Supreme Lord Chapter 38

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Published at 15th of May 2020 01:04:14 PM
Chapter 38

The surrounding people were staring with eyes wide-open at each other, and their hearts were filled with shock and amazement .

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This was particularly true for Yun Hong, Tan Siru, and Ye Hui . They had thought that they would be able to take revenge by following Guang Yuan and Elder Li, but they never could’ve thought that things would end up this way .

As Li Ziheng carried his grandson and left with a dejected expression, the others dared not stay and immediately followed suit .

Everyone was gone .

Gu Qingfeng was still leisurely laying on his chair and drinking wine, as if what had just happened had nothing to do with him . During the entire scene, he did not even raise an eyebrow, much less move from his chair .

Huode was once again sitting by his side like a servant and fanned him, “Brat, when did you become so kind? I thought you will kill Guang Yuan . ”

“You’re thinking is rather nice . If I killed him, I’d be doing exactly what you want . At that point, even if I didn’t want to get involved with your Redcloud Sec, I’d have no other choice . ”

If he really killed Guang Yuan, his master Daoist Jinde would definitely come after him . Obviously, Gu Qingfeng was no afraid of this, but at that point, he would have to get involved

in the Redcloud Sect’s affairs .

The most important thing was that it had been 500 years since his grudge with Guang Yuan, and although Gu Qingfeng was very bored, he was not so bored to the point where he would deal with this matter .

Huode grinned, “You’re just too suspicious . ”

“Which one of us is more suspicious?” Gu Qingfeng looked at him with extreme contempt, ”Do you think that I couldn’t see what you were doing by deliberately bringing Guang Yuan in front of me? Do you mean to tell me that you didn’t want me to attack him? Huode, although you can act, your acting skills are mediocre . ”

“I wasn’t acting, I just…really hate that b.a.s.t.a.r.d . ” Although Huode spoke in a candid manner, he was sold out by how he was evading Gu Qingfeng’s vision .

The reason why he brought Guang Yuan in front of Gu Qingfeng was really because he wanted Gu Qingfeng to attack him . As soon as he did, he would have no other choice but to become involved in the Redcloud Sect’s affairs . However, he was seen by Gu Qingfeng .

Perhaps because he was feeling a little guilty, Gu Qingfeng’s vision made him a little uncomfortable . Letting out a cough, he hurriedly changed the subject, “Ouyang, why are you still standing there with a blank look on your face?”

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Ouyang Ye was just frozen there, staring blankly, with her brow deeply furrowed and a shocked expression was on her delicate face . Her heart filled with countless doubts, “Elder Huode, you…you two really know each other?”

Before, Gu Qingfeng had said he knew Huode, but she didn’t believe it . However, after seeing what happened now, she had no choice but to believe it .

“Do we know each other? Ouyang, you’re really asking a strange question . ”

“Elder Huode…who…who is he?” At this moment, Ouyang Ye wanted to know who exactly was Gu Qingfeng .

She just couldn’t imagine what kind of status one should have that it made Huode act like a servant . He was clearly talking about Gu Qingfeng when he said that if this happened before, the Li family would’ve been destroyed .

“Well, he is the one you have been…”

“You’re asking who he is…… . he is the one you have always been…… ” Huode originally wanted to tease her a bit, since he knew that she had always wors.h.i.+pped Sovereign Bloodheaven, however, just as he was about to finish his sentence, he suddenly stopped and decided it’s better if she did not know .

Gu Qingfeng’s existence was too complicated and once his ident.i.ty was revealed, the entire world would be thrown into chaos .

This was not an exaggeration at all!

Ever since Gu Qingfeng had been judged by the Immortal Dao, many people suspected that he did not die and had been searching everywhere for his whereabouts . After the Tribulation of Heavens and the  Reincarnation Storm, many great experts had reincarnated and there were countless people that were searching for Gu Qingfeng’s reincarnation .

His enemies, his brothers, his women, no matter who it was, they were all hegemons in this world . Huode was not able to imagine how chaotic the world would become if they knew Gu Qingfeng was alive .

“You should ask him this question . ”

Ouyang Ye let out a sigh and looked towards Gu Qingfeng .

Gu Qingfeng drained his cup of wine in one go then got up and lazily stretched out . He smiled at her, “Girl, do you really want to know who I am?”

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Ouyang Ye nodded continuously .

“Come closer, I’ll tell you . ”

Ouyang Ye hurriedly leaned over and put her ear close to Gu Qinfeng’s mouth . Shortly after, she heard his voice, “Actually, I am G.o.d . ”


Ouyang Ye was stunned, seemingly unable to comprehend what he just said, but soon enough she realized that he was just teasing her .

“Hahaha! Girl, I’m going to rest, go play by yourself . ”

Watching how Gu Qingfeng left while laughing, Ouyang Ye’s teeth were twitching in anger, but when she tried to chase after her, she was stopped by Huode .

Huode said in a serious tone, “Girl, he said he was going to rest so don’t bother him . ”

“Elder Huode, just who is he?” Ouyang Ye felt like she was going to have a breakdown .

Elder Huode’s serious expression when he said she should not bother him made Ouyang Ye even more curious about Gu Qingfeng’s ident.i.ty . She had never seen Elder Huode so serious when talking about someone .

“Why do you want to know his ident.i.ty so badly?”

“I’m just want to know! Just tell me, ok?” Ouyang Ye shook Huode’s arm, and pleaded while pouting her mouth, “Elder Huode, I know you’re the best, so please tell me . ”

“Girl, just be obedient and go back to cultivate . I have some important things that I need to do . ”

After shaking off Ouyang Ye, Huode disappeared without a trace .

“Elder Huode!” Ouyang Ye shouted a few times but no one responded .

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When she around to leave, she found out that a  woman standing at the entrance of the Spiritual Garden .

She was as beautiful as a flower and was dressed in a long red dress . She looked extremely enchanting and exuded a mature charm . However, at this moment a bewildered look was plastered on her beautiful face and her eyes were full of confusion . She was gazing at the Spiritual Garden as if it contained many things that she did not understand .

“Auntie?” Seeing the beautiful woman, Ouyang Ye was stunned, “You…when did you come?”

This woman was Ouyang Ye’s aunt, Ouyang Feiyue . Not only was she the owner of the Superb Villa, but also a guest elder of the Redcloud Sect, and a famous beauty in the Bluesun Domain, known as Daoist Feiyue .

“I’ve rushed here right after I received your message . ”

“My message?”

Ouyang Ye thought about it for a moment and remembered that after she found out Guang Yuan and the others were preparing to deal with Gu Qingfeng, she sent someone to inform her aunt, hoping that she would come and help Gu Qingfeng in leaving this place .

“It’s been two days since then…he would’ve died if he had to wait for you…”

“It’s not like I didn’t want to come sooner, but there was something important going on at the villa and I’ve been delayed for a long time . Otherwise, I would’ve come right away for you sweetheart who can bring out the concept within Drunken at the Blue Sea . ”

Ouyang Feiyue sized up her niece and teased, “I thought that Young Master Bloodflame was someone you made-up, but I didn’t expect him to be real . You really know how to keep a secret . ”

“Auntie, it’s not what you think it is…”

Ouyang Ye started to explain everything, from the moment where she had met Gu Qingfeng at the Sovereign’s cemetery up to this moment . Ouyang Feiyue deeply frowned while listening to her niece .

“Auntie, I regret it so much that I want to die! Just tell me what should I do…Now no one is going to believe me when I say he isn’t Young Master Bloodflame… He even offended the Li family, I’m afraid they will…”

“You didn’t know that he was acquainted with Huode?”

“He said he knew Elder Huode, but I thought he was lying to me… But now it looks like they really know each other . ”

“Their relations.h.i.+p is far more complex than just being acquainted . ”

Ouyang Feiyue had come a long time ago and she had seen everything that had happened in the Spiritual Garden before . Whether it was Elder Huode’s words or Gu Qinnfeng’s composed and relaxed appearance, they all made her bewildered . It was the first time she had seen Huode treat a young man so politely .

Actually, that was wrong . It was not politeness, it was more like the casualty between two friends .

Moreover, the serenity that covered Gu Qingfeng’s body was definitely not fake . From the moment Guang Yuan had entered the Spiritual Garden up until the end, Gu Qingfeng was laying in his chair with an indifferent expression, as if he did not care about anything .

There were also Huode’s warning words, that clearly stated that if this happened before, the entire Li family would’ve been wiped out a long time ago .

Was he talking about Gu Qingfeng? Just why was he so sure about this? What was Gu Qingfeng relying on that gave him the ability to do this?

“Auntie, who do you think Gu Qingfeng is? Why is he so mysterious?”

“This man has a placid temperament, a relaxed and composed demeanor . His words are nonchalant and although he seems quite puerile, he actually does whatever he wants . ”

Recalling the scene that just happened, Ouyang Feiyue murmured, “Such a person is definitely not ordinary . His ident.i.ty may be more powerful than you imagine . ”

“An extraordinary ident.i.ty?” Ouyang Ye tilted her small head, appearing quite confused, “Auntie, I’ve seen the people from those major families and almost all of them have an air of arrogance and pretentiousness surrounding them . Even those from millennial families are no exception . However, he clearly doesn’t look like them at all . ”

“That’s true . ” Because Ouyang Feiyue was dealing frequently with the Windmoon Villa, the biggest villa in the entire Bluesun Domain, she would often come in contact with all sorts of people, from millennial families to disciples from great sect and cultivators of the three Daos .

However, she had never encountered someone so special like Gu Qingfeng .

“Auntie, if he isn’t a disciple from a major family, then who do you think he is?”

Ouyang Feiyue pondered for a moment and murmured, “If…if he’s not from a major family, then…that would be too terrifying!”

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Supreme Lord Chapter 38 summary

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