Supreme Lord Chapter 18

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Published at 5th of May 2020 12:10:05 PM
Chapter 18

The more he looked at this white-robed old man that was holding a fly-whisk in his hang, the more Gu Qingfeng wanted to laugh . Although he had not seen him for 500 years, he still recognized him at first glance . He was Daoist Mude, the one who had rejected him back then .

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After 500 years, he had become much older, the goatee on his chin also became more sloppy, his eyes were more turbid than before, and his spirit was obviously more decrepit . The only thing that surprised Gu Qingfeng, was this old man’s outfit, that remained unchanged . Just like in the past, he was dressed in a white robe and he held a fly-whisk in his hand .

Sure enough, he was that extremely pedantic and conventional old man that did not know what being flexible meant .

On the other side, Mude was also sizing him up very seriously, and among this seriousness was a hint of excitement that he could not hide . Especially when he saw Blazing Flamingo fluttering around Gu Qingfeng and chirping excitedly, those turbid eyes of his were bursting with excitement and flas.h.i.+ng with peculiar feelings .

“Young man, who are you?”

“Me?” Gu Qingfeng looked at him with a smile on his face, “Gu, Gu Qingfeng . My Dao name is Bloodflame . ”

“Gu Qingfeng?” Daoist Mude was slightly dazed at first, perhaps because he didn’t quite like the surname Gu . After that, he pondered on this name but he did not have any recollection of it, “You are not a disciple of my Redcloud Sect, don’t tell me you are a janitor?”

At this time, Ouyang Ye hurriedly came forward and bowed her head, “Elder, h-he is my friend, I-I that one who brought him here… I should be the one that gets punished . ”

Ouyang Ye was so scared that she was about to cry and she regretted everything . Originally, bringing an outsider to look around was not a big deal for someone of her status, but she never expected that the Blazing Flamingo would come rus.h.i.+ng at Gu Qingfeng, causing so much trouble, even arousing the interest of so many seniors, even Elder Mude, the most serious and most harsh elder appeared .

Ouyang Ye wanted to cry but had no tears, ‘What should I do now…’

Daoist Mude had not punished Ouyang Ye, he kept staring at Gu Qingfeng and asked, “Young man, do you have any magic treasure containing fire spirit on you?”

“No . ”

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“Oh?” Hearing this Daoist Mude was even more excited, “Then do you have a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body?”

Gu Qingfeng smiled faintly and shook his head .

“Do you have Fire Spiritual Root?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head once again .

Daoist Mude seemed to be a bit unconvinced and said solemnly, “May I check your body?”

“Go ahead . ” Gu Qingfeng’s lips curled up into a cryptic smile and allowed Daoist Mude to hold his wrist .

He really wanted to see if this old man had improved his eyesight after 500 years had pa.s.sed, or if he was still the same pedantic and rigid man from the past .

“Elder Mude, how is it? Does this young man have a Fire Spirit Body?” Some elders and deacons next to them were very concerned about this issue .

They all knew that the Blazing Flamingo was extremely sensitive to fire spirit aura, and ten years ago they had discovered a disciple with a four-colored Fire Spiritual Root through it, and now that disciple was the best among the inner disciples .

Ten years ago when they discovered that disciple with a four-colored Fire Spiritual Root, the Blazing Flamingo just landed on his shoulders, and just now the same bird was again flying with joy and chirping with excitement .

If this young man didn’t have any powerful Fire Spirit magic treasure on his body, then he must have a rare Fire Spiritual Root, maybe it was a five-colored one, or a six-colored one? Or perhaps he had a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body!

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“If the Redcloud Sect was able to receive a disciple with a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body, then in the future…” Just thinking about this, the surrounding seniors were all very excited, but Elder Mude’s surprised and disappointed expression made the puzzled .

“Elder Mude, does this young man have a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body?”

Elder Mude shook his head .

“Then how many colors does his spiritual root have?”

Elder Mude shook his head again .

This made the seniors of the Redcloud Sect somewhat puzzled . Even if he only had a Fire Spiritual Root and not a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body, it would’ve still been great . Why did Elder Mude shake his head?

“He… . ”

Elder Mude stared at Gu Qingfeng with a complicated look and said, “He is neither a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body nor does he have a Fire Spiritual Root! H-he is someone who has failed his Foundation Establishment . His spiritual root has dispersed a long time ago, his dantian is lifeless and his meridians are in complete chaos . He has…a mutant body!”

What?! A mutant body?

Elder Mude’s words really stunned the crowd . , In their opinion, since the Blazing Flamingo was so excited, even if he did not have a Fire Spirit Exquisite Body, at least he must’ve had a colored Fire Spiritual Root, right? How did he end up as a mutant body?

Although a mutant body was extremely strong and unruly, it had no spiritual root and no dantian .

“Elder Mude, why would the Blazing Flamingo be so excited if he only had a mutant body . ”

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“Maybe he possessed a Fire Spiritual Root before, and even though he failed his Foundation Establishment, a bit of its aura still remained inside his body, that’s why the Blazing Flamingo was so excited . I think his previous Fire Spiritual Root wax extremely amazing, most likely it had more than five colors . But, sigh…this is too unfortunate!”

From the intense excitement he had moments ago, to this sense of disappointment, it was as if Elder Mude had fallen from the Nine Heavens straight into the abyss and he found it hard to accept .

Looking at Elder Mude’s lamentable expression, Gu Qingfeng had an urge to laugh, “What’s unfortunate? Failing the Foundation Establishment doesn’t mean that you can’t cultivate in the future . ”

“Young man, although I sympathize with you, I have to tell you that failing your Foundation Establishment is equivalent to the complete end of your cultivation road . It won’t be possible for you to cultivate in the future . ”

“There is nothing impossible in the world . Dao follows the way of nature, and with hard work, everything is possible . ”

“Sigh… You’re so young!” Elder Mude stroked his goatee, then shook his head and sighed again .

Looking at this old man’s appearance, Gu Qingfeng could not stop himself anymore and burst out laughing .

This scene was extremely familiar to the one when he first set foot in the Redcloud sect in the past . Back then, he had pa.s.sed the entrance exam with outstanding results, but because of his poor apt.i.tude and mediocre spiritual root, and he was rejected by Mude Elder .

At that time, Elder Mude had said that it was impossible for him to arrive at the Foundation Establishment Realm with his mediocre apt.i.tude and spiritual root . And now, 500 years later, after Gu Qingfeng had lost everything to the Heavenly Dao and returned to the Redclod Sect, the same Elder Mude had told him he had no future on the cultivation road because of his dispersed spiritual root .

After five centuries had pa.s.sed, this old man was as pedantic as he was in the past, and he still only cared about people with good apt.i.tude and spiritual roots .

Perhaps because his laughter was too impudent, indignant expressions began to appear on the faces of the people nearby, especially on Ouyange Ye . She wished she could strangle Gu Qingfeng to death right now for laughing so rudely in front of Elder Mude, the most stubborn and harsh elder of the sect . Was he tired of living?

“Young man, why are you laughing?” The previous lamentable expression has disappeared from Elder Mude’s old face, and it was replaced by a cold and serious look . His tone was also lacking any hint of emotion .

“I’m laughing at your stubbornness and your inflexibility . I’m laughing because you think apt.i.tude and spiritual roots are the only things that matter in cultivation, when in fact they aren’t the least bit important!”

“An unwavering heart was the only thing required for cultivation! Do you know how many young people have had their cultivation roads destroyed by you, simply because you attached too much importance on apt.i.tude and spiritual roots? You’ve just led people astray!”

Gu Qingfeng had wanted to say this to Daoist Mude five hundred years ago, but he never had the chance to do so .

As soon as his words entered Ouyang Ye’s ears, her scalp went numb from fear and her face instantly turned white . Among the 10,000 disciples of the Redcloud Sect, none of them dared to disrespect Elder Mude .

And yet this guy was so audacious that not only did he disrespect him, but he also gave him a public lecture and accused him of ruining the paths of the people he was supposed to teach!

My G.o.d!

Ouyang Ye was scared that her soul left her body, and her mind went blank . She just froze on the spot, not knowing what to do .

Daoist Mude was currently shaking with anger, and the surrounding seniors all spoke out in anger, calling Gu Qingfeng an impudent kid, and wanting to come and teach him a lesson .

Suddenly, a peal of extremely deafening and strong laughter resounded in the sky .

“Apt.i.tude and spiritual roots were not important, and an unwavering heart was the only thing required? Haha! Excellent, well said! This old man has finally met someone that understands how things are!”

“Leading people astray? Hahaha, wonderful! That blind man has ruined a lot of youngsters for so long, haha!”

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Supreme Lord Chapter 18 summary

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