Supreme Lord Chapter 33

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Published at 13th of May 2020 12:22:47 PM
Chapter 33

Looking at Tan Siru, who was paralyzed on the ground, Ouyang Ye wasn’t the least bit worried or sympathetic to her .

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If she had seen her senior sister like this in the past, she would have been very anxious about her, but this wasn’t the case anymore . After witnessing how Tan Siru was willing to hurt Gu Qingfeng just for some benefits, she had seen her real character .

Thinking back to how her senior sister mocked Gu Qingfeng for refusing to kneel down to Li Sen, and even said that his dignity was worthless, Ouyang Ye really wanted to ask Tan Siru a few questions .

‘Just look at that white-robed man and tell me whose dignity is worthless? Whose dignity is more pathetic?’

An inexplicable and complex feeling began flooding Ouyang Ye’s heart . That serene and obscure aura that was shrouding Gu Qingfeng’s body gave her a feeling of deja vu, as if she had seen it somewhere in the past .

It was both familiar and strange, and she could not understand why she felt like this .

Looking at Gu Qingfeng’s departing figure, she asked herself just who was him, but she wasn’t capable of even imagining an answer to this question .

The Redcloud Sect looked even more colorful under the rays of the sunset .

After leaving the Redleaf Valley, Gu Qingfeng wandered around while eating Redleaf Demon Fruits .

Originally, he wanted to experience the frivolous feeling of youngsters again by playing with those little fellows, but not only did he not experience it, he even discovered that the youngsters from today were even crueler than in the past .

Although the brats from back then were rampant, that was the end of it . At most, they would teach you a lesson and beat you up, but they would not have dared to kill you .

However, the kids from today were really amazing!

He did not even do anything, and yet that Li Sen wanted to kill him .

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As someone who had cultivated for five centuries and had experienced countless battles, Gu Qingfeng was very sensitive towards killing intent, and he clearly felt it on Li Sen . That was why he had beaten up him so badly . Moreover, it was not just him . After Li Sen promised her some benefits, even that Tan Siru produced killing intent towards him .

“Although I wasn’t exactly a good person either when I was young, and I killed a lot of people for their treasures, those were troubled times . It was kill or be killed, no in-between!”

Gu Qingfeng was no saint, and he did not try to paint himself as one . He just felt that the young people from today were too rampant and had no regard for human life .

It was disturbing that they would kill someone for a trifling matter . It was fortunate that they had encountered Gu Qingfengtoday, otherwise, things would’ve been completely different if it was another person .

He just shook his head, “The brats from today are really insufferable . ”

Returning to Spiritual Garden at the back of the mountain, he thought about getting some sleep, but was surprised to see an old man leisurely lying on a wooden chair, drinking wine .

The old man was dressed in a grey robe and had a sloppy appearance with grey hair and beard .

He was Huode!

When he saw Gu Qingfeng, Daoist Huode suddenly stood up and said with an annoyed toned, “Where have you been, kid? I’ve been waiting half a day for you . ”

“You’ve been waiting half a day for me?” Gu Qingfeng sneered and walked over, “I was just about to ask you . I came back with great difficulty but you disappeared right after that . Are you afraid I’m gonna freeload off you? Or are you afraid I will tire you out?”

“Haha, actually, I want you to freeload off me, but perhaps you’d think this is below your standards . ”

“Let’s not even talk about other things, but even this d.a.m.ned place is below my standards . ”

“f.u.c.k, I was just casually talking, can you not be so direct? At least don’t say it when I’m here…”

At first, Daoist Huode wanted to show off what things he had in this garden, about after some careful thinking, he gave up on this idea . The sect created by Gu Qingfeng, Bloodheavan Sect, was the grandest one in the entire world . It was like a paradise, and no other organization came close to the number of resources it had . Even the Immortal Dynasty had to lower its head in front of it .

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But even such a perfect place like the Bloodheaven Sect had been disbanded by Gu Qingfeng .

There was no place in this world that could match Gu Qingfeng’s standards .

“Tell me where have you been these past two days . ”

“Haha, I’ve gone to look for some fine wine to celebrate your return . ”

“Is that so?” Gu Qingfeng sized up him with a skeptical look on his face .

He went over and poured himself a cup of wine and tasted it, then he shook his head with disdain,  “Is this the fine wine you brought back? Huode, I thought you were a wine person, how come your taste is getting worse and worse as the years pa.s.s?”

“That’s just a mediocre wine for wetting your mouth, it can’t be called a fine wine . I guarantee that you’ll like the wine that I’ve brought back!”

“Really? What wine is it?”

“Just follow me . ”

“Oh, you’re still keeping the suspense . Do you want to set me up again?” Gu Qingfeng laughed, “It’s been a long time since you last set me up . ”

“What are you talking about, brat? When did I ever set you up?”

Looking at Daoist Huode’s righteous face, Gu Qingfeng unwittingly laughed, thinking that Huode’s face had really gotten thicker .

Back when he was a janitor in the Redcloud Sect, he got set up by old men a lot of times and ended up as a test subject for his formation .

Later after he left the sect, the old man had set him up again when they were digging an ancient immortal cave . Of course, Gu Qingfeng returned the favor a few times after that .

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They had gone through a lot together and Gu Qingfeng knew exactly what kind of man Huode was . That was why he was skeptical when he heard that the old man went out to bring him some fine wine .

If such a good wine really existed, Huode would’ve drunk it all alone instead of bringing it to him .

Although he wondered what was this old man scheming, he didn’t say anything and just followed him inside an immortal cave .

To Gu Qingfeng’s surprise, what greeted him inside was an enormous table with more than a dozen of delicacies on it, from crispy rice-flavored chicken to sweet capelin .

Looking at the table full of delicious food, Gu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment . Almost all of them were his favorite dishes from his younger days!

“What do you think, brat? This is your favorite food from your adolescent years . I’ve had to travel half of the Northwest Territory to get them . ” Huode took out a jar of fine wine from his storage bag, and fog immediately drifted out after he opened it .

This fog was similar to both fire and frost .

Gu Qingfeng was stunned after smelling this fragrance and he blurted out, “This…this is a thousand years old Icefire Wine!”

“Hahaha, nice! I knew you’d recognize this wine as soon as I opened the jar . ” Daoist Huode poured two cups of wine and proudly said, “What do you think, brat? Wasn’t I right? Are you pleased with this Icefire Wine that’s 1,000 years old?”

Gu Qingfeng was extremely pleased!

This was his favorite wine from back then, and he was salivating just when he thought about its taste, especially since this was 1,000 years old . Without even thinking about anything else, he gulped down the wine in one go and immediately felt as if his body was burning and freezing at the same time .

This was truly a refres.h.i.+ng feeling!

“So good!” Gu Qingfend asked in an excited tone, “Huode, where did you get this wine?”

A thousand years old Icefire Wine was an absolute rarity in the world, and it could only be found in ancient immortal caves . Even if you wanted to buy it or even fight for it, you could not do it . Gu Qingfeng had dug out a lot of immortal caves in the past just to find this wine .

“Haha, you don’t need to worry about that . Since you like to drink it, I’ll give you 37 more jars  of this wine . ”

Huode waved his hand and 37 jars of Icefire Wine that 1,000 years old appeared on the ground, which greatly surprised Gu Qingfeng .

“How many immortal caves did you have to dig out in order to find so much of this wine? Huode, don’t tell me that you’ve been digging out ancient immortal caves for all these years?”

“What do you mean dig out ancient immortal caves? Do you think I’m that type of person?” Huode poured himself another cup of wine, “What are you waiting for? They are all yours! Come on, let’s eat and drink our fill today!”

Gu Qingfeng was just about to sit down but he suddenly felt that something was wrong . Looking at the table full of delicious food and the 37 jars of wine, he smiled, “Huode, be honest with me . Are you scheming something?”

“Brat, can you just stop talking about that? You are the famous Sovereign Bloodheaven, even if I wanted to scheme against you it wouldn’t be possible . You’ve destroyed the Immortal Dynasty and yet you’re afraid of me scheming against you?”

After some careful thinking, Gu Qingfeng reached the same conclusion and he then sat down and wolfed down on the crispy rice-flavored chicken, “You’ve set me up so much in the past that your d.a.m.ned face has become a shadow for me . ”


The two of them drank and ate their fill while reminiscing about the past, however, the more Gu Qingfeng listened, the more he felt that something was fishy . Huode had not mentioned anything about the times where he set him up, but instead, he was talking about all the instances where he had helped Gu Qingfeng .

Huode recalled how he taught Gu Qingfeng his first fist art, how he had given him his first sword, and how he saved his life in the past .

Gu Qingfeng seemed to have understood something and he remained silent the entire time . He just ate and looked at Huode with a smile on his face .

Perhaps because of Gu Qingfeng’s constant staring, Huode became a little uncomfortable and a rather guilty look appeared on his face as he curled his lips and said, “Brat, why are you just staring at me with that smile on your face? It’s disturbing!”

“Hehe, “ Gu Qingfeng wiped the grease from his mouth then took a sip of wine and smiled, “Huode, do you want to ask me for help?”

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Supreme Lord Chapter 33 summary

You're reading Supreme Lord. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Jiu Heng, 九哼. Already has 802 views.

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