasons as to why mine and Grimma's situations were so different.

I just couldn't get it.

And so, in order to distract myself, I drowned in studying the only other thing I had found some interest in throughout that time – Remedy. Since I was on Earth, I couldn't possible not use my abilities to get to the top of it.

After all, on my world, I had always been on the top. So, being on the top was all I knew, and I couldn't live in a way I didn't know.

However, on the summer camp, things changed. A particular incident where I belittled my schoolmates by talking about how they didn't know about magic, I ended up realizing from Grimma's reaction that she was someone who had at least heard of the fact that magic was real.

I confronted her with that later that day, using mage-craft to get all the answers out of her, and found out hence that she had accidentally found out about it by reading a letter addressed to Kaylith that she shouldn't have read.

I decided I'd use that opportunity. And I did use it.

When Remedy attacked her house and her family had to flee, I started to think that it was my fault. And so I ended up tracking her and proposing to Kaylith a way out of his predicament. That way was to overtake Pegasus C34.

Yes, without even realizing it, I had grown so fond that girl that I was ready to auction off my birthplace for her safety. I was yet to realize all that though. Back then, I only thought it was guilt.

In any case, to convince Kaylith that I was not deceiving him, I opened a portal to Heaven and showed him a glimpse of the Angel that his friend Trevor had become after his death.

I then also got in contact with Lucifer and asked him to bring that Angel on to Pegasus C34 and give him an important position. Since Lucifer was the king of Demons and that friend of his was an Angel, it obviously took a bit of an effort but I succeeded.

And with just that, within four or so months, I had been able to set up the perfect stage for Kaylith to take control of the place.

One thing still remained though.


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Irium 154 Interlude I - 7. Breaking Of The Complex Part 1 summary

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