Supreme Lord Chapter 25

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Published at 10th of May 2020 02:39:39 PM
Chapter 25

After a busy afternoon of planting his spiritual field, Gu Qingfeng had left .

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As for Ouyang Ye’s worries, he hadn’t take it seriously at all . Instead, her worried expression from earlier had made him feel as if he knew had met her in the past . More precisely, what she had said this afternoon brought him back a lot of memories .

In the past, when he was a janitor in the Redcloud Sect he liked a senior sister of his . After a lot of effort, he had finally impressed that girl, but unfortunately, he was only a janitor while she was an inner sect disciple, just like Ouyang Ye .

Later, when their love was discovered, the result was predictable . Redcloud Sect completely against the two of them being together and Gu Qingfeng had received all types of humiliations and ridicules from the disciples and elders, things that were still very fresh in his memory .

Although Gu Qingfeng was young and frivolous in those days, the more people opposed him, the more he resilient he was, unfortunately, he was a n.o.body . He had no ident.i.ty, no status, and no cultivation base to back him up . Therefore, in order not to embarra.s.s that senior sister, he had to leave with hatred in his heart .

Even now he still remembered her name, Hong Xiu .

His first love .

After that, he came back to look for her, only to learn that she had already gotten married . Since then, Gu Qingfeng had never heard of any news about Hong Xiu .

Now, after five centuries, he had returned to Redcloud Sect and actually encountered an event similar to the one in the past . Although he was only helping her, what she said this afternoon really touched him deeply .

Shaking his head, he sighed and stopped thinking over this matter and simply left .

When he returned to Spiritual Garden at the back of the mountain it was already evening, and Huode was still gone to some unknown place . He had disappeared all day and Gu Qingfeng had nothing to do, so he started to cultivate .

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After being punished by the Heavenly Dao, his Grand Dao foundation was destroyed, his cultivation base had dispersed and his immortal and devil thrones had been seized from him, causing him to lose his Supreme Immortal Devil Body . The only thing he had now was his mortal body .

If he wanted to cultivate, he had no other way than to do his Foundation Establishment once again, which was extremely easy for Gu Qingfeng .

Although he had been beaten back to his mortal body and everything he once had was gone, his body was after all tempered by the Underworld ancestral fire . Heavenly Dao could take away his Supreme Immortal Devil Body, but it wasn’t capable of destroying the Underworld bloodline within him .

Relying on the Underworld bloodline and his 500 years of experience, re-doing his Foundation Establishment was a cinch for him .

Over the past few days, Gu Qingfeng’s weak soul and body had gradually recovered and he didn’t need to deliberately absorb the spiritual energy of the world, because every pore on his body was a dantian which was now constantly absorbing spiritual energy .

With the continuous flow of spiritual energy entering him through the pores all over his body, moistening his organs and meridians, in just a few days after coming to the Redcloud Sect, the spiritual force within his meridians was flowing like a river .

In the quietness of his residence, he had cultivated like this for one night .

The next morning after the sun rose, Gu Qingfeng found out that Huode still had not returned .

“This old man is too ridiculous . I haven’t seen him for hundreds of years and when I finally returned, that f.u.c.ker actually disappeared . ”

Gu Qingfeng had no idea where Huode had gone to, but he didn’t feel like investigating . Fortunately, that old man had a ma.s.sive stash of wine .

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After getting up and was.h.i.+ng, Gu Qingfeng had taken two jars of wine from Huode’s wine cellar then sat in the courtyard and basked in the sun .

“That old man is also a lover of good wine . Why did he never say he had a collection of such good wine . ”

Ever since he was young, no matter if it was in this world or in the Heavenly World, Gu Qingfeng had liked drinking and never stopped doing it . He had tasted almost all the wines he could drink and the most memorable one for him was Drunken Reincarnation .

He had won several jars of this wine from the Underworld’s Devil Blacksun . Just as the name implied, drinking that wine was as if you had experienced a cycle of reincarnation, leaving you elated .

“I still remember the recipe for Devil Blacksun’s Drunken Reincarnation, but the required materials aren’t easy to find…”

Gu Qingfeng was thinking about making some wine for himself, and even if he couldn’t create the real Drunken Reincarnation, he was still capable of producing a good replica .

During his moment of thinking, w.a.n.g Dashan suddenly ran into the room . He appeared to be in a hurry, his eyes were red and he was covering his cheeks . When he saw Gu Qingfeng, he saluted him by shouting ‘grandfather’ and then ran to his room .

“Dashan, what’s wrong with you?”

“N-nothing . . ” w.a.n.g Dashan turned his back on Gu Qingfeng, seeming rather weak .

Gu Qingfeng walked over and took a look at him, “It looks like you cried, what happened?”

“N-nothing, grandfather…”

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“What’s wrong with the face?”

Gu Qingfeng moved w.a.n.g Dashan’s hands and he immediately frowned . Dashan’s right cheek was very red and swollen, with a b.l.o.o.d.y slap mark on it and some blood on the corners of his mouth .

“Didn’t you go to the spiritual field? Who beat you so hard? ”

“Grandfather, I-I’m ok, you don’t have to ask…” w.a.n.g Dashan covered his face and kept his head down, not daring to look ahead,

“What exactly happened?” Gu Qingfeng saw that something was wrong from the way w.a.n.g Dashan evaded his vision, “Is it related to me?”

Seeing that he did not respond, Gu Qingfeng continued, “Just tell me, if you don’t I will find out later when I’ll go to the spiritual field . ”

Hearing that Gu Qingfeng was planning on going to the spiritual field, w.a.n.g Dashan hurriedly said, “Grandfather, you can’t go there!”

“Oh? It seems that it is really related to me . “Gu Qingfeng could more or less guess what happened, ” I’ll go to the spiritual field and take a look . ”

“Grandfather, you can’t go, senior sister Ouyang told me to not let you go there . ”

After hearing about Ouyang Ye, Gu Qingfeng had clearly understood what this was all about . He found some ointment from the garden and took care of w.a.n.g Dashan’s wound than asked, “Tell me what happened . ”

“Well… while I was harvesting my spiritual field in the morning, I saw that a few senior brothers have started to destroy the seeds that you planted yesterday . I could not stand by and watch so I went over there to talk to them, but they beat me up . ”

“I don’t know how, but senior sister Ouyang found out about this matter, but she told me she would handle it and I just need to go home . She also said I can’t tell you about this . ”

“Although they’re just a bunch of brats and their hair hasn’t even grown long enough, their attacks are quite ruthless . ” After wrapping up w.a.n.g Dashan’s wound, Gu Qingfeng got up and said, “Let’s go to the spiritual field . ”

w.a.n.g Dashan worriedly said with a sullen face, “Grandfather, d-don’t go!”

Gu Qingfeng gulped down the wine and said indifferently, “Destroying my spiritual field is just a small matter, and I don’t care about it, but slapping you is like slapping me! I can’t let it pa.s.s!”

With an emotionless face, Gu Qingfeng stuffed the wine jar into his storage bag, tied the b.u.t.tons on his robe and coldly said, “I can endure anything in my life, but the only thing I can’t endure is people getting hurt because of me!”

“Never in my entire life have I allowed such a thing to happen, and I still would not allow it! This is my principle and my most basic bottom line!”

“Grandfather, just forget it…they are all outer disciples of the Redcloud Sect, we can’t provoke them…”

“They’re just a bunch of brats, not to mention disciples of the Redcloud Sect, even if immortals, devils, or even Heaven itself slapped you, I would still pay it back!

“Let’s go!”

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Supreme Lord Chapter 25 summary

You're reading Supreme Lord. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Jiu Heng, 九哼. Already has 789 views.

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