Supreme Lord Chapter 15

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Published at 4th of May 2020 01:02:53 PM
Chapter 15

Because he had spent most of his days fighting and killing, he could not enjoy too many days like this one, where he was leisurely eating and drinking wine while watching the fun . In his younger days, he had offended a lot of people and he just spent his days cultivating and trying to live, and after ascending to the Heavenly World, it was more or less the same path of fighting and killing .

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But today, after Heavenly Dao seized everything from him and beat him back to his mortal body, he found out that leisurely drinking and watching the fun was quite interesting . This feeling got even stronger, especially when he looked at countless pairs of eyes full of skepticism .

He could not help but tease them, “I told you long ago that I am a dragon among men and a musical genius, didn’t I? Do you think I, Young Master Bloodflame, would be playing with you? What’s up? Do you believe me now? Haha . ”

After saying this, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and while pouring himself more wine, he secretly said to Ouyang Ye, “What do you think, girl? I gained you face, didn’t I? Now no one’s gonna fare question that I am Young Master Bloodflame, right?”

Ouyang Ye froze on the spot as if she had lost her soul . Her face was full of shock and astonishment, and she could not believe that what happened was true . She was stupefied and her mind was in total chaos .

She was completely dumbfounded when Grandmaster Wen Zhu said that Gu Qingfeng was the musical genius he spoke of, and perhaps it was all so shocking that she hadn’t been able to organize her thoughts properly until now .

“Young Master Bloodflame, this old man has a presumptuous request,” Grandmaster Wen Zhu cupped his hands and sincerely said, “I wonder if you can play Drunken at the Blue Sea for us . ”

“You still want me to play it . ” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin with some hesitation .

“Young Master, you might now know this, but there are extremely few people in the Northwest Territory that can display the concept from the Sovereign’s songs . And there are even fewer people that cand display Drunken at the Blue Sea’s concept . A lot of people admire this song, so I’d be forever grateful if you could play it for us . ”

When Grandmaster Wen Zhu’s voice dropped, other musicians in the venue also came out and expressed their hope of hearing Young Master Bloodflame playing Drunken at the Blue Sea . All of them were musicians and have always admired the Sovereign’s songs, however, very few people were capable of displaying the concepts behind them .

But now, since they had met a musical genius that could actually do it, they would not lose this chance . Even if they were not capable of understanding the concept behind the song, at least they could experience it for themselves . This was something that could not be bought by money!

“Big brother, can you play it again? Please?” The little blue-haired girl stood beside Gu Qingfeng and shook his arm, raising her small head and opening her eyes wide as she pleaded, “Big brother, Jin’er also wants to hear you play Drunken at the Blue Sea again, please, please, please! Just once . ”

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Gu Qingfeng was not immune to the pleadings of such a little girl, especially when he looked at her pitiful big eyes, he couldn’t bear to refuse . He stretched his hand and pinched her nose while smiling, “It’s just a song, today, your big brother let you listen to it all you want . ”

“Big brother, you promise?” The little girl looked very excited .

“Since you called me big brother, I can’t refuse!” Gu Qingfeng tilted his head and poured the wine from the jug directly into his stomach, and with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, “For your face, I will play it one more time . ”

All the musicians in the venue were very excited after they heard Young Master Bloodflame’s agreement, and even on Grandmaster Wen Zhu’s face, a delighted expression appeared .

Gu Qingfeng took the zither from the little girl’s hand, put it on the table, and began playing Drunken at the Blue Sea .

He stood straight, dressed in his white robe, and his ten fingers were dancing wildly on the zither, displaying his dazzling fingering styles and ever-changing strings, while the people watching were dazed, dumbfounded, and even left in awe .

The people did not comprehend how Young Master Bloodflame could have such high musical attainments at such a young age . Even those who had studied music for centuries did not have such brilliant and perfect fingering styles and ever-changing strings .

No one was capable of understanding how was this possible .

But they did not have much time to think about it because soon, as they were following the countless profundities within the song, they felt as if their souls were leaving their bodies and were dreaming back to the Blue Sea of the past, where they witnessed all the things that Sovereign Bloodheaven did while living in seclusion there .

Yes, everything! They even felt the waves of the Blue Sea, the white clouds in the sky, and at the same time, the Sovereign’s powerlessness . It was an amazing and indescribable feeling, as if they were the ones that experienced that period .

Everyone knew that this was the concept within the song .

After the song ended, the entire venue fell into silence and everyone froze on the spot, unable to awaken from what they had just experienced, only dumbfounded expressions could be seen on their faces .

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For many people, this was the first time listening to Drunken at the Blue Sea, and even though they knew that in this world, only the Sovereign’s songs were capable of making people feel as if they were reincarnating with each rhythm, they were still completely shocked after experiencing the concept and the countless profundities within the song!

However, apart from the shock they got from Sovereign Blodheaven’s song, the crowd was even more amazed by the Young Master Bloodflame who sat in the corner, with his legs crossed, and was sipping wine, looking like a prodigal son .

Just now, this man had displayed the concept within Drunken at the Blue Sea by playing it with his bare hands, and he did not use any spiritual arts! This was simply inconceivable, and at the same time, an eye-opener! If they had not seen this with their own, eyes, they would not have believed it!

Even Grandmaster Wen Zhu could not display the concept within this song!

This was simply too outrageous!

“I wonder where Young Master Bloodflame lives?” Suddenly a middle-aged fat man opened his mouth and asked .

“Why?” Gu Qingfeng took a look at the fat man and smiled playfully, “What are you thinking?”

“Ah, Young Master Bloodflame, please don’t misunderstand, I am the master of the Magnificent Villa, if you’d be willing to play at my villa, I’d give you 50,000, no, 80,000 spiritual stones!”

“I’m the chief steward of the Willow Leaf Villa, and I’d be willing to pay a 100,000 if you’d like to play at our villa!”

“I’ll give you 120,000!”

“I’ll give you 150,000!”

“I’ll give you 200,000!”

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Hearing the prices that these villa owners were shouting one after another, all the young musicians in the venue revealed envious expressions, especially Yun Hong and Ye Hui, who at the moment, had hideous looks on their faces .

Originally, they planned to take this opportunity to expose Young Master Bloodflame and humiliate Ouyang Ye, but they never expected that he was the real Young Master Bloodflame!

If they still had any doubts and thought that this Young Master Bloodflame was just Ouyang Ye’s made-up Dao companion, they had all been shattered at this moment! As musicians, they clearly understood what it meant to display the concept within Drunken at the Blue Sea with your bare hands . It was just like Grandmaster Wen Zhu had said earlier, he was a dragon among men in the musical world!

The two of them had a lot of mixed feelings with their hearts, especially Ye Hui, whose eyes were on the verge of erupting into flames as she stared at Ouyang Ye . Her vanity was extremely strong, and Ouyang Ye’s family background, apt.i.tude, and talent were better than hers . She thought that becoming Yun Hong’s Dao companion would crush her, but to her surprise, Ouyang Ye had actually become the Dao companion of a musical genius .

The villa owner went crazy and raised the price with their offers, reaching as high as 400,000 spiritual stones! They were not the only ones that made offers, even some gangs offered high positions such as “Venerate” in order to attract Gu Qingfeng . Some sects also wanted to invite him over as a “Guest Elder” .

This was extremely normal .

The Sovereign’s songs were extremely popular in this world, and if someone was capable of bringing out the concept within them, he was basically set for life and many powerful influences would try to rope him in their organizations .

In response, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but laugh, and waved his hand, “Do I really look like someone who lacks money? Alright, I’ve had fun here, but it’s getting late and I still have things to do . I shall take my leave . ”

“Big brother, are you leaving?” The little girl was a bit disheartened and took Gu Qingfeng’s hand, not wanting him to leave .

Gu Qingfeng reached out and pinched little girl’s nose, “Your big brother has things to do . ”

“Can I see you again, big brother?”

“Of course . ”

“Where should I go to find you?”

“Hmm, about this…” Gu Qingfeng pondered a little .

He had just woken up and had no plans yet, he thought about going to Redcloud Sect to see that old man Huode before making a decision . Looking at the little girl’s dazed expression, Gu Qingfeng laughed, “Jin’er, just tell me where you live and I will visit you in the future . ”

“Big brother, I live together with my Grandpa at the n.o.ble Villa . Will you really come and visit me?”

“Of course . ”

“Then I will wait for you, big brother!”

No matter if it was in his younger days or after centuries of cultivation, Gu Qingfeng had always had a soft spot for young girls . He stroked the little girl’s hair, gave her a few words of comfort, said goodbye to Grandmaster Wen Zhu, and then prepared to leave .

However, it was as if Ouyang Ye had been petrified . She just stood there dumbfounded, with her little mouth slightly opened, staring at Gu Qingqing with a very strange and complex look in her eyes .

“What are you waiting for, girl? We’re leaving . ”

“Leaving?” Ouyang Ye’s mind was still a bit confused and seemed unable to understand the meaning of the word “leaving” .

“I’ve already slapped the faces that should’ve been slapped and enjoyed what should’ve been enjoyed . What’s the point in staying here?”

“Oh…” Ouyang Ye nodded like a puppet and followed Gu Qingfeng’s departing figure .

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Supreme Lord Chapter 15 summary

You're reading Supreme Lord. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Jiu Heng, 九哼. Already has 761 views.

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